
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Welcome To My World

So, it's not even Halloween yet and we are having our SECOND snowstorm of the season on the mountain top!

Yup, welcome to my world. 

Hey, I'm not complaining! It was my choice to move up here from New York City, and I love every change of seasons the mountain top throws my way....yes, truly!

Today it's this. And it's a really strange storm. One minute, sleet, the next...huge big giant snowflakes. 

They are anticipating st least 6 inches on the mountain top by morning. 

No doubt. The storm has been going strong all day long. 

Only a week ago, we hosted a lovely dinner party and enjoyed pre-dinner cocktails out by the firepit...without anything more than a light sweater. 

It was lovely, but we knew it wouldn't last. 

That's ok, I'm ready. 

Today we have a true winter storm. In October. 

Yup, welcome to my world. 

But inside I have this:

Butternut Squash & Apple Bisque. 


The hummingbird feeder outside the kitchen window has been replaced with a block of suet. The birds are attacking it like mad...they need the fat to keep them warm for winter. 

I love watching their antics up close and personal while I'm elbow deep in a sink full of warm, fragrant bubbles. 

Life is good. 

Mrs. Cardinal made her way to the flat feeder today - what a sight she is! 

It was nice to see her....I've missed her visits. 

I sure hope she brings the Mister along for her next visit - he's so handsome!

We've been watching the news as they followed this storm, blowing up to the mountain top. We knew it was coming, and planned for it. 

It's that time....the clay pots were all gathered yesterday and put into the garden cottage for winter. 

The birdbaths were flipped over....the outdoor candles stored away. 

There's still a ton to do in order to put the gardens to bed, but I tackled the necessary chores first. 

The skies were incredible the midst of preparing for the storm, I ran in to grab the camera. The view from my deck is magnificent, no doubt - I am truly blessed. 

Meanwhile, there was this:

Yup, two cords of wood that needed to be stacked. Eek....but hey, this is one of the realities of living in my world. 

With the help of my daughters, those two cords became this amazing woodpile, which will carry us through for a good while. How long?? Who knows! Mother Nature can be quite fickle. 

And where were my other helpers through it all? 

Right where you'd expect them - on the comfy chairs in front of the fire. 


Welcome to my world. 

I wouldn't trade it for anything. 


  1. One thing about stacking wood,it's a work out. Your going to love the wonderful soups you had gardened to get. It is pretty where you live. I hope you do not get too big a snow. Blessings, be safe when out, xoxo, Susie

  2. They say wood heard you ttwice, once when you're splitting and stacking and then when you burn it:)
    We hheated with wood when my hubby was alive and we lived on the hill,I missed it so much I got an electric one that I love to turn on and sit near,my card love it too!

    1. No doubt, Pat....and a third time, when you lug it into the house up a flight of stairs!!

  3. Oh, I had to laugh at your helpers, hilarious!! Beautiful pictures! Now you have an excuse to stay inside and play.

    1. I admit I did take advantage of a peaceful snow day, Carole! I think I finished a whole book that day!

  4. Love your helpers- it reminds me of MyHero when there is a physical job to be done. lol
    Love your wood pile. That was one of the joys of my childhood (seriously) going to the woodshed and carrying fresh split wood into the cellar to go in the big old wood furnace.

    Please keep that snow right there- I am NOT ready for it here yet. xo Diana

    1. I don't hate the whole wood chore, either - I far prefer to pay for wood than oil! And there's something very elemental about warming your house with wood, it just seems 'right' when living in the country!

  5. And I like very much the views into your world! I really like knowing that you appreciate this special world you moved to. It all looks wonderful to me, even the wood stacking!

    Be safe on the road!

    1. It feels wonderful to me, Dewena, and I'm so glad I can give you a peek into my world!

  6. I'm not ready for the four letter "S" word yet! I'm still enjoying the leaves as they turn colors. They're really late this year. I love the huge wood pile you have and I hope it keeps you warmer than warm. Your little helpers are adorable!

