
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Living A Beautiful Life

Over the holidays I read a fabulous book, spurred on by comments left by many of you on a post on another blog. 

I can't remember which blog, but I immediately pulled up my Amazon account and ordered the book. 

Living A Beautiful Life at Amazon
The description on the cover caught my eye immediately, and I knew I had to add this gem to my library.

Alexandra Stoddard has a fabulous way of writing, she drew me in from the very first page. 

The book was written back in the 1980's, so many of the references are quite dated at this point, but the main concept is still the very same. 

Live every day of your life with purpose, with meaning. 

Find joy and beauty in the little things. 

A pleasant aroma. The sunbeams coming through a window. The warmth of the water as you wash up after a good meal. A good book or movie. The scent of your soap and shampoo during your daily shower. The feel of caring and nurturing yourself as you go through your daily grooming routing. 

Truly, the book doesn't demand you go out and buy a ton of fancy items to make your life more elegant. It's the simple things that Alexandra speaks of, the everyday routines that we must do in order to make our lives run smoothly.

I was enamored by this book. I am still now, weeks later, feeling the after-effects of it, and trying to focus on making every task I do more purposeful, more enjoyable. 

Alexandra mentions many routines she follows or followed at that time in her life, which may not pertain to our current lives. But the basics are still there, aren't they?  We still wash up in the mornings and get ready for our day. We still shower or bathe regularly. We pay bills, we read books, we watch TV or movies, we listen to music. We prepare many meals, and sit down to eat those meals. We spend time with those we love, we listen to their stories and return some of our own. We relax and wind down with our evening routine, and crawl into bed hoping for a good night's sleep. 

The concept is simple - focus on what you are doing and find the beauty and peace in each routine, each thing we do every day that is in reality the truth of our lives, the very being of our daily existence. Vacations are wonderful, but they aren't real life. Why not make your real everyday life as special and beautiful as possible?

I took some suggestions from the book, and I've been trying to incorporate more moments of peace and beauty into my everyday life. I am fortunate in that I have always been a positive person, able to find simple beauty in my everyday surroundings. But I am also a very busy person, and I'm often guilty of rushing through one task to get to the next.

Why not slow down and enjoy some element of each task as it comes along? 

Alexandra mentioned a particular brand of soap that has been around forever. It's her go-to soap, and the scent pleases her to no end and tells her mind to slow down and enjoy the simple experience of bathing.  

I had a gift certificate for Amazon from Christmas, and I though why not treat myself to a luxury soap to start my days off with a moment of simple pleasure?

Caswell Massey at Amazon
I ordered this three bar set, and the price was much better than I would pay on the Caswell Massey site, so it was a win/win. I put one bar in the tub, and one in the shower, and gave one to my daughter so she could also try to find joy in her simple morning routines. 

I love this soap, and I feel as if I am enjoying a little bit of decadence every morning when I take my shower. It's a small thing, but it starts my day off with just a little bit more of a spring in my step. 

Another thing I have been trying to incorporate more into my daily routine is tea. Yes, simple tea. I told you....little things!

I wanted to be able to enjoy something special at work, to make the place I spend so much of my time just a little bit more enjoyable

Bamboo Glass Tea Bottle at Amazon
Part of my gift certificate went to order this tea bottle, to bring some special herbal teas to work to sip on during my busy day. 

I can't tell you how much enjoyment this simple routine brings me, and really helps focus my mind on the task at hand. Not to mention the many health benefits of tea, that's an added bonus. 

The bamboo bottle comes with an insulated sleeve that it slips into, and when I unpack my tea a couple of hours after I've arrived to work it's at the ideal temperature.

Naturally, I had to get a nice cup to enjoy at home as well, since occasionally I get to have a day relaxing in my own house....not often enough, but once in a while it happens!

Tea Forte Ceramic Cup at Amazon
This cup has an infuser basket that fits right into the top and a lid, plus it's insulated, so it brews the most perfect cup of tea....and as an added bonus, it's lovely to look at!  It takes the experience of enjoying a cup of tea to the next level, which is really the basis of Living A Beautiful Life

The rest of my gift certificate went to get some loose leaf teas, to help me discover which types I enjoy the most.
Tea Forte Single Serve Loose Tea at Amazon
This is the first type that caught my eye, I knew I would enjoy in particular the Blood Orange and Black Cherry. I have to say I am loving the Peach Brulee as well, which was a bit of a surprise. I haven't tried the Chocolate Rose or Caramel Nougat yet, but if they are half as good as the other three I think I'll be in heaven!
Tea Forte Single Serve Loose Tea at Amazon
The second variety I selected was a bit more basic. I already knew that I adore both English Breakfast and Earl Grey, but I wasn't sure I would love the others. The Green Mango Peach was easy, I am always drawn to fruity teas, but the Ginger Lemongrass is a bit more intense. It's growing on me, and would be amazing for an upset tummy. Today is the first day I'm trying the Chamomile Citron and it's delicious! I have tried Chamomile tea in the past and wasn't impressed, but perhaps it wasn't as good a quality as this - I thought it tasted like grass. This one is delicious, no taste of grass at all, just mild and slightly sweet from the citrus. Plus Chamomile tea is recommended if you are fighting a cold, which I am, so it's clear which one had to come to work with me today. 

