
Friday, September 29, 2017

Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

I know, I know....I've been missing. 

A lot. 

I can't help it....this is a crazy time of the year for me. 

I plan weddings and events for a living, and by this time of the season I'm just about ready to pull all my hair out. 

Not that I don't love what I do....I truly do. 

It's just that we are soooooooooooo busy that I really struggle to keep up. 

By the time I go home at the end of a long day I'm wound up tighter than a clock.

But then I step into my cozy home and immediately my heart rate slows, my breathing calms. 

I'm home. My safe place. 

I putter around, turning on all my little lights, lighting my fall scented candles.

I run downstairs and let the pups out, and give them each some snuggle time. 

We play a little fetch in the backyard, let the babies run off some of their pent up energy. 

And then come inside and settle into the evening routine. 

The babies each get a chicken chew, and I putter around my cozy house. 

I crave my evening routine. It's what keeps me sane at this time of year. 

I need time to decompress. 

For me, that often involves cooking.

Which is a good thing, because at this time of year the garden is spitting out produce like there's no tomorrow. 

It's just about all I can do to keep up with it. 

Well, there may be no "tomorrow" for the garden because the weather forecast is predicting a frost tomorrow night. 

Wowzers, it was just 90 degrees two days ago!

Welcome to the mountain top. Our weather is unpredictable, for sure. 

90 degrees or not, the calendar still said fall, so I went with it. 

I added some simple touches of fall around the house, nothing too crazy, just enough to make me feel that Autumn in all its glory is upon us. 

I kept the mantel fairly simple this year, keeping the lanterns and twinkle lights and just adding a wreath and a few pumpkins.

I sure do love me some twinkle lights!

A few mums scattered about outside, and a pumpkin to keep them company, is all the decor that's needed to spruce up the patio and deck.

By the kitchen sink, I simply added this little sign I found at Christmas Tree Shops.

It sums up my life in three simple words. 

Thankful, Grateful, Blessed. 

In addition to my fall scented candles, I changed out the soaps at the kitchen sink. If you haven't tried the newest Mrs. Meyers scent yet, you absolutely have to. 

I do believe it's my all time favorite...and I'm a huge Mrs. Meyers fan!

I don't remember where I got my set, but Amazon has it for sale here

Love, love, love the scent....I almost want to wash dishes and clean the counters obsessively just to get that heavenly aroma!

Do you know who wasn't feeling Thankful, Grateful, Blessed recently?

She had to have three baths in the first week she was here, poor little pet. 

And I'll tell you, she was not a happy camper. 

But, you know, when you're not quite housebroken and you do your business on your wee wee pad and then jump all over it....well, unfortunately we're going to stick you in the sink for a bubble!

After a good towel off, a warm snuggle, and a chicken chew she was happy as can be.

Yup, Thankful, Grateful, Blessed. 

Busy as I am, I never forget that for a second. 

I am truly Thankful, Grateful, Blessed. 


  1. Your home truly is a sanctuary. What a lovely place you have created for yourself.

    1. Thank you, Marty! It's not fancy, but it makes me happy!

  2. It must be wonderful to open your door at the end of the day. Such a cozy sanctuary. xo Laura

    1. It really is, Laura. I just love puttering around my little house!

  3. Your pupsters are so cute! I hope the other two are making Miss Molly feel welcome. I love your cozy home!

    1. My old girl doesn't care, she doesn't pay any attention to Molly at all. She just sleeps and eats. Monkey took a little while to come around, but now they are doing great! Molly idolizes her, and I'm pretty sure they're in love!! :)

  4. Sweet post...your home looks so cozy and full of love!

    1. Thanks, Linda! It feels a lot cozier after the deep clean I gave it this weekend!! :)

  5. Your home is so welcoming. I've been taking a bit of a blogging break, too. How did you hang your pretty fall wreath on your stone chimney? -Jenn

    1. I got lucky, Jenn, there was already a screw in the center of the stonework - the previous homeowners put it in. Sorry I can't answer your question but I'm guessing you'd need a masonry bit - perhaps a google search will help?

  6. I just love visiting your welcoming and serene. Miss Molly will get the hang of it yet. Hope all the pups are getting along okay. Have a splendid weekend. xoxo

    1. They are getting along wonderfully, Donna!! We're delighted at how quickly she has settled into the family!

  7. Ugh mom I love this post SO much! So cute and such a simple message of gratitude. There's my stinky baby getting her much needed bath!!! XOXOOX

  8. I wanted to buy out the garden center yesterday too, all those mums feel so much like autumn. I did buy about 100 bulbs to plant for spring, but only one mum.

    1. I haven't bought any bulbs in the past two years, Carole - I really need to, it just feels so overwhelming to add that to my to do list right now when I'm so busy!! But then I regret not adding them when spring comes, that's for sure!

