
Thursday, November 10, 2016

This & That

In the wake of the most...shall I say, INTERESTING...election in history - most of the country is still reeling over the results.

Yesterday was quite the day.

I'm glad the election is in the past, but I'm afraid for our future.

Meanwhile, on our little mountain top, life goes on.

What choice do we have?

All the leaves are gone from our trees. I can see straight through the woods, watch all the critters scampering about in the carpet of leaves.

The birdbath was frozen solid this morning - poor little birdies. But the sun will warm it throughout the day, giving them enough water to take a drink.

The suet hanging outside the kitchen window has been a most popular dining spot - I bought a double suet holder to replace the single one, which will keep me from having to fill it as often.
Indoors, the morning sun shines through the windows, making both the plants and me ever so happy.
The evenings are long now, with darkness falling before I even get home from work.  The lit twigs on the top of the china cabinet in the dining room mingle with the glow of candle light throughout my cozy house. Lamps are lit, illuminating dark corners and bringing warm ambiance to a cold night.
And the little monkey spends as much time as possible curled up in front of the fire.
Life goes on....and life is good.


  1. It is a happy room, all your rooms are. I know you love being there and I'm sure everyone who comes there loves it too.

    1. It IS a happy room, Dewena, you are so right! Thank you for that - I love that thought!

  2. Replies
    1. She's cute...and bold....and bratty....and I adore her!

  3. Yes Debbie, life does go on. All we can do is pray that good decisions will be made for this country. Your home is lovely and I am sure it is a cozy place to be during these long fall and winter nights :)

    1. Thank you, Karen! It is a warm and cozy house, for sure, with the fire going and the candles and soft lighting. I am such a homebody!!

  4. LOVE the twig lights. Where did you get those?

    1. Hi Tammie, I actually bought those years ago at a little shop in Woodstock, NY!

  5. Being home is my favorite place. Yours looks like a very cozy place to be!

    1. It's beyond cozy, AnnMarie - that's probably why I'm such a huge homebody!

  6. Our homes are our refuge and times like these make us realize that fact all the moreso! Where did you find those cool twig lights?

    1. Hi Melanie - I found those many years ago in a cute little shop in Woodstock, NY!

  7. All of the trees in your woods have lost their stark contrast to the trees here in Texas...all still have their leaves and are green...LOL. Love your home, it is just so pretty!! Love and hugs to you!

    1. Thanks, Benita! Yes, it's incredible how different our worlds are although we are in the same country!

  8. Everything is so cozy in your home, especially your dogs, lol! Hugs to you today :)

  9. I'm right there with ya on that. Much prayer will be needed...
    Your house is so snuggly. Love how the light comes in and bathes everything in warmth. Enjoy!

  10. Im glad the election is over. It was just crazy! I pray for peace, love and good decisions for the country that's obviously split down the middle. I ready for new hope. I pray for the new President for he has a long hard road ahead of him. Love looking at pictures of your cozy home and sweet pup.

    1. I pray our country can unite and support one another, and I pray for good changes to come!

  11. Love to see your Jack Russels. Since losing my last one, I have adopted two shelters dogs. Even though I love them, I will always miss having a Russel.

    1. Our little Jacks really have their own personality, don't they?

  12. Your little fur baby is just sooooo sweet. What a cutie. Happy Friday and have a great week end.

    1. She's a cutie, but a bold one, Kris!! I love her to bits, though!

  13. I am glad that we too live on a little mountain away from city life. I fear for all cities in America and what the results of this election are going to do to our nation.

    1. Same here - it's scary to see all the protests, I'm just grateful they haven't erupted into riots.

  14. Your home is a lovely haven and is such a joy for you to come home to at the end of a day. There is joy and peace, comfort, love and good things to eat and drink.

    I like your twig lights too.

    Have a wonderful weekend ~ FlowerLady

  15. I am glad the election is over and only hope that we can unite as a country to stand strong against those that seek to terrorize us. I think we will be okay in the end.
    What a pretty scene you have there and I love the lights. xo Diana

    1. Same here, Diana - I hope and pray for peace and positive changes.

  16. Our election process is way too long and drawn out, and maybe we should start to think about the electoral college. Seems Maryland is getting the ball rolling in that direction by opting out.

    Your lights look so lovely!

    1. Thanks, Doreen - I somehow doubt there will be any changes to the election process in the near future, but hey, you never know, right?

  17. I still have not gotten used to DST and it becoming dark so early

  18. I love the twig lights in your plant and I love how content your furbaby is! I was looking at your dining room hutch, and the door and top of it looks just like the one that belonged to my husband's parents. It's in our dining room now.

    1. I bought that hutch from Craig's List right before I moved into my home - I knew I needed something for that corner and my previous 'big green monster' was far too big! I really love it!!

  19. Your home is so very cozy. All we can do is try to stay safe and sane. I guess I'll go out even less than I did before. And it was scary enough then.


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