
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Nor'easter That Kicked Butt

Yesterday on the Mountain Top and in many other parts of the Northeast it snowed. 

And it snowed. 

And then it snowed some more. 

It snowed all of Monday night....and all day Tuesday....and for part of Tuesday night. 

Today, up on the mountain top, we are digging out from about 40 inches of snow. 

Mother Nature sure is a prankster, isn't she?

Last winter we had The Winter That Wasn't. 

The lack of snowfall last season meant that by the summer months our local reservoirs were incredibly low, the creeks were dry, and wells were drying up. 

Somehow I don't think we will have that issue this summer. 

This is the mountain of snow that greeted me when I opened the kitchen door. 

It's taller than the deck railings. 

Are you kidding me? I can't imagine how long it will take for all this to melt, once our temps raise above freezing...which they are not forecast to do for the foreseeable future. 


The poor birds were swarming the feeders all day long. 

We filled that flat feeder three times yesterday, and it was quite the popular spot. 

That group of dark colored birds stayed there for a good long time, and I was struggling to identify them through the blizzard. 

I thought perhaps Starlings but I'm not so sure now, because this morning there were 3 Red Winged Blackbirds on the same feeder. 

So I'm guessing that's what was there yesterday, perhaps the females were the ones I mistook for Starlings. 

I bet they are regretting migrating back to the Northeast so early! 

I never saw the horses at all yesterday. They were smart enough to ride out the blizzard in their little barn.  

This morning they made their way out and trudged through chest-deep snow to their hay trough.....which was empty. I felt so bad for them, no doubt they were hungry after a long, cold day and night. 

Out the back bedroom window, my garden cottage won't be accessable for quite some time. 

The swing on the left isn't much use today, is it? And the two red metal chairs to the right of the star are completely buried!

Standing at my kitchen window this morning it's hard to believe that folks all over blogland are posting photos of spring flowers and shrubs blooming. 

Any bright and cheery colors in my neck of the woods can be found indoors while outside is nothing but a sea of white. 

The only spring flowers I am enjoying are the ones on this sweet Cyclamen my dear friend brought me on Friday when she came for an overnight visit. 

Meanwhile, I have to give a huge shout out and warm thank you to my amazing team of snow conquerors! My two daughters and my older daughter's boyfriend really stepped up and shoveled multiple times yesterday, as well as again today. 

Poor Alex was just about tuckered out by the end of the day!

Meanwhile, where do you think my other 'helpers' can be found?

You guessed it - they spent the day curled up in front of the fire. 

Monkey ventured out to do her business, dressed in her pink puffy coat....and as you can see she's now too fat for it!

But we sure do get a kick out of seeing her in it....especially since she hates it so much!

What does it look like out your windows these days?


  1. What a snowfall! It wouldn't be so bad in December, but no one wants it now. We got just a dusting on the southern end of the front. I spent the day sewing.

    1. You're so right, Carole - if this was at Christmas time I'd be delighted but at this time of year I'm ready for warm sunshine!

  2. The sun is shining brightly. Cold, but not too much. Wow, that's a LOT of snow! Hope it thaws soon.

    1. It's going to be around for a while, it looks like, with our cold weather forecast. Boooo!

  3. I checked in about 2x today wondering if you'd show the snow soon after seeing your comment yesterday ( 30 inches and still falling )

    GOOD GRIEF!! So glad that you have some helpers. The most that I've had to deal with over the last few years is around 20 inches and that is a BIT** so doubling that ...ugh. Hard to imagine.

    1. Yup, Deb, it's tough, and I can't even help shovel at the moment as I have something going on with my right shoulder. Seeing the surgeon next week, let's hope it's nothing too serious!

  4. Glad you have that nice cozy cottage and are well stocked with garden books and warm blankets. You inspired me several years ago and I have 15 flats of seeds planted. I remember your post about that well!

    1. That's awesome, Bernideen! One of the things I did when I was snowed in was to clear off the workbench in the utility room and get it ready for seed starting. I think I'm putting the first batch in this weekend!

  5. Oh my gosh...that is a lot of snow! Gorgeous, but glad I no longer live on the east coast.
    Have a great weekend...I would be sitting in front of the fire were I there.

