
Thursday, September 6, 2018

Looking Forward To Fall

It's been ridiculously hot on the Mountain Top this summer, which is quite bizarre for us.

I have to say I'm not loving it.

I'm not a 'summer' girl....well, except for the gardening part.

I don't tan, and I have to avoid the sun as much as possible - this freckly Irish skin does not do well in the hot sun.

Some folks just love the summer, and the beach, and hanging around a pool.

Me? I'm the one under an umbrella, slathered in sunscreen, covering up as much of my skin as possible, and wearing a big sun hat and sunglasses.

Bring on the cooler days of Autumn....I'm ready.

I'm looking forward to the cooler temps, for sure. It will be nice to snuggle into a soft fleecy throw while on my swing, or around the fire pit.


I'm looking forward to wearing some of my fall clothing, also. Trying to stay cool while also staying covered up certainly limits my clothing choices!

Bring on sweater and boot season, I'm ready!

I'm looking forward to being able to style my hair and not have it erupt into a frizzy mess within an hour.

Headbands have been my best friend all summer.

I'm also looking forward to being able to use the oven regularly. The smell of a chicken roasting in the oven stuffed with lemon, garlic, and fresh herbs is just heavenly on an autumn day! Not to mention one of my all time favorite meals.....MEATLOAF! 

And then there are all the fall colors, both inside and out. I haven't brought out any of my fall decor yet, since it seemed a  little odd with the temps in the 90's. But I'm ready!

I'm also ready to bring some fall scents into the house....apples, cinnamon, orange, cloves, nutmeg, pine....yes, please!  Next to my diffuser in the living room I have a bottle of sweet orange essential oil ready to go, as well as clove bud and pine....just waiting for those temps to drop!

Another thing I'm looking forward to? The first fire of the season. The scent of woodsmoke in the air is one of the best scents there is, I'm convinced.

What are you looking forward to?


  1. I'm right there with ya! bring on the boots and cool breezes!!

    1. We have a big storm heading our way today, Ellen, and the temps will drop after that....thank God! Yayyy, good sleeping weather once more!

  2. Oh man that meat loaf looks good! Im not ready for Fall just yet. My daughters birthday is the first day of Fall and I will decorate the before. Its still in the 90’s here in North Carolina and im not finished with the beach yet.

    1. You are such a beach person I can see why you love summer so much, Lisa! We finally got a break in the weather today, with high temps around 70 - yayyyy!

  3. This all feels so cozy and good, Debbie! I actually stopped reading your post when I reached that meatloaf photo and went and made a meatloaf! It's in the oven lol! Thanks for the inspiration, my friend!

    1. Oh how funny, Linda!!! I've been craving meatloaf something fierce....I think I'll have to make one this weekend!!

  4. Sorry, but I'm a summer girl! Not in the tanning-beach kind of fact, I burn terribly (and have a skin condition on my arms where I avoid the sun as much as possible) and I don't like sand, but just that I love the warm weather and the ability to hang around in shorts and a tshirt...go outside barefoot and without having to even think about bundling up. Love the long days and the gardening and flowers. Sunshine boosts my mood and energy, too. I guess I need to live in California. ;-)

    1. Sounds like California would be the perfect place for you, Melanie!

  5. I love all of the things you mentioned! I am not quite ready for fall yet though. I am holding on to summer as tight as I can!

    1. I guess the fact that my job is so insanely busy in the summer also doesn't make it easy for me...I laugh when I hear people talk about the lazy days of summer, Penny!

  6. I wouldnt mind some cooler weather either, but it will be a few more weeks I think. I am ready to wear some jeans. Your meatloaf is making me drool. Looks yummy! Have a great weekend.

    1. My meatloaf is making me drool, too, Kelleyn!!! We have a break in the temps today, and hopefully for the weekend - I'll enjoy every second of these cooler temps!

  7. I'm looking forward to much less humidity and cooler temps. We may not get that down here until end of October.

    Your home is so lovely and just reading about fall cooking, scents, etc. really gets me more in the mood for it.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

    1. I don't think I would survive a summer in Florida, Lorraine! I'd probably melt into a sweaty pile of mush within a week!

  8. Now you know the summers I hate. I'm definitely not a summer person, though I love my garden. It seems like yesterday that you were hoping winter would be over on the mountain and spring would come to your little piece of the world!

    1. I know, Brenda, it's hard to believe the summer's dwindling down!! I feel as if it flew by, but of course the fact that I'm so insanely busy makes every summer fly by!

  9. Hi Deb,
    I am a summer girl but I am actually looking forward to some cool crisp fall mornings. It has been a very hot and humid and rain filled summer for us in Illinois. So I am looking forward to some temps in the 70's. Sweater weather!!! I am going click on your meatloaf recipe. I love meatloaf and need to find a really good recipe.
    Happy Friday.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. I just made two meatloaves for the freezer this weekend, Kris! I had left out the meat blend and then Sweetie decided he was taking me out...and I certainly wan't going to argue with that!

  10. Wow we are so much alike. I was laughing while reading this post. It's me completely. I can't wait for the smells either.

    Enjoy your weekend


    1. We had two cool days over the weekend, Cindy, and I slept so well - what a difference a drop in temperature makes!

  11. Debbie, I always love the way your home looks. I with you girl...I do not like hot weather. I like 65 degrees best. LOL. This has been the hottest summer I can remember. I have only sat out about 1/2 dozen times or less. It's raining here now and will for two more days, flood warnings issued. Blessings to you and yours, xoxo, Susie

    1. It's raining here today, also, Susie - hasn't stopped since I woke up this morning! No doubt we will be getting flood warnings too if it keeps up!

