
Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday Weigh In and Happy Things

The Irish believe that things happen in threes. 

Bad things tend to happen in threes. 

But good things also happen in threes. 

Last night when I got home from work there were three deer in my back garden. I was happy to see them as I had been hearing the hunters in the woods not so long ago. 

This morning when I was leaving for work there were three turkeys at the end of my lane. Which is rather unusual as they generally travel in much larger groups, known as a rafter of turkeys. 

And this morning when I weighed in (remember, Friday is weigh in day!) I lost exactly three pounds. 


Is there some significance in the number 3 on this day? I don' t know. 

But I was happy. 

I feel much better than I did at the start of the year. 

My body is no longer craving cookies. Instead it craves fruit and greens. And whole grains. 

Yes, I still eat cheese. 

Yes, I still drink wine. 

But I have been trying to eat more whole foods and stay away from processed foods. I still eat 'regular' dinners - I just eat smaller portions. 

I am mindful of what I am putting in my body. 

And it's working. I'm down 7.4 lbs so far this month. And I feel so much better for it!

Other things that made me happy on this beautiful morning:

The sunshine through the kitchen window making the bottles glow. 

The daffodil that my daughter brought home from Trader Joe's last night and put in the kitchen window to make me smile. The rest are in her room. She adores daffodils!

The new fridge magnet the pups bought me for Christmas. Bold little furbabies!

And the one I bought for myself! Ha ha, I could have written this one!

The way the sun was streaming in the guest room window this morning. No wonder those plants are so happy!

The reflection of the Swiss Dot Sheers on the Big Green Monster. I have always, ALWAYS loved Swiss Dot Sheers on my windows!  And my paperwhites are starting to respond to all that morning sunshine. 

And both horses came to my bedroom window to say good morning on this fine day. 

What made you smile today? 


  1. This lovely post made me smile today! We had a very gentle light snowfall this morning...the hugest flakes...that made me smile, too. This afternoon we had an eagle in one of our tall trees...beautiful to look at, but too many small pups around to let him stay. Hope you have a relaxing weekend!

    1. I would be afraid with an eagle up above also - my little Monkey is pretty small and could be carried away by an owl or eagle for sure!

  2. Your beautiful pictures made me smile today. Wow, what a postcard view you have out your bedroom window with those horses in the snow. And as for your wine magnet, did you know you can buy little juice boxed size wine with a small straw on the side? My girlfriend brought some to one of our kids' playdates a few years back:) So funny! Congrats on the weight loss too. Have a great weekend!!

    1. Wow, Courtney, how come I did NOT know that???? Can I pack those into my lunch every day please? :)

  3. I've been putting off painting my living room ceiling for a year now. Today I did it, and as I sit here, I can look up and see the pretty clean white, and I smile. :)

  4. Congrats on your weight loss! It found its way to my house...ha!

    1. Ahhh well it's been sticking around here for far too long....

  5. Way to go on the "three's"! I know how exciting it is to see wildlife, and then to lose the 3 pounds too, so happy for you! Good eating does pay off! And I loved seeing all the things that make you happy, your gorgeous views out your window would bring a smile all day long for me :) The sun came out for a short, very short period of time this afternoon, and that was something to smile about!! (lots of rain and gray days here lately)... :)

    1. It was completely grey here today and we never saw even a ray of sunshine!

  6. Beautiful winter view outside that window!! Are you getting lots of snow???

  7. Congrats on the loss and I love the pretty window views. Hope you are not getting clobbered with too much snow this weekend.

    1. Deb, so bizarre - not even a snowflake here all day today!!! The skies have been white, looks like snow....cold as heck! But even so? Nothing!!

  8. Congrats on the loss and I love the pretty window views. Hope you are not getting clobbered with too much snow this weekend.

  9. Deer, turkeys and horses? I am jealous. My big wildlife views are of one very fat squirrel and a few crows. Definitely not the same! ;-)

    1. I could send my bear your way if you really want some wildlife, Kim! :)

  10. Love all of the threes and the view from your bedroom window is wonderful. xo Laura

  11. What a lovely, pastoral setting. I enjoyed all of the pictures, particularly the window view, and that lone daffodil in the vase that really had me longing for spring. I am easily pleased, so just opening my eyes up every morning makes me happy.

    1. I have to admit, it kind of whet my whistle for spring also! I planted 240 bulbs in the fall and I'm hoping that at least half of them survived the wildlife and will welcome me in my first spring in my new house!

  12. My silly willy pupsters! Good for you on losing all that weight!

  13. You've done a great job in January with eating healthier! Little things do matter, especially sugar.

    I love Swiss dot curtains too! In my vintage magazine collection I'm always seeing ads and rooms where they're used and they're so pristine and tidy looking and feminine.

    What made me smile today was sunshine on snow and as always my dachshunds in their sweaters trying to navigate through the snow or snuggling by me on the sofa or jumping out of their nests when I put my feet on the ground in the morning or just anything they do, actually they can do no wrong!

    1. I know that feeling, Dewena! No matter how many times my little furbabies drive me nuts I love them to bits and they are so very precious to me!

  14. I think I would sleep all day in that guest room - it looks so cozy! Your critters are great, and I have always enjoyed 3's! I do have a bit of Irish in me ;) Congrats on your weight loss - slow and steady is the best way. Stay warm!

    1. I slept in that guest room for months while my master suite was under construction - it's the coziest little room for sure!!


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