
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Spring On My Mind

You know it's wayyyyyy too early for me to be even thinking of spring, don't you? 

After all, I haven't even taken down my Christmas tree yet! 

And let's face it, the mountain top doesn't really see spring until well into April. 

Yet, I can't help it. Once Christmas is over, that's where my thoughts turn. 

When all the decorations are down and put away, my next big project is doing a seed inventory and getting ready for seed starting. 

Last year I started the pansies, snapdragons, and cleome on February 14th. This year I want to start them earlier, so they are more established when I plant them out. 

I also need to take my fig tree out of the closet under the stairs earlier this year, and bring it upstairs into the warmth and sunshine so it can come out of dormancy. Last year it finally got figs, but they never matured enough before the cold weather came for me to eat them. I'm hoping if the tree is brought out of dormancy earlier, it will produce fruit earlier, and I'll actually get some figs to eat. Fingers crossed. 

Do you remember last spring I had some lovely bulbs I forced in the house? 

When they were done blooming I had every good intention of planting them in the garden. 

Instead, I'm embarassed to say....the pots sat on a chair on the patio and were completely neglected until it was time for the first frost. 

Yup, all of them. 

So, at the end of the season, I tucked the pots into plastic grocery bags, tied them closed, and stuck them in the downstairs fridge...and said a prayer. 

Well guess what? They're sprouting!!  Yippee!!  I'm surprised, I thought I blew it! 

In addition to the bulbs saved from last season, I took advantage of Breck's huge end of season sale and stocked up on some spring and summer bulbs at amazing savings! 

The sale was too late for any fall planting up here on the mountain top, but I figured I could pop the bulbs into the crisper drawer and keep them chilled until I'm ready to plant them. 

Do you want to know what I got? Tee hee, I'm so excited....I'm like a kid with a new toy!! 

Red Dynasty
Let's start with this Red Dynasty's the most beautiful, perfect, lipstick red tulip I've ever seen! 

Red Dynasty
I mean seriously....just look at that perfection! Oh the deer are going to love these! Only kidding, they will be in pots on the deck, away from the deer! 

Regular price: $39.99 for 12. 

Je T'Aime
How about these gorgeous and unusual tulips? Je T'Aime, to be precise. I love the flared shape, they are so feminine! And the subtle orange color will be just perfect to brighten up those early spring days! 

Regular price: $25.99 for 8. 

Purple Tall Dutch Iris

I adore a richly colored purple Iris, and the splashes of yellow on this one bring it to the next level. 

I'm not sure where this will be planted yet.....perhaps in the birdbath garden at the bottom of the garden steps. 

Regular price: Sold out everywhere, and can't find a price, sorry!!!

Double Beauty Daffodil
Look at this gorgeous double daffodil!!  I adore daffodils....and they are one bulb the critters tend to leave alone. I love the slight tinge of orange in this one, it's like sunshine on a stem! 

Regular price: $33.98 for 5. 

Red Carpet Border Lilies
I couldn't resist these brightly colored small scale lilies. Again, I'm not sure where they are going, but they found their way into my crisper drawer along with all the others! 

Regular price: $69.99 for 10. 

Halley's Comet
Speaking of bright, how cheerful are these Halley's Comet Jumbo Perennial Tulips? I will be keeping these in pots as well, far away from the deer! 

Regular price: $24.99 for 10. 

Dickcissel Daffodil
Last but not least, these lovely Dickcissel Daffodils. I love the white ruffly center, a wonderful contrast to that vivid yellow! 

Regular price: $35.98 for 10. 

And what did I pay for my TOTAL order during the big end of season sale??????  

Drumroll, please.....................................$38.92!! 

Less a credit I had with Brecks....and my end total was only $20.39 for all this beauty! 

It really pays to shop the end of season sales, if you have somewhere to store the bulbs until spring! 

Combine that with starting my own seeds and overwintering my geraniums, and that's one way I stick to my budget and save big money each spring

What are your best budget gardening tips?  


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  1. I received my first Park Seed catalog just a few days ago. I buy my vegetable seeds from them for years now. I will not be buying that much this year though,because we are not having a big garden this year. We plan on selling next year and will be doing odds and ends to finish the house up for sale and not much time for gardening.

    1. I've been getting seed catalogues for the last month, Betty! Wow, I can't believe you're selling....I'm sure you're looking for something with a little less maintenance, as we all have to at some point in our lives. Good luck!

  2. $38 for all that? Lord a mercy! Sometimes it pays to delay, right? And you have an extra fridge to put them in, that's good. With only one here, and not being able to mix veggies and bulbs, I can no longer force all the pretties. I did it for decades, even started my Brownie troop doing it every year when our daughter was little. I got some flack from that because some of the girls broke out in a rash from some of the bulbs, maybe the tulips? There were hardly any spring bulbs here when we moved and it was just this fall that we planted hundreds of them. Ordered them from John Scheepers in the summer and by October they were sold out of almost everything I got so glad I did it early. I used to order from White Flower Farm for years but decided to try a more economical one this time. We'll see how they turn out. I'm so excited about the possibility of having them this spring.

    I've seen several of my homesteading blog friends publishing their seed order with the varieties they use and I can't help feeling the excitement. And I remember how my father loved getting the first seed catalogues when January came.

    Tell me, when you store a plant like the fig tree inside do you ever have a problem with ants overwintering in them? I brought my amaryllis plant out of the closet in October and watered it and a jillion ants came pouring out carrying egg cases. Creepy!

    1. Ewwww that IS creepy Dewena!!!! I have never had a problem with that with the plants I store in the downstairs closet....BUT I did have a problem with two petunias that were doing so well at the end of the season that I brought them in....and next thing you know there were thousands of tiny bugs on the windowsills and all over the leaves of the plants! So, out to the snow they went, so sad. I thought I could have petunia blooms all winter.