    1. My little helpers are about as spoiled as they come, Carol! Much like your little miss Molly, no doubt!

  7. LOL about your four legged helpers. They always make me giggle. :) Isn't it amazing how much wood you can burn through in a heating season? One of my sons heats his home almost exclusively with wood and I am hoping he has enough to get him through the winter. He has been so busy hunting that he has not been cutting and stacking. I'm afraid we may have to go over and help him with that. ;) Enjoy your snow and that yummy soup. Have you shared the recipe for it before? If now, could you please. ;)

    Be blessed!

    1. I remember renting a house a few years back with such an inefficient woodstove and drafty windows....I went through 6 or 7 cords that winter!

  8. You can keep all that snow on your mountaintop, lol! I have to admit though - it does look pretty out your window. I'm still enjoying looking at the last of the greenery on the trees here...I know it'll be gone within the next couple of weeks and then we could easily get some s***, too. Ugh, I'm not ready. That certainly is a huge supply of wood!

    1. You'll be ready when it comes, Melanie! You'll settle into your comfy house and put on your own big pot of soup!!

  9. Looks like you're ready for anything! Your soup looks yummy! Enjoy the season!

    1. We try to be prepared before the big snows come....but honestly, I still have a TON of work to do, Daisy!

  10. Oh my goodness, not you too? I have a friend near Ontario and she got snow yesterday morning also. Gracious! We're flirting with the 50's but it will be near 80 on Sunday. What a difference a change in latitude makes!

    1. Isn't that insane, Debbie? There was a heavy frost and dusting this morning again, and it was snowing on the surrounding peaks. I can't even describe how gorgeous it is driving to work!

  11. Oh gosh, we are still running the air conditioner here in Texas and probably will be for a few more weeks. The snow looks amazing but stacking all that wood is a different story. I hope you have a stock pile of books and bisque. :)

    1. Always!!! There are always a bunch of books waiting for me to find a little spot of time to sit and relax, and a snowy day is perfect for reading!

  12. Wow snow already!!! We are still having decent weather here in the Midwest. It is going to be 70 for Halloween. I am so happy for the little goblins. Usually it is cold and rainy on Halloween so this year the kids will not have to cover up their costumes with coats. I know that white stuff you are seeing will be with us soon too. Ugh!!! Your little fur babies have the right idea. Cozy up for a long winter's nap!
    Happy Friday.

    1. I'm so glad your little goblins will have that nice weather, Kris! It's certainly rare around here for the weather to be warm on Halloween - but we make do!

  13. The first snows of the season are so much fun, highly anticipated and GORGEOUS too! Can't wait for ours which probably won't happen for a month or two. We are in the mountains of Virginia, so much further south then you. That's a whole lot of wood!! BUT, probably a good thing to have on hand in your neck of the woods. xo

    1. I heat my house primarily with wood, so the wood is not a luxury but rather a necessity. It's a heck of a lot less expensive than oil, for sure!

  14. I enjoy seeing glimpses into your world, which is so different from my tropical climate here in s.e. FL. I just was out mowing and sweating under gray skies and lots of wind. A.C. is on and it feels great.

    You look like you are ready. Your woodpile looks wonderful to me. What a hoot your canine helpers are.

    It is always good to be 'content' and 'thankful' for things we have in our lives. It makes our lives much more bearable.


    1. For sure, Lorraine. Like you, owning a house on my own is a lot of work....but at the end of the day, there's nothing like owning your own piece of heaven. Renting just made me miss having my own little place, even though there was a lot less work involved. There are always trade offs, am I right?

  15. Oh, Debbie, I loved this post. From the hard-working daughters and yourself (you go, girls!) to the lazy dogs at the end, to the butternut squash & apple bisque soup (yum! have you already provided that recipe??) to the cardinal fattening up outside. Everything but the SN@W and I'd be happy to share in that world (oh okay, the first snow or two's fine, but not 5 months of it). Love it. You sure make winter look inviting.

    1. Oh I'm so glad you enjoyed this post, Rita! Nothing like three independent women coming together to get things done, right? Hey, you can always pop in for a visit when you're traveling, that would be so much fun!

  16. I wish I were there! It's still hot here in Texas...80's every day. :/ I love fall so much and we've had just a few days of cooler temps. We'll most likely wake up one morning to 30* and snap! winter is here.

    Wow, that wood is a workout isn't it? I'm way beyond that kinda work...kinda like your helpers! :) The bisque looks delish! Enjoy your beautiful home and relax.