  9. This is my favorite time of the year and it can a busy one. My Hubby and I were married in late October so I know it is a perfect time to have a wedding. Your home looks so pretty for the Fall season. Love the mantle.

    1. Thanks, Betty! I've been so busy with weddings since early May, and it won't let up until November!

  10. Nothing better than coming my home to a place you love and your place is lovely! ❤️

    1. SO true, Kim, and you know it as well as I do with your sweet beach cottage!

  11. Your house looks so comfy and cozy. I can see why you would be able to relax there. I've been wondering how Molly was doing. Hopefully it won't be too much longer until she's able to understand how to do things :-)
    Have a great weekend

    1. She's learning some of the routines, Jeannette - and we are working on the housebreaking. Some days she's great, no accidents, and other days she isn't as good. But it's impossible to be mad at her, she's just too precious and sweet! Such a good natured little sweetie, which is amazing after all she's been through - we love her so much!!

  12. Your home really is a lovely sanctuary and every time I visit here I am inspired to keep working on my little place.

    Have a quiet weekend ~ FlowerLady

    1. Awww, thanks Lorraine, that makes me feel so good to know that I inspire someone!! I do the same thing, when I need inspiration to get up and clean and do chores when I just want to sit and read a book....I'll visit a few of my favorite homes out there in blogland and get inspired to get my butt off the chair and get busy!!

  13. You really are blessed to have such a comfy, cozy yet beautiful mountain home! And three adorable fur babies. And a special guy who loves you. And beautiful, thoughtful daughters. AND a job you enjoy! Wow. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. You are so right, Vickie - and I'm also blessed to have such wonderful blog friends!!

  14. I know how I feel just looking at your home and can imagine how it feels to actually live in it. Molly looks like she has been welcomed by your others.

    1. I feel so fortunate every day, Susan, that I get to live in a place I love so much!

  15. Welcome to your newest family member...what a sweet puppy! She is very lucky to have landed on your mountaintop with your family. Your home looks truly welcoming for fall. I love the Apple Cider scent Mrs. Meyer's too! Hang in there with work.

    1. Thanks, Courtney!! I'm more month and I can take a few days off to breathe and hopefully catch up on some projects that have been on the back burner! I have a few things I need to do before the snow flies....let's hope it holds off until I have the time to tackle those projects!!

  16. Oh my, Debbie, I just love your crazy busy and cozy blessed life and home! That picture of Lily (sp?)is hilarious with Monkey & Molly. I was wondering when, if at all, your work slows down. Is there ever a down season?
    Not only is your home beautiful for fall (I also love the lights, and that cork wreath is beautiful), but your daughter is beautiful too. Good genes. ♥

    1. Thanks, Rita - it's funny, when my sweetie read this post he thought she was ME!! You'd think he'd know this old face by now, ha ha, but I'm delighted he thought I look so much like a 26 year old! I guess he needs new glasses!! :)

  17. There are few homes that I walk into and wouldn't change a thing and your's is one. Our taste is similar; I love the same colours and I'm a 'twinkle light' lover, too. lol

    1. Aww, Deb, that's so sweet, thank you so much! I always love seeing your mouse house also, and can't wait to see the new house when you get settled in!

  18. I didn't know what your career was, that's so exciting! I'm sure very stressful but how wonderful that you help people have lovely memories to last a lifetime.

    I relaxed just looking at the pictures of your mountain top home, always cozy but maybe never so much as in autumn. Frost tomorrow night? Do you have any fall crops planted? Do you do collards there in NY?

    Molly is adorable! I hope she catches on soon but she is so tiny. She is one lucky little girl though to have found her home with you.

    1. We didn't get a frost, thankfully, Dewena even though we had warnings for the past three nights. I didn't plant any fall crops, although sweetie put in some more beets and radishes. I may sprinkle some lettuce seed after I pull the garlic (when??? I need a clone....) but we'll see. I might just tuck the garden to bed and call it a day!

  19. Very sweet post! Can I do a play on words on your title? I am Blessed and for that I am Thankful and Grateful :-)

  20. Poor Molly! We had to give our Coco a lot of baths at first because she had ring worm when we got her. Not a fun time! Even though your busy I imagine being a wedding planner would be so much fun. Nancy

    1. Oh that poor little thing, poor sweet Coco!! Yes, being a wedding planner is wonderful, it's just hard at times to balance everything I need to do at home with everything I need to do at work!