See what I mean? Simple pleasures - soap and tea. I don't think it gets more basic than that!

I could have used my gift certificate for something else, sure. But I am getting so much enjoyment out of these little moments in my daily life, I'm so glad I went this route. Any of these items would be a wonderful gift for someone special in your life, and remember, Valentine's Day is right around the corner!

I have also started diffusing oils on a regular basis, and I'm really enjoying learning about which oils to use for what purpose. It's become part of my daily routine, as well as my evening wind down routine. That is most definitely a post for another day, but I look forward to sharing the joys of essential oils with you as well, when I gather my thoughts and have time to get them down in a post.

Meanwhile, I'd like you to slow down in your day today and take time to enjoy the simple pleasures of your daily life. Yes, we still have chores to do and bills to pay, but perhaps sipping a cup of your favorite tea, lighting a candle, and playing some soft music while paying your bills will make them a little less irritating.  Change the music to something upbeat that makes you dance around the house and sing at the top of your lungs, and those daily chores practically do themselves! Reward yourself at the end with a treat of some sort, something that you can look forward to while getting those tasks crossed off your to-do list. 

Live your life beautifully, live it with purpose and meaning. Every day. 

It truly is the little things. 


  1. Just reading your post relaxed me. I may have to take a look at those teas. Im a big coffee drinker not tea but I can see how teas can be calming and have health benifits.

    1. That's funny, Lisa, because writing my post relaxed me!! I'm a coffee person also, but I can't drink much of it as I get too jittery, so I'm really enjoying experimenting with teas right now. It's all about a healthier and happier 2018, isn't it?

  2. I am a believer in finding simple pleasures in each day, too. Lovely post!

  3. I read that book many years ago when it first came out, along with all of her others, I believe. I like some of her books better than others; some are a little stuffy. I agree with the simple pleasures and I'm glad you found yours! I like both coffee and tea. My hubby is a big tea drinker, so we have quite the variety here. Neither one of us like the intensely flavored teas, so we tend to stick to Earl Grey, Green Jasmine, fruity teas, or Bedtime (herbal) tea.

    Essential oils...I have about 32 bottles and counting. ;-) Two diffusers - one in my bedroom and one in downstairs family room.

    1. I haven't read any of her other books, Melanie - and there were definitely some areas of this book that don't apply to my life but the basic concept sure does, it applies to us all, doesn't it? I also have two diffusers - one in my living room and one in my bedroom. Last night I had the best sleep I had in a long time - that's a post for another day! Plus I'm using the oils to help me battle this cold that's trying to get me down and I swear it's helping! Loving the oils, and can't wait to learn more about them.

  4. This is absolutely something I try to encorporate into each day. Great post! Right now as I type, the morning sun is rising and the beam is coming through the window next to my desk, beaming in on my face telline me.... It's a new day, let's make it a good one.

    I love creamy beautifully scented soaps too - might look for this on amazon!

    1. Hi Karen Ann - I love that image you placed in my mind, of you sitting there typing with a sunbeam shining on you! Lovely!! The sun is illuminating the mountains across the way right now, it's so lovely to see the sun after all the rain we had for the past two days!

  5. Ms Stoddard's book is on my shelf, along with some others she has written. I always feel calm, collected and chic when reading one of her books. Do you have a reed diffuser? I have one I picked up at our local Fresh Thyme Farmer's Market and love it. We have a diffuser we use in the bedroom and it helps us get a good night's sleep. The tea bottle and cup are lovely and practical...on my wish list now! Due to some gastro problems, tea is my hot beverage of choice and I was delighted to see your purchase. xoxo

    1. Hi Donna! I have a reed diffuser by my kitchen sink - it's a nice little 'bonus' scent while I'm standing there washing up after dinner. I have a diffuser in the bedroom as well as one in the living room and I definitely think it's helping me sleep better! The magic of essential oils, I love it!!

  6. I bought the book and read it when it was first published and I love it! I have many of her books...some better than others. I just love the calmness her suggestions offer.

