
Monday, March 14, 2016

Me vs Mother Nature

It's a cold, blustery, damp, miserable day today...nothing like the unseasonably balmy temps we enjoyed this weekend. 

And it's my fault. 

I did this. 

I angered Mother Nature. 

I tried to rush Spring. 

In my defense, it's not really my fault. 

After all, so many of the spring birds have returned - even the grackles. 

My blueberry bush is budding. 

My garlic is growing again. 

The spring bulbs are coming up all over the place. I found so many that I thought had been eaten by the critters when I cleaned out the perennial beds on either side of the garden steps this weekend. A very welcome discovery, indeed!

The roses I am training up the new obelisks are starting to bud. 

So how is it that our nighttime temps are going to be back in the teens next week?

That's not good. 

What will this do to the awakening gardens? 

And the budding trees? They are just starting to bloom on our road. 

And what will happen to these: 

I cheated. 

I brought pansies and violas back from New Jersey, which is 2 hours south of here. 

And obviously in a warmer gardening zone. 

We're not quite ready for pansies up here yet. 

But I couldn't wait. 

I just had to. 

And now Mother Nature is mad at me. 

She's going to punish me by pushing spring off just a little bit longer. 

But I can outsmart her!

I put my pansies in pots. 

Which means I can put them in my trusty wheelbarrow and push them into my little garden cottage if things get rough around here. 

And I've got my trusty little helper to lend a hand....or a paw. 

Bring it on, Mother Nature!

You will not win. 

Spring is matter what you do!


  1. I'm rushing spring too. I went walking this weekend wearing shorts and a tank top! Everything is budding here in North Carolina. Today it suppose to be high of 77 and low 54. I'm suppose to be taking a trip to the beach this weekend and its only going to be in the 60's with rain. That's my luck. Mother Nature is moody this time of year.

    1. My daughter was helping me in the garden this weekend....also wearing a tank top!! The weather has taken a turn for the worse around here....but truly, I knew it would. I had a feeling winter was not done with us yet!

  2. It's been such a weird spring! I noticed daylilies coming up here today, and the robins are back. Pansies are pretty tough little flowers...

    1. They sure are tough but I won't chance it if it dips below around 25.

  3. I'm afraid to buy pansies for my pots. I don't want to risk losing them if we get a last minute cold spell. Here it's around 80, shorts and t-shirt weather.

    1. Isn't it just so strange this year, Brenda? Are you worried about your perennials that are coming up so early in your pots? I will just move my pots indoors until the cold spell passes....oh well.

  4. Replies
    1. With a vengeance, Dayle. The forecase even shows 4 inches of snow one night....we haven't had that much snow at once all season! Now, at this point, I don't want it!!

  5. My friend in Ohio who is a Master Gardener, said pansies can withstand a light frost. Not sure if that means they can handle temps in the teens. Google search? I haven't been to the garden center here yet, so don't know if they have pansies out. We're due for some snow showers this Saturday, so I think it's still a little bit early for me to be planting, too. The good news is though...I saw my first robin today! Definitely a sign of spring here.

    1. Absolutely, Melanie - a light frost is fine. But 14 degrees is just too cold. I'm watching the forecast carefully and if it doesn't improve I'll move them indoors on Friday and leave them there until the cold spell passes. Wahhhhh!

  6. I love your flowers and all the things that are saying spring to us. You hair is so pretty too.:):) Just saw where it's 70 degrees here right now and may get a lot colder in a few days. But hey it's almost officially can't stay cold too long. Blessings to you, xoxo,Susie

    1. Thanks, Susie!! Usually I would have my hair tied up when gardening but I had just returned from a visit in NJ to my sweetie's parents and couldn't wait to start potting up my pansies! What a goofball, huh? :)

  7. My pansies have survived Oklahoma snow and frosts. I don't blame you I want Spring too but I want rain ...I'm sunburned from working outside the last few days.

    1. Wow, isn't that amazing in March? I can't wait to see your posts on the progress with the farm, Valerie!

  8. You are far ahead of us and we are getting wet, cool weather now, too. Hopefully, your wet weather won't last and you'll be back to enjoying all the signs of spring.

    1. Hopefully, Deb. Whatever it is, it is. At least I have the pansies at my house, all potted up, and I can tuck them indoors until it passes and then pull them right back out again! :)

  9. we had a mild weekend and it went to 74 degrees on Monday. NOT GOOD because of the buds and blooms...way too early, I am afraid.

  10. we had a mild weekend and it went to 74 degrees on Monday. NOT GOOD because of the buds and blooms...way too early, I am afraid.

  11. we had a mild weekend and it went to 74 degrees on Monday. NOT GOOD because of the buds and blooms...way too early, I am afraid.

    1. Things must be blooming like mad down by you, Deb! I honestly couldn't believe it when I saw the trees starting to bloom right down the road - it's so early!

  12. You reminded me of this commercial: LOL

    I jumped ahead too, but I don't see winter coming back here, at least for the next 10 days. We'll see....


    1. Too funny - and you know what? I think I remember that commercial!! And now you made me want to look up all the other commercials from the 70's on YouTube!!

  13. We are going to be heading below freezing here too! I'm wondering too, what will happen to all the things I have springing up. Mother Nature is rather fickle this time of year....just doesn't want to let winter go I guess. Enjoy your pansies! ;)

    1. I'll enjoy them while they are out this week and then if I have to move them indoors I'll have to enjoy them in there for a while!! :)

  14. I love your stone stairway along the edge of the house! I can see why you are so excited, you have a lot to work with. It won't be much longer :)

  15. We got snow here last night and I am so thankful that I did not rush things and put my potted flowers outside. They may have been safer there though because I have been finding Rufus munching away on the gorgeous Primrose plant my dear friend Reba brought me when she came over for dinner on Friday night. The plants are now living in one of the guest bedrooms, with the door closed to protect the crazy cat.

    1. Oh my, little Rufus, what are you up to??? Silly kitty!!

  16. Pretty gardens. Love the pathways. Can't wait to see it in full bloom. I'm ready for spring this year! I heard the "S" word on the weather forecast last night... :(

    1. It's in our forecast also - NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Thanks for visiting, Debbie - I can't wait to have a good look around your blog - looks like it's right up my alley!

  17. I saw that on the news you are supposed to get this crazy snowstorm. Oh I do love snow, but once it has all melted, I've moved on. I would be crying with you. I feel your pain. Just put all your plants in a safe place, and maybe try to cover any plants that you think might not make it that are in the ground. That does work too. I feel for you, I've done the same thing far too many times, lol!

    1. I'm so over the whole winter thing....and yes, I will be taking time tomorrow to tuck all my plants away. So sad!


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