
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

My Garden Cottage

Mornin' All! Hope you are having a great week so far!

I'm dreaming today about my garden shed aka my Garden be. 

It sits up on the hill in the far corner of my property, next to the property with the horses. 

The shed was such a disaster when I moved in but my sweetie took it on as a challenge and there has been tremendous progress in the past few months. 

It's nothing fancy inside but the shed has such value to me as a gardener that it was well worth putting time and effort into it. 

When I moved in, we fell through the floor the first time we walked into the shed. And that was without so much as a sip of a cocktail!

So, a new plywood floor went down first thing. 

My sweetie hung hooks to organize all my garden tools and cleaned out the shed thoroughly, which took about a billion trips to the other shed and also to the dump. And a shopvac. And a dust mask. Followed by a cocktail to wash down the dust. And another...just because. 

The cracks are now all sealed in an attempt to keep the critters at bay and the back wall holds my power tools and garden trugs....again, all thanks to my sweetie. He's a keeper!

I have all my pots on a shelving rack in the corner and of course had to hang a little something decorative....after all, it is a cottage!

The shed was honestly a mess - it was rotten and lopsided and full of critter had to be jacked up and new supports put underneath. Part of the roof was replaced and the whole right side and back of the shed had never been shingled so that had to be taken care of. 

And of course all the work had to be put on hold while we waited for the baby birds in the nest under the eaves to fly the nest!

But from the first time I viewed this property I saw potential in this shed. I always saw it in my mind as my garden cottage, not just a potting shed. I've been drooling over some of the sheds I see online....and getting loads of ideas for the next stage in the rehab. 

A rustic cottage shed

This shed is oh so pretty
Nothing fancy but ever so welcoming
So I'm still on the hunt for ideas, and meanwhile getting the shed painted is the first step. 
This shed is simply dreamy
I think the interior is going to remain unpainted, but who knows.....the whitewash is nice here. 
I think I'm in love....
I think I need to hit some garage sales and flea markets.....
How adorable is this with the pegboard and fabric?? And a chandelier....Hello!!
I'm also going to have to hit up some fabric stores it seems!

But since I'm dreaming I may as well dream big....
I've always wanted one of these....
And then of course at Christmas it can look like this....
Winter wonderland
Or this.....
Where do you stop? Better yet....where do I start? 
Simply charming!
I know there will be a windowbox with flowers and some shutters. Without a doubt. 
The gardens
And maybe some little gardens on either side of the ramp leading into the shed. 
Or maybe some pavers with pots of flowers and a small seating area is better? Easier maintenance? 
Perhaps a combination of both is the answer. 

What do you think? Do you have an amazing garden shed to share? I'd love to see it!

Have a happy day, friends!


  1. Well from falling through the floor to where you are at now with it, it's a great accomplishment !

    As to the dream sheds, you are well on your way :)

    1. Thanks, Deb! The painting is in progress progress continues! Stay tuned for updates in the future.

  2. Oh, my! They do exist, don't they? Dreamy!

  3. Oh, my! They do exist, don't they? Dreamy!

    1. They do, Dewena - and I'm drooling over them constantly in my garden magazines!!

  4. I don't have a shed but am enjoying your shed journey.


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