
Thursday, June 23, 2016

A Celebration of Life and Love

I apologize for my radio silence. 

It's been one of those weeks. 

I feel as if I have barely had time to breathe, never mind write. 

I promise I'll get back to all your sweet and wonderful comments as soon as I catch up. 

And I'll pop around and visit all my sweet friends out there in Blogland. 

I haven't forgotten about you. 

But I have a quick little tidbit I wanted to share with you today. 

For Father's Day I made dinner for my Dad at my house. 

Because I know what he likes better than any restaurant ever will!

And although our meal was a simple one....grilled porterhouse steaks, mashed potatoes, peas....I did set a pretty table. 

Because Father's Day is a very special occasion. 

Any of you who are blessed to still have your father in your life know this to be true. 

And for me, a special occasion dinner warrants the good crystal, linens, candles....

...because why not use those things? We can't take them with us. 

And because my family is very special to me, I went out in the garden to bring in some beautiful flowers to finish off the table perfectly. 

The first Peony to open was the star of the arrangement...along with a few other Peony buds that were just about ready to open. 

I kept walking around the garden snipping until I got an arrangement I was very pleased with. 

A couple of Irises.....some stalks of Salvia....and a few sprigs of Viola. 

Isn't it just lovely? And four days later, it's still going strong!

And the scent of those Peonies is just heavenly in my dining room!

Isn't it worth it to take the time to set a nice table and make a meal extra special?

I think I'll do that tonight. 

Because let's face it, any time we can gather our loved ones around the table for a meal, it's a very, very good day. 

A celebration of life and love. 

And family. 


  1. Yes, having your father is a wonderful blessing. I am glad you used the good things and brought in your flowers to share. My mom used to"save" the good stuff. I told her daddy would let another woman use it if anything happened to after that she used it all. LOL. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. You truly are blessed to still have your father. Love your pretty table and the crystal and flowers are stunning. I agree. I use mine all the time, just use it and enjoy.

    1. Thanks, Marty! I love Irish crystal, it's my favorite!

  3. Your table setting is lovely! I'm so glad you were able to spend time with your father. I'm blessed to still have both my dad and my FIL. My hubby and I were able to celebrate Father's Day with his dad a day early on Saturday. :) I too am treasuring all the moments we have with our dads. :)

  4. So glad you still have your dad. Every day is a "good" day and a great idea to use your nice things to set the table. Your dining room has such eclectic personality! Rhonda

    1. Very true, Rhonda - every day we are on the right side of the grass is a good day!

  5. Having your dad around is a true blessing. Your table was so pretty! I miss my daddy dearly and love it when people realize how blessed they are. <3

  6. Yes, you're blessed to have your daddy and what a beautiful table you set for the occasion! My daddy wne to heaven in 1997 and I miss him still. I was a daddy's girl! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

    1. I can just imagine you as a sweet Daddy's Girl, Shelia! I'm sorry your dad had to leave you so young, that's so sad.

  7. Life can be short so why not make the best of everyday. Love your table and it is those little touches like the fresh flowers from your garden that make the table so special. I pull out my crystal every once in awhile to use too. Glad you could have your dad over for a special meal prepared just for him.

    1. I just love the summer months when I can go right outside and gather a fresh bouquet for the house!

  8. When I take my daily walk there's a neighbor who has a peony close to the road...I can smell it 1/4 of a block away / just love their scent!

  9. When I take my daily walk there's a neighbor who has a peony close to the road...I can smell it 1/4 of a block away / just love their scent!

    1. That's so nice, Deb - I hope people don't grab the flowers as they are walking by, like they used to do at my house in NYC....we had people dig plants right out of our yard, not just steal the blooms!

  10. I was the youngest of three girls growing up in a very traditional family. I was daddy's girl. We lost my father five years ago in May, and I miss him still. Luckily, I have no regrets, because I gave my father a lot of love and time in the waning years of his life, and I know that some day we will meet again. Your table was lovely and those flowers - gorgeous!

    1. I'm so sorry for your loss, Vickie, and I know without a doubt how blessed I am.

  11. Your table setting is beautiful and I especially like the little bouquet you picked. I hope your father felt very special! Nancy

    1. I hope he did, also, Nancy....and I truly think that was the case!

  12. How beautiful your table setting is! I'm sure your dad was thrilled. I'd rather eat a homecooked meal at a loved one's home anyday than go out to a restaurant. My dad passed away 17-1/2 years ago at the age of 63. Even though we didn't have the best relationship, I still miss him.

    1. Wow, Melanie, that's sad, your dad was so young when he passed away - younger than many of my friends!

  13. Celebrating people we love is very important, it's worth making time for that.

    1. Very true, Magali, time is the most precious gift we can give!

  14. Your setting looks lovely! I love the classy simple look of it.

  15. Sometimes you just gotta take a day or so off. You do indeed set a pretty table. I never had peonies that ants weren't on them. Do you find that to be true or false? Because I know you wouldn't bring ants to your pretty table!

    1. That's funny, Brenda, this is the first time I've had a peony bush that wasn't covered with ants!

  16. You set a beautiful table for Father's Day. I'm sure your dad had a wonderful day. Enjoy your family...the rest of us can wait. xoxo

    1. Thanks, Donna - I am trying to catch up now.....last week was just trying, to say the least!

  17. You truly showed your dad just what he means to you, love lives in the details! Happy weekend!

    1. I like that, Laura - Love Lives In The Details! Awesome!

  18. So beautiful and special ~ family members will always remember the special touches and, of course, the food! I'm an advocate for using everything ~ :) My mother used to save the good/special items for we didn't know what. I finally persuaded her to use everything ~ if we don't, someone else will!


    1. I have been guilty of 'saving' things for another time when I was younger, I guess I was raised that way. My mom never uses her good crystal or glasses. But, if we don't use them and enjoy them, I don't see the point in having them....but, to each his own, right, Pat?


I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking time out of your busy day to leave a comment...I truly love reading your comments and I try to respond to each and every one of your sweet comments right here on my blog page!