
Friday, March 31, 2017

Back To The Drawing Board!

A while back I told you about my struggle with my awkward living room layout and the never-ending hunt for a coffee table.
Well, I thought I had it all figured out, and I showed you in this post what I had ordered.
Well guess what? The new tables arrived Wednesday!
And I'm sending them back.
Yup, that's right. They don't work at all in the space.
Look at that - they are WAY too tall for the sofa.
But you know what? I liked them so much I even considered having them cut down.
However, sense prevailed, and even if I had a professional cut them down they are still going to LOOK as if they were cut down.
So, back in the box they went, and the wicker trunk went back in place as my temporary coffee table.
One good thing came of this - I found I really loved the idea of having multiple smaller, staggered height tables rather than one larger table. It just seems to work better in this awkward space, and the smaller table can be moved over to the chairs as needed.
And I definitely wanted something 'see through' that would take up less visual space in the room.
So, back to the drawing board I went, and now I was on a mission.
I started searching and came up with a few options, but none were quite right.
And then I found these....and I fell instantly in love.
These are the Opaline Glass Nesting Tables from Pottery Barn.
Oh my gosh, wouldn't they be just PERFECT in my living room? I adore the bamboo style legs, the glass tops, and the casters on the feet - easy to move them around as needed.
Just ideal, oh my gosh, I'm so excited!
But wait. There's a catch.
They are no longer available.
My little heart was broken.
I searched high and low, looking everywhere I could think of to see if anyone might be selling one.
Nope. Back to the drawing board.
But something good came of this, also. Now I also knew that I wanted something feminine, in a gold tone, with a glass top.
Back to the good old WWW I went, a woman on a mission.
And I found these.

Ok, they are most definitely NOT the awesome amazing Opaline tables, but they are certainly light and airy, feminine, gold toned, and a glass top.
I'm hoping they will 'float' in the room and not feel as heavy as the wicker trunk.
The top photo is a little misleading, the tables are listed as 'bronze' - I think this photo is more accurate.
I actually really liked the coffee table as well, but it was too large for my space.
I think these little tables might just do the trick!
The gold/bronze color will go with the frames on my Thomas Kinkade paintings as well as the mirror over the fireplace.
I'm so excited to see them in my little cozy awkward living room!

But if anyone has those Opaline tables and wants to get rid of them, let's chat!  :)
The Monkey and I would be more than happy to take them off your hands!


  1. Good luck with the table search. Some times it takes us a try or two to get it just right. They all looked nice...but if it doesn't feel right, you'll never love it. Hope you are getting some spring weather your way. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. The new tables have arrived....I'll be posting about them when I get things all shifted around, Susie - stay tuned!

  2. So sorry the tables you ordered didn't work out as planned, but in the end you've found something you like even better! They're going to fit perfectly into your cozy sitting area!

    1. I really hope so, Vickie! I've never struggled so much with finding the right thing...this living room just stumps me at times!

  3. How disappointing! But it looks like it may work out in the long run. Good luck!

  4. Hi Debbie,

    I am loving the new nesting tables you found. I hope they work well in your space. Looking forward to photos.

  5. Oh my word, that sounds like the roller coaster ride I go on with trying to find the right thing. I love the last ones you found too and I think they will be amazing. Can't wait to see them. I am having the same problems with an awkward family room and the furniture I have to use in it. This is not a good thing.

    1. I read your post on my phone, Marty, I completely feel your pain! It takes a while to settle into a new home, and get things just the way you want them!

  6. The last tables you show is a great combination between the ones your taking back and the ones you really wanted. I think these will hit the spot.

    1. I sure hope so, Lisa! No doubt it will take a while for them to 'grow' on me, though....I'm weird like that these days - getting old, ha ha!

  7. I hate that when you find the perfect thing and then learn it has been discontinued. So disappointing. I do like the style of the tables but you are right the first ones are too tall. Even the short one looks like it might be a tad tall for your space. Well, keep looking and when you least expect it the perfect solution will come along. xo Diana

    1. I didn't want to rush into anything, Diana, the same with hanging things on the walls. I'll know just the right thing when I find it, that's why I still have so many naked walls!

  8. I love those tables! Perfect! Either one would be a good choice. Where there's a will, there's a way. Never give up. lol

    1. I truly hope so, Ann - I'm excited to get the new ones in place and get a post up about them!

  9. Have you checked eBay. Maybe someone is trying to sell them on there.

    1. Hi Laurie, yes - I checked eBay...Craigs List....random google search. I found a similar set of tables on uBid (I think) and it was over $3,600.00 - no way!!!

  10. See thru tables are a great idea! I think you should be able to find something on ebay, maybe even for less $, that would work perfectly.

    1. I even thought of those Lucite tables but they would be just too modern in my space, Doreen - that's how desperate I was!

  11. Cute tables, sorry they were either too large or non-existant. I hope you will be able to find something that is perfect for the area.
    Enjoy the weekend.

    1. Isn't that often the way, Marigene? You find just the perfect thing, but nope, not available!

  12. Ouch they were too large indeed! Sorry about that. The glass ones look like they might work...

    I will tell you about my perfect coffee table :) My perfect coffee table was a low lying trunk...I think it was a Lane or some wonderful piece from my grandparents when I was a young married.

    Beautiful gorgeous wood. Fit the room wonderfully.

    My oldest son, two years old at the time, toddling around, fell and gashed his head on a corner of it.

    I never had a coffee table since then! :)

    1. Oh, Deb, your poor son! I hope you held onto the trunk and used it elsewhere?

  13. I hope they work out for you! I really like the wicker table, if they don't!

    1. The wicker trunk will be put to good use elsewhere, AnnMarie - it holds my various throws for the living room so it can't go too far away now!

  14. The tables sure looked good in the pictures...sorry they didn't work out. On the other hand, I love the Opaline tables (or a near clone..ha!).

    1. You and me both, Donna! Oh, those Opaline sad!

  15. Ugh. I hate when that find the perfect thing and it's discontinued or sold out. Grr. Hopefully the others you chose will fit the bill! Can't wait to see!

    1. I hope so, also, Kim - I truly do. I'm tired of the search!

  16. Oh... I am so sorry the last ones didn't work out! I know it is such a pain in the &$#@ to find something you think will be just perfect, but it isn't. Hopefully the new ones will work out, or you will find someone who will part with the Pottery Barn tables. You never know. Don't you just love Pottery Barn!!?? Have a great day!

    1. I really do, Vickie - I adore that store....but only when I find things on a good sale, otherwise they are so pricey! But yes, I could settle right into one of their showrooms!

  17. Oh no! What a shame those tables did not work out in your space:(
    Hopefully the next ones will.

    1. Let's hope, Karen! Otherwise I might have to make something - that would be a disaster, no doubt, I do not have your crafty gene!!

  18. Well, damn. I was excited about those tables and it's not even my space LOL Have you checked Ebay?

    I like the other ones too though and I think they'll be perfect :)


    1. I did check eBay, Rue. No luck. I'm sure the shipping would be killer, anyway, even if they were on there! Fingers crossed the new ones work out!


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