
Thursday, September 1, 2016

A September Glow in the Dining Room

This morning was truly a fabulous way to welcome the month of September!

Temps were cool, there was a soft rain falling, and the clouds were sitting on the mountain peaks all around me. 

The kind of day that has the hint of a golden glow, just a touch of what's to come. 

I couldn't be more pleased, I'm so done with all the heat and humidity we had this summer. I know it was nothing compared to what some of you experienced, but I did not move to the mountains for that kind of sticky weather!

No doubt it's not completely done with us yet, but our temps for the next week are in the 70's during the day and 50's at night. 

I'll take it!

The hint of fall in the air makes me want to get in the kitchen and prepare wonderful meals for my family and friends. 

There's just something so comforting about enjoying a good, home cooked meal with the people you love. 

I like to start by setting a pretty table. 

I begin by stripping down the table and wiping it with Murphy's Oil. 

Don't you just love the warmth of an antique wood table?

I especially adore a round table, which is why I purchased this one with the house last year. 

The glow of the morning sunshine in my dining room makes me as happy as can be. 

It truly is the simple things. 

For these late summer days I wanted some amber hued linens to complement the golden glow. 

I love these simple goblets, paired with the napkins in a shade reminiscent of the Goldenrod that is in bloom up and down my driveway. 

And no, I do not iron my linens. Never...not happening! I work full time, something's got to give. 

There's also the fact that I detest ironing. With a passion. 

So, everything goes into the dryer on the wrinkle-removal setting. Works for me!

I just love my pretty little dining room. It's kind of small when we have a crowd, but that's ok - how often does that really happen?

Most of the time it's just the right size. Cozy and intimate, just right for a meal cooked with much love. 

Surrounded by people I adore. 

What more could I want?


  1. I'm so ready for fall. Send it on down as soon as possible. :) Your dining room is most inviting.

  2. I love the table setting. I am crazy for that gold color. Hey, it is rare that I will iron anything any more. I used to be a stickler...go as far as making my daughter take something off and iron it before they left for school. They hated that. LOL Hope we get to enjoy all these lovely low humidity days. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. The humidity is coming back this week but hopefully not for long, Susie!

  3. Gorgeous, it is so pretty with the sun streaming in. Perfect

  4. I'll be right over to be one of your dinner guests! ;-) Seriously, your dining room is gorgeous and I love the light that comes in. You are so lucky to have two big windows like that. Ironing? I gave that up years ago and I don't even work outside the home anymore! My theory is that there's so many other things to do in life...why waste time on something that doesn't matter? If something is really wrinkled, then yes I will iron it, but otherwise I don't bother. Funny, my mom is such a stickler for ironing...she irons everything, even her own pillowcases. When she has guests, she even irons the sheets!! And God forbid she would ever have an unironed tablecloth or napkins at her table. HER mother was even worse...she even ironed underwear and socks! ROFL

    1. Haha I can't imagine ironing underwear and socks but perhaps she really liked to iron!!

  5. Your home looks so warm and glowing! Lovely!

    1. Thanks Bernideen - I love the light that comes into my house, it makes me smile!

  6. Love it. And Im with you on the ironing.

  7. Beautifully done! The room looks so cozy and inviting. Love the amber/golden hues. There is a slight chill in the air here this morning and I am soooo happy! Ready for Fall!

    1. I adore that amber color - I have lamps in my living room with a gorgeous amber glass base, I just love them!

  8. Lovely! That rug in your dining room is gorgeous!!

    1. Thanks Kim! That rug was such a bargain from rugs USA, around $100, and I absolutely love it!

  9. Your dining room is very welcoming. I'm sure your menu will include all the fabulous goodies from your garden and your sweetie's!

    1. You know there's going to be zucchini involved, don't you, Donna? 😊

  10. So pretty and cozy. I also prefer a round's more intimate ;-)

    1. For sure, Lori! It feels cozy and right to gather the family at a round table!

  11. Same weather break here and I too am loving it! :)

    1. Our heat and humidity is on the way back, Deb - Uggghhhh!

  12. You are so blessed!

    Have a lovely weekend ~ FlowerLady

  13. Love the weather we're having lately. It's supposed to get really warm again though next week. We'll see.

    Love your rug Deb. Was that there before and I just didn't notice it?? My bad.


    1. That rug has been there since the first day I took the keys from the previous owner - it's one of the first things I put in place, Doreen, and I love it!

  14. I too love a round table. I bought my grandma's from her estate when our house burned down and put it in the little cottage we are staying in at our farm. When we build I will have to use our big rectangular one but I love the round because I think of families as circles not squares.

    1. I love that, Valerie!!! I can't wait to see your house all built!

  15. I love your dining room. It always looks so welcoming there. Your table cloth is gorgeous with all my favorite colours for fall.

    1. I can't resist picking up linens every time I'm in Home Goods - they are so inexpensive there, and just lovely!

  16. I'm also done with summer. Unfortunately, here in California, summer is NOT done! We could have heat well into October. But, at least this past week we have had cooler weather and I have thoroughly enjoyed it! I love your round antique table. My parents had one similar to yours, but a bit bigger, as 6 chairs easily (sometimes we would squeeze in 8 chairs) went around the table. Like you, I detest ironing, so I will actually put my cloths on the table while they are just slightly damp, then hand press them just a bit! Works like a charm!

    1. Oh, that must have been lovely to have a large round table - what a super spot for dinner parties! My table has two leaves, so I can squeeze 8 in easily....sometimes I can even push it to ten, if I need to!

  17. I love your cozy dining room. Just my style. xo Laura

    1. Awww, thanks, Laura! I have always loved a cozy space filled with plants and light!

  18. The table setting is beautiful! Lovely and cozy room ♥

    1. Thank you so much, Summer - and thanks for visiting - nice to meet you!

  19. I know I love the morning sun in my house. It lights up the darker rooms and its just so natural and beautifuL!

  20. The morning sun coming through a window affects me the same way...makes me happy! Your decor is simply beautiful, and I do love your round dining table.


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