
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Zucchini & Roasted Veggie Lasagna

I know I've been swamping you with zucchini recipes but I truly can't help it. As soon as I cook off a few zucchinis, five more are ready to pick! 

We've been giving them away, cooking them up, freezing what we can.....just trying to keep up!

I'm not complaining, no way - I love having fresh veggies coming out of the garden regularly. But have you noticed I've been missing from blogland lately? That's why! I'm spending my spare time processing veggies for the freezer instead of writing new posts and visiting all my blog friends....sorry!

Soon enough the veggie production will slow down and I'll be moving on to other things. But for now, my mind is focused on not wasting a single veggie. 

I've been loving the experiments I've tried so far, but you know what? Sometimes I have a fail. It just can't be helped. 

This started off that way, but I was able to salvage the recipe and really turn it into something fabulous....and even simpler than it started off. Easy peasy, my favorite. 

I began by slicing and roasting a bunch of veggies. Zucchini, yellow squash, peppers, onions, and tomatoes. 

Not to mention, two heads of garlic. If you have never roasted garlic, you don't know what you're missing! It's so simple - cut off the top, plop it on a square of foil, drizzle with olive oil, wrap in foil....roast at 375 for at least 45 minutes. Yummmmm!

Aren't those just gorgeous tomatoes? They are heavenly just popped into the mouth out in the garden, warm from the sun....but when roasted take on an entire new dimension of flavor. 

The veggies were roasted along with the garlic in a 375 degree oven, for about 40 minutes. While they were roasting, I made a big batch of bechamel sauce. 

Bechamel is super simple to make, and it makes a wonderful creamy layer in lasagna. I gave you a tutorial on how I make my garlic bechamel in this post last year - however, this time I left out the garlic as I was planning on using the roasted garlic in the sauce.  

I added the caramelized cloves of roasted garlic to the thickened, nearly finished bechamel and gave it a good whisk around. Some freshly ground pepper and sea salt and the bechamel is a thing of beauty, ready to use. 

All was going well until I sampled one of the roasted zucchinis - and the skins, while  very tender when raw, had become tough when cooked! The yellow squash was the same - both were not going to work in my lasagna - oh no, what will I do now?

I decided to experiment with a zucchini tomato basil sauce for the bottom layer. I threw pieces of raw zucchini into the food processor with canned crushed tomatoes and a handful of basil leaves. I did half a zucchini at a time, with half a can of tomatoes. 

A quick zip around and I had the perfect base layer for my lasagna - problem solved...whew!

It was time to start building the layers. I started with the zucchini tomato basil sauce. 

A healthy sprinkle of grated Parmesan and some fresh ground pepper went on top of the sauce. 

Next up was a layer of Barilla no-boil lasagna noodles. What did we do before these super simple noodles? I remember years ago having to boil the lasanga noodles first, which added another step....and another pot to wash - no, thank you!

Next came the roasted garlic Bechamel. Can you just see how lovely that sauce is? Hard to believe I use fat free milk in it, but it doesn't make a bit of difference in the end result, so why not? It's always good to save a few calories when you can. 

On top of the bechamel went some shredded part skim mozzarella....

...and another layer of noodles. 

Now comes the gorgeousness. On top of the noodles went roasted peppers, onions, and those glorious tomatoes. 

I'm drooling as I'm typing this. Seriously. 

I'm just about out of noodles at this point, so I had to make do with one noodle for the top layer on two of the smaller lasagnas. Oh well, it will be fine - nobody will notice under all the cheese, trust me. 

Now - the rest of the bechamel, a healthy sprinkle of parmesan, and some freshly ground pepper. 

Can you see the mess I make when I'm cooking? Another reason I like to make multiples for the mess, one cleanup, but 4 amazing meals. 

Another handful of shredded mozzarella and this lasagna is ready to go into the oven! 

I covered this baking dish with foil and popped it into a 350 degree oven for about 40 minutes. At that point, the foil came off and I raised the temperature of the oven to 375. 

Meanwhile, the other three lasagnas got wrapped, labeled, and put out in the freezer. How awesome will these be on a cold winter's day? 

The finished lasagna, right out of the oven. 

Oh, wait....are you drooling now, too?

I think this might be my favorite veggie lasagna to date - another successful experiment, although it got off to a rough start!

And I'm so excited to know there are three more in the freezer. 

I served the lasagna with a nice crusty, warm Ciabatta loaf and a beautiful Pinot Noir. 

Simply amazing. As my daughter would say....YUMZERS!

She's so right. YUMZERS for sure!


  1. wow! amazingly delicious. wish it was gluten free.

    1. Sorry, honey...Barilla doesn't make gluten free no boil noodles, but when you make it for your sweetie you can substitute whatever noodles you want!! :)

  2. Oh my, does that browned lasagna look delish! Yumzers! You must have a good-sized freezer. Just think of all that lovely homemade food at the end of a day at work.

    1. Before I even moved into my house I had a stand up freezer delivered for the garage. I also have a fridge/freezer downstairs in the lower level....and believe it or not, they are all nearly full at this point! Which, of course, is a really good complaint....but where am I going to put all the rest of the experiments?