    Have you read "Simple Abundance" by Sarah ban Breathnach? It's a long term favorite too! I began the practice of keeping a Gratitude Journal when I got the book. She used to be on Oprah's show often eons ago and Oprah highly recommended the Gratitude Journal. It will honestly change your life! :)

    Thanks so much for sharing your experience!


    1. HI Pat, yes I did read that book and another by her (can't remember the name but I have it on my bookshelf) - those books helped me get through a very painful divorce, and I did keep a gratitude journal - thanks for the reminder, perhaps I should start that up again!!

  7. Thank you Debbie for visiting my little blog here in the UK. It’s been so nice getting to know the followers of Connie’s blog who have popped over to mine l.
    I’ve truly enjoyed your post today and am a real soap and tea lover myself. I have one special tea that I reserve for 5pm each evening when I relax. It’s very aromatic and soothing.
    I like what you’ve written about the book and I’m going to have a look for a copy on Amazon
    Nice getting to know you. Take care
    LYNN x

    1. Hi Lynn, thanks for the return visit!! I'd love to know what kind of tea that is that you enjoy in the evenings - care to share?

  8. Hi Debbie, I use to have that book on my bookshelves. Another word I guess we could use is live in the moment. Your glass for tea to take to work sounds wonderful. I do have a cup with little insert to put my tea leaves in and the it lifts out and a cover fits on it to keep it warm while steeping. Nancy

    1. I love that little cup, Nancy! It really is the little things that make me happy, no doubt!

  9. Hi Deb,
    I love teas. I am not a coffee drinker so in the winter months I usually try to brew tea when I want a nice warm drink. Hope all is well. Hugs to Lily, Monkey and Little Miss Molly from Peggy. Happy Thursday.

    1. I usually have my one cup of coffee first thing in the morning, Kris, and then try to stay away from it for the rest of the day. Lord knows I have enough trouble sleeping without adding coffee late in the day to the mix!! Lily, Monkey, and Little Miss Molly send sloppy stinky kisses to Peggy! xoxo

  10. I am getting ready to have a cup of tea and spend some time with a book. Little moments are meant to be savored. xo Laura

    1. That sounds like the perfect way to while away a winter's day, Laura!

  11. I love this book! I have several of hers that I've found at the resale shop. Simple Abundance is another good book that someone else mentioned. The author is Sarah Ban Breathnach.

    1. I love that book, Cheryl! I read it a number of years back when I was going through a very painful divorce and found it incredibly helpful!

  12. I had that book in the early 90's and had forgotten all about it! I loved it too - may have to order another!

    1. It's funny how much has really changed since the early 90's but some things remain true, like the general concept of this book!

  13. Great post! I love the idea of enjoying every moment. I love starting the day with my Amazing Grace body wash....I have never tried Caswell-Massey....maybe when mine runs out. Hot tea in the evening is something I look forward to.

    1. What's your favorite go-to evening tea, AnnMarie? I'm curious! Is that the Amazing Grace body wash by Philosophy?

  14. This was such a feel-good and inspirational post! I'm definitely going to look up that book—sounds like it's full of lovely ideas and advice. I think buying pretty soap is a great investment!

    1. It's a little investment in our peace and well being, Rachel, and it goes a long way!

  15. I actually have 2 copies of that book. One is the earlier version and the second is the updated version that you have. :) I have so loved that book and go back to reading it every few years or so. I try and treat myself to something special that makes me feel good. My go to has been body sprays from Bath and Body Works. They had their clearance sale recently and I was able to stock up on some of my favorites. :)

    1. I love those sprays also, Debbie, and I've used them for many years! I think the Evening Jasmine is one of my favorites!

  16. I have a similar book called Simple Abundance that I get out and read from time to time. It is a daily read kind of book, with very short chapters, one for each day of the year. This one sounds good too, and I'll take a look at it.

    1. I'm going to have to find that one on my bookshelves and give it another read, Carole - it's been many years but I know I loved it!

  17. This is a great concept, it's basically living mindfully in each moment. It's also the premise on which I began my blog...recognizing the uncommon beauty in the everyday. There are so many lovely things in our days, that we can enjoy and that can bring us little moments of pleasure, if we just took the time to notice them. I may have to peek at this book. Sounds like a girl after my own heart!

    1. I think so, my friend - she would love your tulips, for sure!

  18. Welcome to the Alexandra Stoddard club! I believe the blog comments conversation you're thinking about was at Brenda's Cozy Little House where so many of us told her about it.

    This was my favorite of hers, found eons ago and at one time I had every single one of hers. When we moved the first time I passed boxes of books on to others including all of Alexandra's except this book and her Feeling at Home, my very favorite of hers. Try that one sometime, she is a master at teaching the reader to ask questions about each room and then presto, you realize what you need to change. I think you would love it. Also her Making Choices, I believe it's called, is excellent.