    1. I wish I could just sit by the fire, Marigene, but unfortunately I have to drag myself out in the snow and extreme cold and go to work!

  6. My! I am thankful that we don't have that kind of snow. I pray that your horses got some hay to help keep them warm with all that snow. I know ours sure do love their hay! We don't have snow but cold. BRRRR

    1. They are not my horses but rather belong to my neighbor. I'm guessing they hadn't gotten to the hay trough yet that day with the horrible storm, maybe they had put the hay in the barn for the horses? That's what I would do....but what do I know about taking care of horses, ha ha.

  7. Wow you guys got slammed!!! I think we got like 20" but oh my god thats nuts!!!!! we had that 30 inch blizzard last year too! Good thing your pupper was cozy inside like mine were lol :)

    So wait - those aren't your horses right? THey're youre neighbors?

    1. Correct, not my horses. But I'm lucky enough to have the view of them out my windows and from my deck - best of both worlds, don't you think? :) I'm guessing your wolf pack wasn't any happier to go out in the snow than my babies were!

  8. Lordy, that is a lot of snow!
    My outdoor patio planters were hidden under the snow and I was so worried they would be banged by the snow blower. Thank goodness DH knew where they were when he cleared most of the patio off.
    You now have glorious sun streaming in your dining room windows. What a difference a day makes.

    1. Wayyyy too much snow, no doubt! Glad your planters were safe, hopefully you'll be able to plant them soon and the snow won't stick around for you! Pansy season is right around the corner, I keep telling myself that!

  9. OMG - that is just too much snow! We have had a few sprinkles yesterday and last night, but I think we are due for a storm on Monday. Ah well, we need it! Stay warm!

    1. I hope your storm isn't anything too crazy on Monday, Vickie. Believe it or not we're due to get more snow this weekend....sigh.

  10. Wow Deb that is a lot of snow! How wonderful your daughters and boyfriend were there to help you out.
    Stay warm and cozy. Poor horses and birds. Hope they are able to find all the feeders soon.

    1. I'm so glad I can take care of feeding the birds in weather like this, Kris - it makes me feel as if I'm doing some little thing to help the poor critters!

  11. Oh my god...look at my little tinker in her jacket, all fat and puffed up, more than usual! Feel bad for the little horsies...where was their food? :(

    1. The Tinker!! I'm guessing they may have had hay in the barn? Not sure....poor horsies!

  12. Oh my, you did get a ton of snow! Fortunately, we only had about 2-3 inches at the most. I'm so glad you got some help digging out, and I love your fur baby in that adorable jacket with hood. How cute is that!

    1. It's funny, Carol, because just a couple of years ago that jacket fit her, we could close it and everything! Now we call her our little sausage.

  13. I was just waiting for you to post something. I knew you had to be covered in snow. It's just so beautiful!

    1. It is pretty, isn't it? However, I'm ready to see some bulbs pushing up and buds on the trees real soon - this has been a long, cold winter!

  14. Yikes, that's a lotta snow! True, it will help your water level but still... Hope someone fed the poor grazing for them. Silly Monkey... Be safe, my friend... xoxo

    1. No grazing is right, Donna, those poor horses. Same with the deer - they have been visiting my gardens this winter, I just hope they leave the lilac buds alone!

  15. That snow is ridiculous! Here I am in northern IL and I'm saying I can't imagine that much snow. The last huge snowstorm we got here was 2011 when we got 2 ft of snow. My work closed for two days, which was unheard of (especially seeing it was a government office). How long will you be snowed in?

    1. Snowed in? You're funny!! I did work from home the first day as the roads were too treacherous, but went back to work the next morning, as soon as I was plowed out. My office doesn't close on snow days, they pray for them since I work at a ski resort!! :)

  16. Oh Debbie, what you have there is an absolute nightmare scenario for me. The only thing worse, I suppose, would be a flood. I can't see past the damage a storm like that can do to a home to see the beauty of it all. So glad you had help to shovel it out. We got frigid temps and winds around 10mph, but that was all - thank goodness! Your little monkey looks adorable. Have a great weekend thawing out.
    Rita C at Panoply

    1. I don't think we'll be thawing this weekend, Rita - the temps are going to be too low. Maybe some snow melt next week, but with temps just a few degrees above freezing it's going to take a long, long time.