  3. Zucchini doesn't like me so I can only drool over your recipe from afar. I have been meaning to roast some garlic and keep forgetting to buy it when I am at the grocery. It is going on my list right now. xo Laura

    1. I'm sure you could sub the zucchini for something else, Laura - eggplant would work, if that suits you. Or perhaps just a simple tomato basil garlic sauce for the bottom layer!

  4. Yes I AM drooling and highly regret coming here before dinner since MINE is just Labor Day picnic leftovers lol!

    1. Hey, there's nothing wrong with leftovers - I'm a big fan!!

  5. I love lasagna. This is looks so darn good and less calories and fat. Wow. My daughter Liz makes lasagna for Ted as a thank you whenever we do anything for her family. LOL. Oh course we have to call it Blasagna...cause that's how her son first pronounced it. I will say young lady, you are a one heck of a cook. I thought your gardening was awesome...well so is your cooking. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
    p.s one snowy night when you cook one of these you will have to post of it. :):)

    1. Susie, you are so sweet, thank you so much!! And yes, some snowy night when the drifts are piling up outside and the fire is blazing I'll post a pic of my 'blasagna' just for you!! :) xo

  6. Oh yum! Im gonna pin this one.

    1. Oh, yay, thanks Lisa!! It was awesome, I have to toot my own horn on this one....what started out as a fail turned into a keeper!!

  7. Yumzers is right! This looks so delicious. I admire you for doing all this cooking, especially when you work FT. I know it's a labor of love though, too.

    1. It really is, Melanie, although at this time of year it does sometimes feel like a chore....just because I'm on such a mission to keep up with the darned zucchini!! Ha ha, it will all be worth it in the end, and I know that. Last winter it was such an incredible treat to pull something out of the freezer that tasted like summer in the garden - heaven, right there!

  8. Loving all the veggies! This lasagna is perfection ♥

    1. Well perhaps not perfection, Summer, but it is pretty darned amazing!! :)

  9. Perfect timing! I don't have any zucchini in my super tiny raised bed, but I'm going to a farm tomorrow to get some and this is a must try! I love everything in this recipe, so it's a no brainier that I'll love it!

  10. oh mercy, that looks AMAZING!! I can taste this yummy supper clear down here in Charleston my friend! We got no veggies this year...the green beans didn't make it and the 'maters never grew.....sad. Maybe better luck next year. I'm glad your garden did so great this year and just look at all the good food you SEEDED AND BABIED AND WATERED AND GREW YOUR OWNSELF! Isn't that cool? Okay---now when we all invited over for supper? LOL

    1. You are always welcome to my supper table! Just let me know when you'll be here!! :)

  11. My, what big zucchini you have! ;) You are so dag-gum smart! I need more freezer meals!

  12. So glad i can finally get on your blog at work (haha) for a while our internet explorer froze everytime i went on yours and a bunch of other blogs. But anyways now i can comment instead of just reading from my phone and not commenting. This looks yummy. You're so lucky you did so well with zukes this year!

    1. Too well, Ellen, I've been trying to keep up but yikes!!!

  13. Oh... so THAT's what I can do with all my extra tomatoes, peppers and squash! Wahoo - another recipe using zucchini squash! Thank you - this one looks like a real winner!

    1. I'm getting hungry just looking at the photos - I guess it's lunch time!

  14. Yumzer's is right. This looks so good. Could you send me one of those in the freezer!!!! How wonderful these will taste this winter.

    1. So true, Kris, it will be like a little taste of summer as the snow falls!

  15. Oh my, that looks so good! I'm getting hungry for supper.

    Have a nice evening ~ FlowerLady

  16. Girl! You are a rock star at preparing great food ahead of time. This looks amazing.

    1. Ha ha, thanks Stacey! I do try to plan ahead, that's for sure!

  17. I wish I was half as good a cook as you are!! I need an exact recipe to stick to when I cook! That Lasagna sounds yummy and it is great that you have so many things frozen ahead for winter! Nancy

    1. I'm like that with baking, I need an exact recipe! I think that's why I cook way more than I bake!

  18. Sounds, and looks so yummy! I have never tried roasting garlic, but have wanted to. Thanks for sharing the 'how to's' Yes, those extra meals will be so welcome on a cold winter day!

    1. Roasted garlic is so simple to make and so easy! Of course, you want to do it on a day when you have the oven on for other things....and if you can get Elephant Garlic, all the better!

  19. YOu have me drooling here too! Oh that looks good. I have made lasagna with regular lasagna noodles and did not boil them first. As long as your sauce is not too thick, the noodles will cook up just least that has been mu experience. :)

    1. Oh, that's good to know! So if I find whole wheat noodles I can give that a try - I imagine they would just have to cook a little longer - thanks for the tip, Debbie!

  20. You are one talented Lady with a true heart for cooking. I love roasted garlic and all of these awesome ingredients make for one tasty dish!

    1. I love to cook when I have the time....although you didn't hear me complaining when Sweetie said it was too hot to cook last night and took me out!! Tee hee, I'm not stupid!! :)

  21. Master gardener, master chef. I am in awe. And hungry! ;)

    1. Jack of all trades, master of none, is more like it, Kim! :)

  22. This looks HEAVENLY! I far prefer vegetable lasagnas to the meat versions.

    1. I like both, it depends on my mood....but I do love me a good veggie lasagna, I don't think I really miss the meat in it!


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