
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

What I'm Loving

The Robins are back! The Robins are back! I'm so excited!
When I got home from work last evening I saw the most gorgeous sight of a little red breasted robin hopping around the back garden looking for a big fat worm. 

The geese were flying overhead, honking as they headed back up north. And spring is most definitely heading back to the mountains!

Anyway.....there are so many random things that I am loving right now I thought I'd share a few with you. 

First of all, today's weather - oh my, pure heaven! 70's and sunny here in the mountains - this is most definitely not our standard weather for early March but I'll take it!

Secondly, this book:

Buy it On Amazon
I have been enjoying this book in the evenings and it leaves me with such a sense of peace and tranquility....and of course, ready to get my hands in the dirt. 

Dayle Allen Shockley, a fantastic writer and blogger from A Collection of Days told me about this book - she wrote one of the features in the book. I picked up a copy at her urging and I am ever so grateful - thanks, Dayle!

I also had a few wonderful readers tell me about the gardens at Meadowbrook Farm blog so of course I had to pop on over for a peek - and oh, my!!  

Meadowbrook Farm
I am completely drooling over those gardens!  And house. And greenhouse. And pretty much everything I see. 

Meadowbrook Farm
My house will never, ever look like that. But that's ok, my house has it's own beauty. And there's nothing wrong with a little drool. 

A completely unrelated thing I've been loving lately?

 Orange is the New Black. 

On the rare occasion I sit down to watch television I have been absolutely binge watching this series. 

Which is weird because I'm not even caught up on Downton yet. 

This is a Netflix original series about an upscale New Yorker who ends up in prison. I don't know what it is about prison shows but they definitely catch my attention. This show leaves me anxiously wanting to watch one more episode to find out what happens next, and is a little risque in parts -  not something I would normally watch. My daughters told me about it, said I would love it, so I gave it a shot. And I am totally hooked!  

Thanks, girls!! Mmmmwwwwaaaahhhh!! Mommy loves you!

What else is making me super excited?

The fact that I am seeing bulbs popping up everywhere! That means that the animals left me more than a few bulbs - I truly thought the critters ate most of them....but it seems not! 

My Lily girl is pretty excited too. Can you see that she's smiling?

She loves spring. 


  1. I would so love a climbing rose...I have plant many roses here...But let's face it ...too much work for me out here. So I cling to the little struggling rose bush entrusted to me for my daughter Kathy. It has a hard time but gives me a few blooms each year. Good to see your doggie out in the gardens. too. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

    1. I adore climbing roses!! I'm looking at a climbing Iceberg right now for my garden cottage!

  2. Awwww, I can totally tell she's smiling, I love that! All these Spring pictures just want to get me gardening! Tomorrow is going to be 75 degrees in NYC, no coat needed! I need to catch up on Downton, I briefly saw about the last episode but I tried to get out of that web page quickly! Do you watch Mr Selfridge? I think you might like it!

    1. Ooooh thanks for the suggestion, Pamela - I'm going to look it up!!

  3. Robins make me smile and I am always happy to see them in the yard. We have 3 locations here where Robins nest every year.

    I am going to check out the book and the blog mentioned.

    Your weather sounds like our weather about a week ago, and it was a few short days reminding me why spring is so welcome. Now it's back to cold and rainy.

    BTW, I tried to leave comments a few days ago and for some reason your site was not allowing the comments to be written. I did not have that problem on any other blog. Glad to be able to leave one now on such a happy post !

    1. That's very are the only person I've heard this from....I'm so glad it got fixed!!

  4. Thank you, Debbie, for the generous words and for loving The Gardner's Bedside Reader. You've inspired me to read it again and to purpose to make some changes in my little garden this season.

    1. Nice! I think that's one of the things I love so much about blogging - we all inspire one another!!

  5. The house and gardens at Meadowbrook Farms is gorgeous. I've never heard of it but will be checking it out. I plan on watching Orange if the new black, but we've got to finish Breaking Bad. We've watched all three seasons of House of Cards and we've seen all of Downton Abbey. But it's taking forever because we watch it as we have time and feel like watching TV. Love your photo of the robin with the worm!

    1. I'm telling you, Carol, I was seriously in awe of her gardens - even in winter! Those raised beds are incredible - there's such structure in her garden even when nothing is growing....gorgeous!

  6. You have to stop recommending these wonderful books, lol! I just looked at this book on amazon. This was one of the ones where you could "look inside" on a virtual tour. I was hooked. But then I saw the book cost almost $28. Umm, no. So, I took a chance and looked on Yippee, someone was selling it for under $4! Even with shipping, the book was under $8. :-)

    We got hooked on OITNB awhile ago and eventually watched all the seasons. Very addictive show and yeah, a little raunchy sometimes. We almost gave up at one point due to that, but someone told us that was the worst of it at that point and that we just HAD to keep going, so we did. ;-)

    Your smiling pup is so cute...she's definitely enjoying being outside, running around!

    1. I admit I bought the book used on Amazon....I think I paid about the same as you! :) And yes, my little Lily girl loves to be outside in this weather - she follows me all over the place when I'm on my 'walkabout' checking out the garden!

  7. Unusually warm here as well / crazy but wonderful :)

    1. I'll enjoy it while it lasts, Deb! Rain, rain, rain today....the gardens will be happy!

  8. We are loving spring in Iowa As well...hopefully the winter boots can be put away soon :)

  9. your girls love you , too!!! xoxox mwah!


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