  17. We had much of the same here. I live at the top of the Finger Lakes in NY and we got hit pretty hard....the most snow was on Wednesday. I was home recuperating from hand surgery so I loved it. Today was a bright, sunny day which made all that snow SO pretty!

    1. Hey, we're practically neighbors, AnnMarie! You are not lucky to have surgery....but lucky you didn't have to go out in the storm! No shoveling for you, that's for sure!

  18. Oh my gosh! I've never seen so much snow! all the snow we've had in the last five years would not amount to the 40 inches you have there. We have had cold, very windy, days lately. Lows in the 20's and gusts of wind up to 40 mph. That probably sounds warm to you, but it's awful since we have fruit trees and flowers blooming. Hope your snow melts soon!

    1. I hope your fruit trees are ok, Henny! I was admiring all the photos on your blog just the other day, it would be so sad if all those gorgeous buds froze off.

  19. Well, see now I feel AWFUL. As I was posting my little bit of Spring, I thought about all of you of there getting hit by Stella. Don't worry, it'll come back to bite me in the ass, I'm sure LOL

    At least you'll be really green in a few months? Don't hit me ;)

    Monkey is so fricken' funny. Bubba hates his coats too.


    1. Maybe we'll be green by May, Rue - let's hope!! Monkey sends Bubba a sloppy stinky kiss!

  20. Oh! And I'm glad you can finally comment! YAY!!! :)

  21. Well you have us beat! I don't think we got a dump like that all at once this winter, although we did get a lot of snow, steady snow. I can now finally see my top and second from the top porch step, that is making progress here! Spring is slow to come, now we are in the muddy, runny, drippy part, lol! I feel bad for you getting so much snow so late in the season, not fun at all. The worst of it is shoveling it. Did you have to shovel your roof? Hugs to you... the dogs have the right idea about being cozy :)

    1. I didn't shovel the roof, since it was such a light fluffy snow. I guess I need to invest in a roof rake for future storms, huh?

  22. MERCY!! that is a one big big big snowfall!! The pictures of snow are pretty---but I do hope spring is on it's way to y'all real soon. I wouldn't rub it in on this post but you asked what's out side our windows??!! ha ha LOL---we are surrounded by all kinds of things blooming....azaleas of many different colors and the camellias are finishing up. Lots of flowers and some roses are blooming and the wisteria has been in pretty purple bloom for about 2 weeks now, I love those! but we are having a chilly spell, hopefully the weather forecast says it will be back to the 70s by the weekend...YAY!!

    1. Oh how lovely, that will be months away for us! I adore Wisteria, but have never had any luck with it. And Camellias will never survive here, unfortunately. Oh well, it is what it is, right?

  23. PS.......STAY WARM AN SAFE!! (do you take off work on days like this??)

    1. Thank you! I did work from home during the storm and went back to work the following morning.

  24. Forty?? Oh my gosh, you are a brave girl in those mountains!! We got several inches, lots of ice and very high tides. I could've rowed my boat down the ice and water covered roads, but all in all, way better than 40 inches!! Yikes. Here's to an early melt!

    1. I'm sure it's full on spring at your gorgeous beach cottage at this point, Kim....jealous!

  25. Goodness sakes Debbie, that is unbelievable! We got off lucky in Iowa, just a few inches between Sunday night and Monday morning and now things are pretty much back to normal. Praying for extra sunny days to melt that 40 inches :)

  26. WOW, what a lot of snow!!! Hope this was the last of it.

    Happy Spring ~ FlowerLady

    1. We had a few inches since then but I'm hoping we might be done now, Lorraine!

  27. Looks like Montana prairie weather a couple weeks ago. Within 3 days of our blizzard, the temps warmed up to the mid-30's and low 40's. We are now enjoying "mud season". However, since it's still March we know more of the white stuff is coming before we see any green shoots on the trees or green blades of grass.

    Stay Warm!

    1. I'm hoping the snow is done for us at this point, Mrs B - I'm ready for some pots of pansies and cocktails on the garden swing!!


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