      I really must put some more bulbs in the ground in the fall....perhaps these daffodils. I don't have enough spring bulbs to brighten up those early days of spring! In my old home I planted probably about a thousand my ex gets to enjoy them in spring, sigh.

  3. Those tulips will be gorgeous! I am embarrassed to admit I haven't planted bulbs in years (not on purpose anyway, sometimes I accidentally dig one up and have to relocate it). I still get enough spring colour from the original bulbs I planted years ago. You have some lovely colour to look forward to! -Jenn

    1. The critters around here seem to eat so many of the bulbs I's so disappointing. I planted a TON of lilies (love them so much) and only a few have escaped the darned critters. It's disheartening for sure. They leave the daffodils alone, so I should really plant a ton more daffodils.

  4. Happy New Year! I'm glad your little figs are sprouting! Now tulips and daffodils are truly the most perfect beautiful bloom God makes. Those red tulips are just gorgeous. You, my little dear, have the perfect green thumb and I know all of these bulbs will bloom beautifully at your little cottage. Thank you for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. No sprouts on the fig just yet, I haven't brought it out of dormancy yet....I will after I take down the Christmas tree this weekend and move my fiddle leaf out of the guest room and back into its spot next to the fireplace. Then I'll have room to move my fig into the guest room in front of the was happy there last year and came out of dormancy beautifully!

  5. Ohhhhh to think of Spring and new life coming back into focus. I know you are so great at getting your seedlings going and your garden and flowers this year on the Mountain will be gorgeous. How great the bulbs survived and you could bring them back. WoooHooo! Love those french tulips how pretty are those.
    Your lipstick red bulbs will be so pretty. Happy New Week.

    1. I'll bring the forced bulbs out of the fridge one pot at a time, Kris, so I can have blooms for months before spring even hits the mountain top! That was my plan, and I'm excited to get started....just waiting to get the tree down this weekend and the rest of Christmas packed away, then it's on to seeds and bulbs!

  6. Well you are a force to be reckoned with when it comes to frugality! I'm impressed. I wish I had room to store bulbs but I just don't. I have to start all over every year, but that's okay. I'm hoping Marley will be helping me pick plants this year. Her Kindle came and I'll get that to her today. You are just like me when it comes to yearning for spring to get planting.

    1. I get pretty anxious, Brenda, but I do have to remember it's not going to come any faster with me longing for it! It's interesting, though...we had days in the 60's in early February last year, when I was able to sit out on my swing and let the sun beam down on my face. I'll be looking forward to the odd day like that....a little hint of spring to come!

  7. Debbie, you are such a savvy shopper, just one of the many attributes of yours I love! I also love seeing your spring planning, it gets me especially excited since I have no pressure to do any of that. However, I LOVE the blooms you're expecting (the figs too!). The iris is one flower I really miss from my garden, but hope the transplants shared with my daughter do well. They smelled so good, and were generations old. Happy spring dreaming!

    1. I assume you will do some plantings on that awesome balcony of yours, Rita? Once a gardener, always a gardener!!

  8. Replies
    1. I'm super excited to see them bloom, Penny! I do wish I could plant the tulips in the garden, but I'm afraid the critters will munch them right down as soon as they are planted, as they seem to have done with most of my lilies. So sad!

  9. How great that the bulbs were saved, that was close. You bought some beauties. You're so great with gardening and work very hard.

    When you look at what you bought and your balance you did great!


    1. I know!! What a bargain, I was super excited!! Believe me I could have bought more....I controlled myself!

  10. Wow!!!!! Such a deal! I'd be so excited just like you are for spring to get here. Happy growing ~ FlowerLady

    1. It's very different for you, where you are gardening all year long, Lorraine! I think I'd be really tired!!

  11. MERCY!! I can't believe you got ALL THAT FOR THAT PRICE, WOW!! Great deal. All such pretty flowers. And I loved that meat loaf post, got me craving meat loaf for sure, ha ha! LOL I haven't made on in ages. Cant wait to see all your bulbs/seeds start "springing" to life.

    1. Soon, Debbi!! The tree comes down this weekend, and then it's all about getting my seed starting organized!!

  12. Wowsiers Lady! What a incredible shopper you are and what fantastic blooms you are planning and planting (when the times comes) too. I am super impressed with your ability to grow pansies from seeds:) So awesome! Your green thumb shines year around and so does your culinary expertise!

    1. You know what, Jemma? They were the best pansies I've ever had! Way better than anything I've ever bought in a garden center...probably because they weren't root bound!

  13. What a deal on all your bulbs. Your yard will be gorgeous! Nancy

    1. It was a fantastic deal, Nancy, I'm so excited! I had shopped for bulbs earlier in the season but they were ridiculously expensive...I'm glad I waited!

  14. I always enjoy your garden ideas. I love the tulips! I can’t wait til Spring either. I still trying to decide what I want to grow this year.

    1. No more loofahs??? I'm surprised you don't grow veggies...with your diet it would make so much sense to try and grow some of your own!

  15. Wow!! You are a gardening genius and on a budget!! I love it. I am craving spring desperately right about now. We don't have snow just yet, but I just know it's coming. Ugh. Until then, I'm just going to keep popping back here to peek at your gorgeous blooms!! xo

    1. Our weather is going to be in the 50's this weekend, Kim - can you believe it? Nuts!!! I'm working Sat (uggghhhh) but will enjoy it on Sunday, might even get some laundry out on the line!

  16. I know how good you are about starting things from seed! Go, you!


  17. Yes Melanie, but bulbs are even easier.....providing the darned critters leave them alone!!


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