  12. Yeah...I'm gonna say it...I am sooooo tired of sweating! I don't prespire, I sweat. Buckets. They say the more you sweat, the easier it is to sweat. Well, I can sweat with the least amount of exertion now. We have been working on building our house all summer and although I slather on sunscreen, wear a big ugly gardening hat and have one of those "cool down neck cloth" thingys, I am still brown and sweating. Bring on the Autumn - my favorite time of year!!!! Oh yeah, the meatloaf looks delish, but I will take roasted chicken any day ;)

    1. You must be so uncomfortable doing all that hard work and sweating like that, Vickie - you poor thing!

  13. Me too, me too, even as much as I determined to savor summer and did pretty well with it.

    Debbie, today I diffused 5 Stress Away, 3 Cinnamon Bark and 1 Nutmeg and it lived up to its name--Snickerdoodle. I loved it!

    I am that fair skin freckled girl too and even though I can appreciate the beauty of the ocean, I am a NC mountain girl at heart. I need hills to lift my eyes to. I wish I had at least once seen your mountain top but I love getting to see it here and will look forward to seeing the colors change in them on your blog.

    Now you have me thinking about getting out my fall things, mostly linens after two moves of downsizing--there's always room for more linens, right?

    1. Oooooh that sounds like a nice blend, Dewena!! Oh yes, I agree....always room for linens! Funny, I was in Home Goods the other day and gave myself a $20 limit (hard, but I did it!) and I really, really wanted to buy a nice fall dishtowel....except I didn't love any of them! Can you believe it?

    2. Debbie, I can believe it because it's when you don't want to spend the money that you see so much you want to buy! I love dishtowels too!

  14. I am not a fan of summer either, even when I lived at the lake. I enjoy water sports, I just don’t like the heat. Today our high was 69°, and tonight it’s going down to 59°! All of the windows and doors are open. Tomorrow it goes back up into the upper 80s where it’s going to remain for the foreseeable future, but I can tell you I really enjoyed today. I really like your diffuser, so unobtrusive. Nice! And I like your fall decor.

    1. We have had a few cool days here also, Pattie, but the temps are heading back up tomorrow - wahhhh! I was tempted to get out some fall decor this weekend but I was too busy in the kitchen dealing with zucchinis and cucumbers - more pickles!!

  15. We are kindred souls! I love fall, too. It brings me alive in spite of everything dying! Summer is fantastic when I'm at the lake and doing the grill/kayak/swimming/air conditioning/cocktails at 4/bonfires!!! But there are joys in every season. Fall is everything and more, just a tad colder and the days a bit shorter!

    Looking forward to following along with you.


    1. Ooh cocktails at 4, we are definitely kindred souls, Jane! There are many things I like about summer, for sure, but it's definitely not the best season for me....I'm so busy at work also that I just feel as if I'm constantly running!

  16. I'm that summer girl you mentioned...even though I'm pale and freckled, I adore the beach and the pool and the heat. That said, Mother Nature has other plans, so I will sink into the cozy when it finally shows up. Right now it's still summer around here and I'm not complaining!!

    1. I'd say things are a bit different when you live near the beach and have a pool in your backyard, Kim! That's the way to enjoy summer, for sure!

  17. ALl of your comforts of fall are welcome comforts for me, too, Debbie! I put on jeans today for the first time today since spring! It's raining here (Gordon leftovers that pushed inward), and the east coast is waiting for Florence. I saw a meme today that said it's like having a turtle stalk you. We are pretty far inland, but are expecting a lot of rain, and an area about 1 hr north of us (on the Ohio River) is approaching dangerous flooding levels already. So yea, I'm looking forward to fall and hurricane season being OVER. I have family living in various coastal areas and it's always a stressful time, knowing we don't have any control. Mosquitoes are eating me alive every time I go out, so even gardening is not as joyful (although the garden still looks great!). I hope you have a week full of great expectations realized.

    1. Oh no, Rita, that sounds like torture with the mosquitoes attacking like that! I use citronella incense when I'm out on my swing in the evenings at it works fabulously - you may want to light a few sticks around the garden when you're working out there to bring you a bit of relief. I get them on Amazon.

  18. We are true Mountain Sisters! Screw the beach, give me a fall day in the mountains any day! ;)

    1. Ha ha you are so right, Mountain Sister!! There's not much like fall in the mountains....unless it's spring in the mountains! Every season has its beauty for sure, I could just do without the heat and humidity we had this summer, it was ridiculous for a mountain top!! :)

  19. I wasn't quite ready to let go of summer....until this last bout of hot, humid weather. NOW I am so ready! We got a taste of Fall....60's and rain today but I am good with that. Bring on the cozy mixed in with all that you mentioned!

    1. We had a high of 50 yesterday and on Sun night we were in the low 40's - I slept like a baby for the first time in months!!!!!!!!!!

  20. You have one of the most warm and cozy homes I know of! I love seeing your pretty Fall decor and preparations-you have certainly carved out a sanctuary that is safe and comforting there. Thank you for your prayers, Debbie, that means alot to me as Hurricane Florence comes closer and closer.....


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