    Happy slowing down times! I'm afraid I've been a little too indulgent in that lately but I've thrived under it. We all need to refill the well, don't we?


    1. We definitely do, Dewena, and winter is the time to do it for me, before our busy, busy outdoor season kicks in once more. I love both seasons, they each bring me joy and peace in their own unique ways! I have put those books into my cart, thank you for the recommendation!!

  19. When I read your first sentence or two I laughed because I often read something or another, can't resist a book, order it ( or several ) from Amazon and then a month later when the bill comes in I am like..What is THIS for? :)

    as to teas, a few years ago my oldest son and GF gifted me with a teapot set, various teas etc. It was very interesting to try them all out but in the end I guess that I am not much of a tea person since once I went through them all over a period of time I lost interest.

    I think it must be because when I was a kid, if I ever drank tea with my grandma, it was Lipton's and we had it black. No sugar. Plain. That is how I was raised with tea, lol!

    1. I was raised on Irish tea with two sugars and milk, Deb - and when I'm not feeling well that's still the tea I go for.....and if I have thin ginger cookies to dip in it, even better!!

  20. This was wonderful, Debbie! I had the Simple Abundance book that I read cover to cover, which I think is something similar. The other day I made some tea in a beautiful Royal Doulton cup and saucer which I've never used before. It was something I inherited from my mother and father. I discovered Revolution Tea which can also be ordered on Amazon. Bottom line, the premise was to not save special items for special occasions, but use them everyday and enjoy them while you can.

    1. Ooooh a new tea to look up, thank you for the recommendation, Carol!! Yes, I agree, we have to use the lovely items we have around our home - what are we waiting for? We can't take them with us!!

  21. I read this book a long time ago but you are reminding me that it's worth reading again. It's so true that life is made up of small moments. We need to make sure to notice them and treasure them. I love the idea of adding little things that make everyday a little more special.

    1. Today's tea of choice was Caramel Nougat - it almost had a vanilla aroma and flavor to it and I found it very relaxing for a busy Monday at work - it made my day better, no doubt, Stacey!

  22. Loved this post! I don't have any of her books, but I can tell I'd like them because I think along the same lines. The simple things are best.

    1. I think you would enjoy the book, Brenda - it's not the crime/mystery/thriller that you normally read in the evenings, but perhaps it would be a nice book to read on a pretty day by your patio doors?

  23. Debbie, I am going to look for that book myself. :) There are simple joys in our everyday lives...we just seem to get a busy and worked up and never think of them. I have tried my best to count some blessings in my daily life. I need to start pampering myself. Blessings to you, hope all is well there on your mountain. xoxo, Susie

    1. We all need to spend a little time pampering ourselves, Susie - if we don't, who will?

  24. Debbie, about two years ago Marilyn at Mountain Top Spice blogged about Stoddard's book. At the time I was reading this book, too. She received her copy in a book swap, I found mine at the thrift store in the "free" section. I'm so glad I came across it, and that it is now a permanent part of my library. Yes, it is a bit outdated, but the principles as you say are timeless. She was "Hygee" long before it became popular. I like the idea of daily rituals to look forward to. Since I'm retired I no longer have an alarm clock, and so now waking up naturally in the morning is something I cherish. For dietary reasons I can't enjoy a morning cup of coffee, so I invented a hot chocolate drink with vanilla coconut milk and cocoa powder which is now part of my morning ritual. I sprinkle cinnamon on top and that gives me pleasure both in taste, as well as a pleasant scent. I like to light scented candles, and I've been experimenting with different soaps for my shower. One thing I do just before crawling into bed is massage scented body cream into my hands, neckline, and around my ears. As I drift off to sleep I get whiffs of the lovely scent. Very relaxing, and my husband likes it too. ;) None of these things are expensive, just simple pleasures that bring me joy and make every day special. I'm glad you're enjoying the book. Hugs ~ Nancy

    1. I love your rituals, Nancy! Since I do still work full time, some of my most peaceful rituals are on my days off....on work days my morning coffee is from a Keurig, but on my days off it's much more special when I make a really good coffee using fresh ground beans from Vermont and my Chemex, which I love. I make us all a nice breakfast, which we eat in the dining room while watching the birds at the feeder and at the birdbath, and once the kitchen is cleaned up I bring my second cup of coffee (a weekend treat!) to my chair by the fire and settle in with a book for a while - the perfect way to start a day off! I love hearing about your rituals also, and you are so right, they are most definitely something that make every day a bit brighter, no matter the weather!!


I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking time out of your busy day to leave a comment...I truly love reading your comments and I try to respond to each and every one of your sweet comments right here on my blog page!