  21. You have a very cozy place to come home to :) I've kept up with you since you started blogging and there's always a Welcome Home feeling to your posts..don't worry about keeping up with posts too much when you are busy..or things are going on / I think that is the BANE of blogging :) We start and then feel compelled to keep on when it is not convenient..something that I am learning about right now :) And I am learning that it is ok to just stop for awhile :)

    1. Thanks, Deb - I think I needed this little reminder that it's ok to step back once in a while and take a break!

  22. Your home looks cozy as always Debbie. Your new furbaby is sure a cutie pie. :)

    1. She's such a good girl, Debbie - once we get this whole housebreaking thing tackled she will be just the best little sweetie!! She's got a heart of gold, my little angel!

  23. I love walking into my home after a long day, too. So important to make your home a cozy nest, which you have done. Where did you get the twinkle lights for your mantel? I need some for mine. I looked on amazon but all I could find were strands that were way too long.

    1. I'm pretty sure that's where I got them, Melanie. Mine are long also but I have them scrunched up into the two lanterns at the ends also, so that takes care of the extra length. I have a shorter strand I got at Home Goods that I have wound in my china closet among the glassware - it's battery operated, but I really only use it when I'm entertaining for the most part so that's ok. It really makes the glasses twinkle and I just adore how it dresses up the dining room!

  24. I think autumn is easily just as busy for weddings as the Spring, but you'd know more about that I'm sure.

    Miss Molly is settling right in I see!


    1. Our busiest season is Mid May to Mid October, but the planning kicks into high gear about a month before the first wedding. It's a long season, and then we go right into ski season. November is my quiet time, right around the corner, can't wait!!

  25. Debbie, I so enjoyed reading about your cozy home and evening routine. Love your fireplace, mantel and lanterns!

    1. Thank you so much, Jean! I think I got those lanterns through Décor Steals - I love the little twinkle lights strung in them!!

  26. First time visiting your blog - your home is lovely...I love twinkly lights too - and Mrs. Meyers! Have NOT seen that scent anywhere around here - maybe I'll order on Amazon.

    What part of the state do you live in? I'm originally from Staten Island and wanted country so I moved to Connecticut to get away from the city and haven't looked back! Your new Molly is adorable! Best of luck with the house training...

    1. Hi Karen Ann - I’m in the Catskill Mountains in NY - I’m originally from Queens! Same as you, I moved to the country about 15 years ago and never looked back!!

  27. Oh I must have some of the Apple Cider scented soap!!! Love your pups and the mums!!! Gorgeous. We are up to our ears in housetraining right now too. #funtimes not. :)

    1. Laura, you would absolutely love the apple cider scent - it’s heavenly!! Yes, the house training is no fun.....but little Molly sure is! She just makes us laugh so much, she’s such a little crackpot!!

  28. OH I had a laugh seeing that pup enduring her bath :)

    1. She didn’t like it much, Deb!! She tried to escape a few times, the slippery little rascal!!

  29. Rub-a-dub-dub! Your home looks so cozy. It's ok to take time away Mountain Sister. We'll all be here when you get back! Have a great weekend!
    p.s. where is fall?

    1. I’ll tell you where fall is, Mountain Sister - all over my front garden!!!! Yes, this weather is bizarre - I wonder what it means for the winter ahead of us?

  30. There really is no place like home and your happy space is so cozy and inviting!! Sweet picture of Little Miss Molly getting a bath, she is blessed to be in your home. Hope fall comes soon to your mountains!

    1. It's finally here, Marilyn, all but the temps!! Little Miss Molly has brought so much joy into our lives, she's just the sweetest little baby, we love her so much!

  31. Oh mercy! My hat is off to you...I used to do corporate events and was also a wedding photographer. The last two weddings I photographed were the mother of the bride locked herself in the bathroom (she wasn't getting enough attention) and the last one doesn't bear mentioning. You deserve a rest, a Big Rest - LOL.

    1. Oh my gosh, Sandra, I can't imagine being a wedding photographer!! Yes, I'm more than ready for a break after this long, busy season!!

  32. There's nothing like the comfort of home to remind us of the simple pleasures in life that we are most grateful for.

    1. So true, Amy - I do cherish the simple pleasures, without a doubt!

  33. Debbie, Your home looks so cozy and comfortable, it truly is a sanctuary for you after a hard days work. And to have your three babies waiting for you is to be truly blessed! Poor little Miss Molly, she'll get it eventually!

    1. I enjoy going home so much to those sweet babies, Carol! They bring me so much joy!! Molly is getting the hang of it, she'll get there eventually. Poor sweet little thing, it's not her fault she was not trained as a pup!

  34. Be careful with the chicken , I watched "pet fooled" a documentary on Netflix and I was amazed by how many things we consider healthy for our pets , are poison in a bag. It is worth watching it, and gives us a ton of knowledge about how to care for a precious pet. Little Miss Molly is an amazing girl.

    1. Thanks for that piece of info, I'll have to watch that documentary!! I do try to feed them all natural and healthy food and treats, so I will definitely look into that.


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