
Thursday, October 11, 2018

Autumn In The Mountains

It's been kind of a weird Autumn up here on the mountain top. One day it's chilly, the next day warm and humid. 

But it appears that's about to change. 

We're heading into a chilly weekend, and look at that low temp for Tuesday! 

That will be a killing frost, for sure. 

Time to put the garden to bed, and get the garlic in the ground. 

We enjoyed our first fire a couple of weekends ago, when we had a couple of back to back chilly days. 

I will light it again this weekend, and it looks like I'll be keeping it smoldering this week. 

Little Miss Molly will be delighted, she loves to plop her little tiny self down for a good long nap in front of the fire!

The cucumbers and tomatoes are just about done in the garden, but the carrots right now are fabulous.  I pulled these and cut some celery stalks at the weekend to serve with homemade hummus at a family gathering. 

Amazing! There's nothing like produce served straight from the garden! 

We enjoyed some family time around the firepit, which was fantastic. One of my favorite ways to relax in fall!

To the left of the seating area, the Sweet Autumn Clematis I planted 3 years ago has bloomed for the very first time and it's gorgeous!  I specifically planted it in that corner so we could enjoy its lovely scent in the evenings when we relax around the fire. It climbed all the way up the trellis from the garden, and is winding its way around the lattice on the deck railing, just as I dreamed it would, way back when I planted it!

Papa's garden is coming to its final bloom - these Impatiens will be gone after these next few cold nights. Sad, it was so lovely all season!

To every thing there is a season....

The Maple out front has been dropping leaves like crazy....just hours after I mulched all the leaves with my mower (affectionately known as Bee) it was completely covered again. 

I guess I'll be mulching every weekend for a while. I don't mind, Bee makes it easy!

The skies have been gorgeous lately, it's hard to resist snapping photo after photo. 

Isn't it amazing that some of the trees are already completely naked? Yet it was nearly 80 degrees yesterday. Bizarre Autumn this year, for sure. 

The foliage hasn't been quite as intense as last year, either. The leaves that are falling are mostly brown. It's still gorgeous, don't get me wrong!

I'm truly enjoying what color there is outside my window, although I miss the view of the Morning Glories climbing the arch. They were spectacular this year!

Autumn is the time I start spending more time enjoying cozy nights at home...I crave them. They give me that quiet time I long for during such a busy season at work. 


I am so blessed to have such a warm, cozy home to snuggle into on a chilly Autumn day. 


Sending prayers and hugs to all of those folks affected by Hurricane Michael, hoping you are safe in the after-effect of such a terrible storm. 



  1. I laughed at Molly. It looks like she barely made it to the carpet then just collapsed. Looking cozy and ready for Fall. Temps here are still in the 80’s but they are calling for cooler temps next week. I love the warm wheather but a little Fall in the air sounds nice.

    1. The temps have been in the 30's as a high for the past couple of days, Lisa - I'm so grateful for my warm cozy house!

  2. Your place is just wonderful this time of year! Your home is so warm and inviting. We've had funny weather as well in Ontario. Rainy, then ridiculously warm, and now I think we are in for cold, too. So far, no snow, thank goodness. -Jenn

    1. We woke to a dusting the other morning, Jenn, and flurries all day yesterday....but nothing crazy just yet! I put the garden to bed this past weekend, and I'm more than ready to curl up by the fire for a while and rest this sore body of mine!

  3. Looks very cozy there with that fire. We sure miss our Colorado insert woodstove but we did have a fan installed this summer to get more benefit from our gas fireplace! Your fall yard and garden look lovely! Break time from all the garden work - enjoy!

  4. Your home looks so cozy for fall! We have had a really warm fall. The leaves have not changed yet. Michael made it's way through here yesterday with 5 inches of rain, local flooding and gusts of wind. This morning it is sunny and in the 50's. Looks like fall is really starting here now.

    1. Wow, Penny, 5 inches of rain, that's a ton! Glad you're ok!

  5. The weather is the same here in CT - yesterday muggy, humid, bleh. Today chilly, rainy, windy - more like what we SHOULD see in Autumn. Your house is so warm and inviting, LOVE the fire pit!!

    1. Thanks, Karen Ann! We didn't get as much time around that fire pit this fall, for some reason....crazy busy, not enough down time!

  6. I love your yard and home. I love the cozy area around the fire pit. The lovely fire in your fireplace. Our trees are mostly still green around here from what I can see. I want to try that clematis you showed a photo of.

    1. I wonder how it would do in containers, Brenda - I'm not sure! It's lovely though!!

  7. It's always a treat to see a post from you. Your home is lovely as is your critter before the fire. It is still hot and steamy down here in s.e. FL.

    Happy Fall ~ FlowerLady

    1. I don't think I could tolerate all those months of hot and steamy, Lorraine - you're far hardier stock than me!

  8. Always love your posts Diana, they are full of joy at just being home and enjoying the natural beauty around you. Your garden produced beautifully this year! Such a blessing... deer got in and destroyed mine :( There is always next year.. :) Fall is such a beautifully cozy time of year. Our foliage here is not quite as brilliant as last year, but still beautiful. We got our first frost the middle of September, although many years it comes in August! It is sad to have to put the garden to rest, but it does free up my time to do other things :) Blessings and hugs to you today!

    1. Oh Marilyn, that's too bad about your garden - I'm guessing it's not fenced? My garden wasn't as good this year as in the past, our weird weather wreaked havoc on the tomato harvest for sure.

  9. Debbie, how wonderfully inviting - your home, your garden, your outside deck! We're having our first fall-like day today and by next Wed am we are expecting 35° in the am. Of course, rain always makes it feel so much colder. Love your autumn clematis, and so many leaves already! Wow. Miss Molly has the right idea. :)

    1. Molly always has the right idea, Rita! She discovered how to wind her little self around all our fingers, and get whatever her little heart desires just by looking up at us with those big brown eyes!

  10. Our weather has been all over the place, too. Just a few days ago it was in the 80's and humid and we had the AC cranked. Now it's in the 40's (29 at night!!) and we have the heat going. It's been a gloomy, mostly rainy October, too. I'm craving sunshine!

    1. We're heading down to 20 later in the week, Melanie - that's it for anything that's still hanging on in the garden!

  11. We will be having some cold temps this week and I am more than ready for them to come on in, especially after that blazing summer we had! I do love a nice toasty fire, unfortunately, the way we build a fire around here is turn on a switch! No wood fireplace for us, but I still love the ambience of it and it does produce heat! Like Little Miss Molly, I love to plop myself down in front of the fireplace for a nap...nothing better! