
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

An Update On My Awkward Living Room

Since Spring has finally made its long awaited arrival to the mountain top, I've been spending as much time outdoors as possible, getting the gardens ready for the season. 

However, I didn't forget that I owe you an update on my awkward living room solution....I just got sidetracked with that darned bear!

My new tables have arrived, and I put them in place the following morning. However, it took me days to get a decent photo, as the days were overcast and gloomy. 

Finally, over the weekend, the sun came out and I was able to snap some decent photos. 

I am still getting used to the tables, but I do like them! I like the way they sort of 'float' in the room and feel far less heavy than any of the other options I tried out. 

I love that they are round, no harsh edges to worry about. And they are nice and light, which makes it easy to pull out the smaller table for anyone sitting on the swivel chairs. 

They are definitely not as 'gold' as they appeared in the online picture, which is a good thing for my room. 

But now I'm left with another problem. 

This area to the right of the fireplace. 

The only time I'm ever truly happy with it is when the Christmas tree is there!

Which tells me I probably need something tall in that spot. 

For now I moved the wicker trunk into that spot, as I store all my throws in there. But it's not quite right. 

It's always something, isn't it? 

I do love my cozy living room, it's just I'm still growing into the space, I guess. I don't want to rush into anything, which is why it's taken me two years to find a coffee table that doesn't make me crazy. 

I'm considering perhaps a ladder shelf for that area, but I'm not sure. 


Whatever I decide, it has to be easy to take down and store when Christmas rolls around again. That is truly the only spot for the tree, and I love it there next to the fireplace. 

Meanwhile, in the evenings when the day is done and I light all my candles and settle in for a rest, I'm happy with what the cozy home I have created in my little mountain top house of two years.

And you know who else is quite happy here?

The one we call Tubby old girl, Lily. 

She looks quite content, doesn't she?


  1. I have a similar spot, love to put the tree in it, but it looked bare the rest of the year. I solved it by using a small table (like you have used your wicker piece) and hung a picture low on the wall over it. For yours, maybe hang something centered on the trunk, halfway between the top of the mantle and the top of the trunk. Easy to pluck off the wall for the tree, then rehang after the holidays.

    1. That's funny, Carole, I have been looking for artwork for that wall for ages and nothing jumps out at me! Whatever I get needs to be balanced on the other side of the fireplace, or it will feel 'off' to me. I know some day I will find what I love!

  2. I like the coffee tables! The fact that you can see through them really helps look great in that smallish space. As for the area next to your fireplace, I agree you need something taller. I agree also that the ladder shelf would look nice. But if you just had a ladder that you had a few blankets or quilts folded over would look nice I think too. And because a leaning ladder is certainly portable, you could move it easily at Christmas. Next to a fireplace would be the perfect spot for those throws and blankets.

    1. I thought of that also, Brenda. Décor Steals has had a ladder a few times and I nearly pulled the trigger on it...maybe next time I will!

  3. Love your home, Debbie! I will have to explore your blog - looks like we're neighbors, though you are certainly at a higher elevation. Oh, I am jealous of your fireplace. I love our cottage, but I wish for two things: a mud room and a fireplace. xo Claudia

    1. Thanks, Claudia! Oh boy, I would also love a mudroom! I don't have a proper entry at all - I have hooks by the kitchen door and a boot tray on the floor that I trip on all the time, ha ha!

  4. Oh I really like the new tables, they look so good. Isn't it amazing how some rooms are so hard to put together.

    1. And some are just so easy, Marty! I'm getting there, slowly, with this one!

  5. I think the new tables look great! A ladder shelf would look good next to the fireplace. Either that, or just leave the space be. I don't think it would look "bad" being empty.

    1. It just feels a bit 'off' to me, Melanie....I will keep thinking about it, and someday I'll figure it out! Hey, maybe I should just leave the tree up all year, ha ha!

  6. I love your new tables, and just seeing your dog makes me miss our dear Molly so much.

    1. I am sure you miss your sweet Molly like crazy, Carol. I actually adopted my sweet Lily girl just a few days after my previous dog died very unexpectedly - it was the best thing I did, really helped me focus on something else other than how sad I was.

  7. Love the new tables- they are different and I like that fact. I do like the idea of an old ladder propped up on the wall next to the fireplace AND you could fold your throws over the rungs there if you wanted to do that. Hope you have a great night- xo Diana

  8. Easy to see why Bubbles loves the room. It is very cozy, indeed! The new tables look great, and I think a ladder shelf would work great in that spot.

    1. Tubby makes her way around to each piece of furniture, making sure everything is comfy enough for visitors!

  9. Those coffee tables are perfect! I'm liking the idea of an actual old ladder next to the fireplace where you could hang quilts to cuddle up under on those chilly night. I think it would be really pretty, practical and give you something tall there to balance things out a bit.

    1. That seems to be the opinion across the board, Debbie!

  10. The tables are just perfect. Thank goodness you had the patience to wait to find something 'just right'. Blessings and Peace.

    1. Thanks, Lesley! I'm not sure about perfect, but they are the best I've found, for sure!

  11. I think your new coffee tables are great...light and airy. I like the idea of that ladder shelf...perhaps you could add a plant, like a pothos on the top shelf. It could hang down, and add greenery to that corner. It will be fun to see what you decide to do! ;)

    1. That's exactly what I was thinking, Donnamae! I'd love to add some greenery over there!

  12. Debbie, I know exactly what you mean by wanting something taller...we do that a lot when styling our antique booth spaces. I think that ladder shelf would be perfect...still give you some open airiness while satisfying the need for something tall. Your Lily is so sweet.

    1. PS... I forgot to mention how good the tables look - I love that option you chose!

    2. Thanks, Rita! I know at some point I will finally have the room pulled together just the way I want it - it's amazing how much of a struggle it's been, though!

  13. The tables look good and very useful. I like the way they can be separated and then put back together to take less room. Good choice. Just a note... I saw a metal bookshelf on sale at (of all places) Walmart, and it might look good in the space beside the fireplace. I think it comes in either black or white, but being metal, a can of metallic bronze spray paint would help it look more like the tables. It is called Costway and comes in two sizes. Just a thought.

  14. ♥♥♥ the new tables...gorgeous! I would put a tall plant next to the fireplace or just a painting on the wall, it is a very awkward space as you have an end table in the corner.
    Happy Easter, Debbie!

    1. It is an awkward space, you are so right, Marigene! I'd love some artwork on the wall, I just haven't found anything I love just yet!

  15. I think perhaps your Lily is just a wee bit spoiled! You will know what you want for that corner when the right thing clicks! Nancy

    1. Both Lily and the Monkey are INCREDIBLY spoiled, Nancy, no doubt!

  16. Hi Debbie,
    Love the tables. I think they are perfect for your living room. Thanks for sharing your design ideas with us.

  17. Your tables look great there! I think your search should be over as far as they're concerned. And I know you will hit on the right thing for the spot where the other months a Christmas tree is not there!

    Now I've got to see what the bear thing is about!

    1. I'm thinking I need a tree all year long in that spot, Dewena!

  18. Lovely tables and I think the ladder idea is genius. You'll have to keep us posted! :)

    1. Genius? Hardly, ha ha! And you know I will keep you posted!

  19. Love those tables...they look perfect! I really like the ladder shelf and think that is a great idea for that spot by the fireplace. I agree with needing something tall there! Can't wait to see what you choose! Have a wonderfully blessed Easter! Love and hugs!!

    1. And the very same to you, sweet Benita - I hope you have a wonderful Easter in your brand new home!

  20. lol YES she looks happy!:)

    I think that those tables look great there...been following along in regards to your adventure in regards to what might work or not :)

    1. I'm just now getting used to the new tables, Deb - it takes me such a long time when I make changes to 'adjust' to the new look! Old dogs/new tricks and all that jazz!

  21. I imediatly knew what Iwould put by the fireplace in the spring and summer, a tall plant, perhaps a fiddle leaf fern. I love the look of freshness that houseplants give to a room.

    1. Well, you just inspired the heck out of me! As soon as I read this I moved a tall palm I had that seems to be ok in a lower light spot and bingo, I was immediately happier with the look of the spot! A few more little swap arounds and things are looking much more balanced, thank you! I know my fiddle leaf fig doesn't like that spot, otherwise you are right, it would have been perfect. Thank you!

  22. I think something tall like a ladder would look great there. I love those new tables in the room :)

    Tubby bubbles... LOL! She's so cute!


    1. She is a cutie, no doubt, my sweet old girl! I actually moved a large plant over there, and swapped in a different bench, and I like it a lot more! I'm just waiting for sunshine so I can take a photo to share with you all!! Ahhh, the life of a blogger!

  23. So glad you found the tables that make you happy...I am always looking to fill corners of a room too, when you find that perfect piece you just know it:)

    1. So true, Karen, and sometimes it just takes time to find the right piece!

  24. Love the new tables...perfection...

    1. They do the trick, Donna - hopefully I'll never have to deal with the girls spilling coffee on the rug again!


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