
Monday, March 21, 2016

Oh What a Wonderful Birthday!

I must be the luckiest girl out there....I had the most wonderful birthday and wanted to share some snippets of my special day with all my friends out there in blogland!

My birthday was on Saturday and I had a nice long weekend to relax and enjoy it - such a treat. Vacation days are the best, no doubt. 

A peaceful, relaxing day at home by the fire and a wonderful dinner out that evening with Sweetie and some friends....the perfect day, indeed!

I was blessed with gifts from so many loved ones - both two and four legged...

I spread them all out on the dining room table to take a few photos. So much loveliness one one table!

I tell you.....they really know what I like, that's for sure!

The puppies (via my Sweetie) gave me these lovely placemats and dish towels in honor of our friend Mr. Bear - aren't they just so cute? Sweetie's got another big project up his sleeve....a combo birthday and house-a-versary gift....stay tuned for more on that!

I got a sweet card from the pups....another one from my sweetie's kitty cat, Lucy...and my dear friend Kathleen gifted me with this gorgeous stone candle holder, the blown glass perfume bottle in front of it, a Friends Forever candle, and a gorgeous bubble bath hand made glycerine soap that somehow missed the photo shoot. So lovely - she surely knows my taste!

Three lovely candles....and let me tell you, I can NEVER have too many candles - they are one of my favorite things!! By the way, that Shampure one from Aveda smells like a spa in a's simply awesome - thanks, Bette!

A flowering Shamrock from sweet perfect is that? There was a loaf of Irish Soda Bread with this gift also but it's already gone....mmmmmmm!

Some beautiful cards from loved sweetini got me the martini card - isn't he clever? 

Wonderful, loving cards from Mom & Dad and my younger daughter....sniff, sniff, so sweet. 

Oh, did you notice the bottle of Tito's in the background - oh yeah, my friends know me well!

My daughter also bought me this beautiful grafted Weeping Pussy Willow - isn't this just gorgeous? I will have to find a very special place in the garden for this lovely tree!

Right now it's making me smile right by the kitchen window - can you see the reflection of me taking the photo?

That little tree makes me smile both coming and going - I love the way it looks through the kitchen window next to all the colored glass bottles. What a happy little window!

You know what else makes me smile? 

Covering my loved ones in kisses when they give me a gift. 

My Lily girl doesn't seem to mind but the Monkey looked a little worried that I was coming back to give her more kisses....

But wait, I think I missed a spot!

Sweetie got his share of kisses, also, for making my birthday so very special every year. 

There's no shortage of love in this house - isn't that just what makes the world go round? 

I am so blessed. 


  1. Happy birthday! Sounds like it was a fabulous one! I love smothering our Babe in kisses. It's like he knows he has these lipstick kisses on him and if someone goes to wipe them off, he gets mad. It's hilarious!

    1. Oh how funny!!! I don't wipe them off the babies but somehow they are always gone the next morning - ha ha!

  2. Happy Birthday!!!! Sounds like you had a fabulou weekend and were properly spoiled.

  3. That looks like an amazing birthday! Love thay pretty glass bottle! And the rock tower thingy is really neat! about the circus--'yep i went once and never went back!! Tigers are not meant to jump thru fire! And elephants should not do " tricks"

  4. You are spoiled because they love you so much. :) I'm happy to see you had a wonderful birthday. Those kisses on the pups are pretty cute. And your kitchen window made me smile. I went back to see it a second time. Love it! What is cheerier than a pretty, captivating window. Hugs, Deb p.s. I don't think it matters where you put the nesting material. I think they'll find it ok. :)

  5. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Mountain Mama, Happy Birthday to you..... ;) If I sang this to you that bear would come out of hiding, not kidding!

  6. LOL, I love the lips marks on the dogs. You had a lovely birthday. Lots of special gifts from all your loved ones. I want to wish you a belated happy birthday. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  7. Happy Birthday. Glad you had a great weekend. Love all of your gifts.

  8. Happy birthday, my sweet friend! What a wonderful spread of gifts and love. A lovely day for a lovely lady! :-)

  9. Wow what great gifts! I love the Weeping Pussy willow. The dog photos made me giggle. Adorable!!
    Happy Birthday!!!!!

  10. Happy birthday! Looks like you had a wonderful celebration and such lovely gifts from your loved ones. Too funny with the lip prints on the pups!

  11. Happy Birthday! Such lovely gifts from your loved ones....I am glad you had a special time. Love the kisses on your sweet dogs!!
    Helen xox

  12. ALL lovely cards and gifts...had a laugh at the bear theme...hands down my favorite is that pussy willow tree! :)

  13. ALL lovely cards and gifts...had a laugh at the bear theme...hands down my favorite is that pussy willow tree! :)

  14. Happy Birthday!! Love the tree! It looks like a fabulous celebration.

  15. Happy Birthday! Sounds like a wonderful celebration! I think you were properly spoiled, but my favorite is that pussy willow tree! ;)

  16. What a wonderful birthday WEEKEND!! I loved the card that nothing bad ends in TINI! My maiden name was Martini!!! Lovely gifts, enjoy them all. Happy belated birthday!

  17. Happy Birthday ~ It looks like you got some wonderful gifts. That sweet little weeping willow is fantastic.

    Happy Spring, Happy Gardening & Happy Living ~ FlowerLady

  18. Happy Birthday! It sounds and looks like you had a wonderful time celebrating and got so many sweet and thoughtful gifts. I'm loving that little willow tree!

  19. Happy Birthday! It sounds and looks like you had a wonderful time celebrating and got so many sweet and thoughtful gifts. I'm loving that little willow tree!

  20. Happy Birthday! I love your blog! I nominated you for the Liebster Award, I hope you will accept.

  21. How sweet! I tell you what, a man who knows to give gifts from the dog just might be a keeper! I'm so glad you had a wonderful birthday. :)

  22. Happy Birthday! What wonderful gifts you received (oh my, that little tree!!). Love seeing the pictures of your sweet pups too :)

  23. Happy, Happy Birthday! What wonderful gifts and they are all from people that KNOW you and your likes. Love tree and the martini card, etc. You did have a wonderful day!!! xo Diana

  24. Happy Belated Birthday! My, what a special celebration you had, and just how joyful it is to celebrate with friends and family! So cute to see the doggies with sweet kisses, lol... I must say they didn't look too impressed, haha! I love the willow tree you were given, it will be lovely in your yard! So happy for you that your birthday was celebrated in such an amazing way :)

  25. Good Morning and Happy Happy Belated Birthday. I can tell that you are so well loved:)
    Love the little Willow Tree and your puppy with kisses!

  26. Happy Belated Birthday! Wow! I love all of those gifts. The bear place mats and towels may be my favorite, followed by that weeping pussy willow! You are very loved indeed!

  27. Happy Belated Birthday...I can see lots of love in your home. So glad you enjoyed it :)


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