
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

What a Day!

I have never seen such a day as this. 

The rains haven't stopped since the wee hours. 

Last night's peaceful snowfall turned to sleet...followed by ice....and then frozen rain. As the temperatures rose, it became all rain. Deluges of heavy rain. The snow has all been washed away. 

The wind is ferocious, whipping the trees around and making the heavy rain come in sideways. 

It kept me up much of the night. When I did sleep I dreamed that my little garden cottage was blown away. 

It was just a dream, thankfully. She's a little soggy but she's still standing. 

The storm hasn't let up all day. It's now late afternoon and we just had our first reprieve....for only a few minutes.  Just enough time to sneak out with the camera for a few photos. 

There is water pouring down the hillside, through the woods, flooding my little creek. Where normally there is a gentle trickle through the trees there are now raging currents. 

You can see the sheets of ice under the muddy water - the creek had frozen over completely over the weekend with the ridiculous low temperatures we experienced. 

Thankfully the bulbs that started peeking up last week look none the worse for wear....they are a bit flooded at the moment but will hopefully recover just fine from what Mother Nature has thrown at them this past week. 

My veggie garden may need a little more TLC in the spring....between the frost heaves and today's flooding I bet I'll need to drag in some heavy bags of mushroom dirt and compost. 

That's ok, I need the exercise. 

I had a very lazy day, watching the storm rage outside my window. 

And I'm ok with that. 

I've earned it. 


  1. This has been a crazy winter. Glad your cottage is okay. After snow and rain and very cold temperatures it is going to be back up in the 60's this weekend. I can't wait. xo Laura

  2. I love the sound of pouring rain but enough is enough! Love that little garden cottage - that's perfection!

    1. Well, not could use a little more help inside to make it perfection but it's the only home I've ever had with a potting shed so I'm pretty excited about it!

  3. Oh my goodness it sounds like you got the Oklahoma weather. I'm glad your cottage is OK and the creek looks scary. I'm so ready to garden too. I'm praying my bulbs come up this year. We have had some work done at the farm and the guys piled a lot of dirt on them. I was out raking to try and uncover them.

    1. I wonder how far they are buried now? I'd be like you, trying to uncover them - at my marital home I had planted thousands of bulbs - this house had zero from the previous owners so I have a long way to go to catch up to my old home! Every year I'll add more....and I am praying the animals will eventually leave them alone!

  4. Wacky winter weather for sure!! I can't wait for spring! :)

  5. We've got the same thing going on down here.....lots of ark building!! Stay safe!! Hugs!!

  6. A day at home! I know how much you love that. We haven't rain in a long time. It's been pretty warm here.

    1. You better believe it, Brenda! I adore being at home! We had no internet so all I could do was read a book - it was heaven!

  7. Oh my, that's a lot of rain. The winter and spring have been so crazy that it makes me wonder what summer will be like.

  8. Wow, you've sure been having some wild weather! Lots of water!

    1. Today it's an ice rink, Linda - if only I still had my ice skates!

  9. This winter has surely been a roller coaster ride!
    I'm no fan of snow but on the other hand I really hate to see rain at this time of the year,a quick temperature plunge could really cause some hazardous conditions.
    Your creeks are really moving,stay safe.

    1. It's a droopy looking day out there today, Pat - not a pick of sunshine to be found.

  10. We had the snow, ice, rain, sleet etc. here as well but not a deluge like you had...the creek really shows the aftermath quite well!

    1. Sure does! I could hear it from the house with all the windows closed!

  11. Looks like you had a LOT of water falling - in one form or another! Holy cow, I'm glad to see that your house and garden shed both look high and dry! But I agree that when the worst of weather shows itself - you may as well get cozy indoors and enjoy it!

    1. I had the day off, Vickie, and I am reading the best book that I simply can't put all was well with the world!

  12. What a terrible dream, so glad your sweet little cottage is still standing. Sometimes it is nice to cozy up inside and take a break when the storms are raging outside. Take care :)

  13. Your vegetable garden looks pretty naked, but I know you'll work your magic and it will be beautiful and green in a few months. Glad you were able to weather the storm with no big damage.

    1. Me, too! I am itching to start the gardening season and thinking of seed starting but I need to be patient and remember it's too soon!

  14. I'm glad that your little shed was still standing. :) The bulbs are all popping out here too and I am worried.

  15. I'm glad that your little shed was still standing. :) The bulbs are all popping out here too and I am worried.


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