    1. Pat, no doubt if you needed to, you would be well able for the woodpile! It's amazing what we can do when we put our minds to it!

  17. Mmmmmm... that bisque looks scrumptious! I'm sure your "helpers" were helping by staying out of the way - right? Congratulations on your snow. Ours first blast might come the first part of next week. We'll see.

    1. Wow, I hope your woodpile is ready for the snows, Vickie! Yes, my little 'helpers' would have been sniffing out chipmunks if they were outside with me, and chasing things through the woods - they are much safer right where they were!

  18. Your pups crack me up, especially the one laying on his (her) back!

    We had the same weather yesterday. Today it's blustery and cold. A good day to stay indoors!

    Stay warm (looks like that won't be a problem lol)

    1. She's quite the character, isn't she, Doreen? Such a little cheeky monkey, that one!!

  19. Country life is really the best! We don't have a wood stove here, and we really miss it. Propane is just not as "cozy" as a wood fire. Ah, do I ever remember the days of wood... we had to haul in close to 12 cords a winter to get us through, our monster stove just ate it up, and of course, we don't have much hard wood here, and pine burns up so much faster. Your soup looked yummy, and the snow delightful! Do you still have it? Hugs to you today :)

    1. You're right, propane isn't quite the same, although there is something to be said about the convenience of flicking a switch and having a fire to warm you! In my bedroom I put in a propane fireplace and I use it quite often, it's just so easy! And oh my gosh, 12 cords, holy smokes!!! :)

  20. FUN! Looks like the pups have the right idea. Enjoy your looks delicious!

  21. FUN! Looks like the pups have the right idea. Enjoy your looks delicious!

    1. They always do, Karen - they have no problem curling up and taking naps when there is work to be done! Until the vacuum comes out, and then the little one has to chase it - punk!

  22. Yikes, snowstorms already!? The pups look like they have been working soooo hard and just came in to crash. Soup looks yummy...

  23. Love your helpers!! LOL Love those lace curtains too. Glad your having the snow and not us. Hope it holds off here until we get moved! Nancy

    1. I hope so also, Nancy - it can't be long now, you must be nearly ready to call the movers?

  24. Love the pups! Love your photos and enjoy from a distance. It is 80 degrees in East Tn.! Rhonda

  25. I saw on the news that snow was arriving out east already...but you look ready for it. I enjoy snow, too. The photo of your dogs is so funny!

    1. I would say we are nearly ready....although I still have a lot of garden chores that I haven't gotten to just yet, Linda - not enough hours in the day!

  26. This is crazy! Im still wearing Flip flops in 70 degree weather. We may see ice and snow come February.

    1. Ha ha, well, you enjoy your flip flops, Lisa! I'm in knee high boots, a sweater, and a turtleneck today....and my ski jacket!

  27. I recall many an October snow in my parts but not this year. We are going to a warm up again. What a workout that wood stacking was!!

    1. It was quite the workout, Deb, and believe me I need all the working out I can get!! But, I was still so relieved when it was done - whew!

  28. What a difference from my neck of the woods. I was actually looking outside today and thinking it could be August if I didn't know any lawn full, green leaves on the trees, a few flowers still blooming in the garden and definitely no snow!! ; ) Hope you're warm!!

    1. What a difference a few gardening zones makes, Kim - although I do still have a few flowers trying to hang on, little troopers that they are!

  29. Holy moly, that's a lot of wood! I know it's coming, but I am hoping that snow for us is at least a month away!

    1. We kind of expect it up here....and we need it, and the rains, for sure! All the towns are on water restrictions, the reservoirs are so low...those of us with a well are being extra cautious with water usage as wells are drying up. Scary! I say, bring on the snow....and the rain...please!!

  30. Lovely post, Deb. Your home looks cozy no matter what the weather. We've had one snowfall here so far.

    1. I was thinking of you, Deb - I had a feeling if we were getting it, you were getting it!

  31. I sit here in shorts and wish fall would arrive. The grass is always greener... :) Your soup looks so good. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. You'll have fall weather around Christmas, perhaps....ha ha - meanwhile, we'll be buried under a blizzard!

  32. Lovely window pictures. They look like a Christmas Card. Good work on that fire wood. Ouch. My aching back - just watching.


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