
Friday, February 12, 2016

Boho Style

I definitely don't think I have any one particular style of decorating but rather an eclectic mix of things that make me smile. However, I know that one of the styles I am most drawn to is Bohemian style - I always have been and it never gets old for me. 

I was reading Courtney's blog recently, Golden Boys & Me, and she mentioned a book that piqued my interest right away - of course I had to hit up Amazon immediately and get it shipped to me asap! 

The book is written by Justina Blakeney, who has a blog called The Jungalow - such a cool style aesthetic Justina has! 

Her living room has such color and life and happiness scattered about - it just makes me smile to see it. 

The book has a mix of many different homes with varying boho styles - I can't identify with just one style but rather with elements of each. 

Just check out that gorgeous Suzani coverlet - what gorgeous colors that brings into an otherwise sparse room. 

This loft spoke to me in so many ways - a NYC apartment always feels like home to me, of course, but this one in particular is just so warm and cozy with all the layers and textures and color. 

I think what draws me to the Boho style is the fact that anything goes. You fill your home with things that you love and somehow it all works together. You aren't trying to fit a particular style or trend...not trying to match everything just so....not trying to live up to someone else's ideal. 

It's just you, just home. Just your collections, your books, your plants, your life. 

There's no mold to fit into, no right or wrong. It's just whatever makes you happy and it can certainly be a mix of styles. This dining room is most definitely a mix of boho and farmhouse - and it works. 

It doesn't have to be over the top, full on hippie style. It can be elements of boho in a more neutral backdrop to keep it lively, like this living room. 

This living room is so tastefully done and yet absolutely feels boho chic. It's cozy, warm, welcoming, colorful - all the things that never go out of style. 

This room is definitely a little more dramatic with the green walls, layered mismatched rugs, and hanging rattan swing but isn't it fun?  I would feel very comfortable visiting a friend here and sitting in that swing for ages with a glass of wine. 

The Boho in me definitely requires a ton of plants, a supply of candles and incense, and books, books, books!  

The blend of styles, of new and old, of warmth and color is a design aesthetic that stands the test of time. If your home is well kept and well loved, it will show, and your guests will feel comfortable among your collected decor. 

Do you have a little Boho in your home?


  1. I did have a LOT of boho in my home, but then I scaled it back down. Much of it still appeals to me, especially using colors and plants.

    1. I have no doubt you did it with the utmost of style and taste, my dear friend - I love your decorating style!!

  2. For me a little boho goes a long way. Maybe a camper dolled up like this would be fun. Blessings to you, stay warm, xoxo,Susie

    1. I actually would love a vintage camper that I could fix up - perhaps with a touch of boho! That's a dream.....someday!

  3. You might also enjoy Dabito's blog He was the photographer for the New Bohemian book and I love his style.

    1. I just popped in and caught his post on the transformation of his mom's apartment - wowzers!! Definitely need to look around some more - thanks for the suggestion and for the visit!!

  4. Replies
    1. Color, color, COLOR!! I don't think I can live without it!!

  5. I love the eclectic mix of elements and the bold color. I don't really have the style in my home, but it's pretty to look at for sure!

    1. I don't know, Kim - the chair you redid has hints of boho in it!! :)

  6. I'd say I have a little Boho in my eclectic style.

    1. With all the color you use, Lorraine, you're probably right!

  7. I would say my home is more eclectic than Boho...but I do love the Boho style!

    1. It must be because I was a child in the 70's....I am just drawn to this style, it feels like home to me.

  8. I would say my home is more eclectic than Boho...but I do love the Boho style!

  9. Boho is a beautiful way to decorate a home. It's like a jigsaw puzzle of all the patterns, colors and textures that you love most. xo

    1. That's a great way to put it and you're so right! Pulling all those elements together in a stylish way....that's a true talent!

  10. I have just started decorating Boho in our home. Right now I am doing our bedroom. I feel like a kid in a candy store learning about it. That is a book I would love to have.

    1. I would definitely suggest that book, Betty - I pored over it with a cup of coffee and was quite happy with my little sticky notes marking pages!!

  11. I have been attracted to the Boho style and once in awhile let myself go with my imagination in decorating. However, I only decorate this way using pillows, rugs, and accent pieces that can be put away and replaced with calmer colors. I don't do well with too much color and pattern coming at me when I am in need of a room of respite, a place to think. Still love the Boho look though.

    1. That's how I like to do it as well - in accessories! This way you can change up your look any time you feel the urge. All my big money pieces are neutral - it's amazing what a couple of throws and pillows will do to change up a space!

  12. I love this post and I think the book is a must have! I'm a firm believer in having color and items that you love in your home. I can't commit to a sterile, all white or "fixed" look. There's a new magazine out that I just bought ~ "Boho Style". I think you'd love it!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. Oh I'm going to have to look for that magazine - where did you find it? I'd love it! Happy Valentine's Day to you, Pat - xo

  13. Mama you know I love this. I think bohemian may be my favorite kind of decorating style! That living room is so so cool.

  14. This post really got my attention. I don't know what type of style I have, maybe somewhat traditional, BUT a friend once told me she liked the whimsy I had through my house. I love looking at new home styles and trends but I love color and as pretty as the new trend toward "all things white" is, I would never choose to live like that. I like to surround myslf with comfort, color, and things that make me smile. I also love things that have a story, like the 30 year old ivy plant my MIL gave me a very long time ago, my thrifting treasures, and lots of family photos. The only type of decor that I'm definitely not is "fornal". I'm a totally casual kind of gal, as is my family.

    1. I'm the same....I love the way it looks in other people's homes and on blogs but I think I would have a hard time living in the absence of color!

  15. I'm a color girl so I love each of the rooms you shared.

    Someone recently commented that they like my BOHO style and I was surprised because I don't think of it as that, but I guess it's because of all my color

    Thanks for sharing at SYC.

    1. I love all the color in your sweet cottage! A woman after my own heart for sure!

  16. Isn't it fun to find like minded people who love the same style of doing things?
    What a beautiful book- and I love all of the color.

    Thank you for sharing at our 2nd TOHOT!

    1. Those photos make me happy on these gloomy winter days!

  17. I wrote a post recently about my eclectic style, but I'm thinking Boho is the new name for Eclectic. I think I'm a more conservative Boho, because the other person in our home is VERY conservative! Seeing your examples has been really fun. Thank you so much for sharing.


    1. I'm definitely more eclectic with touches of all goes back to being a child of the 70's I think!

  18. My daughters bedroom and bathroom has a bit of boho. Such fun!
    It is such a joy to have you join the gathering at Thoughts of Home on Thursday. You really help to elevate it to something very special.

  19. I might have a tad here or there. :-) Back in the seventies....yes! Love the colors here! Sheila

    1. I could see you as a boho chick back in the 70's, Sheila! What fun!!


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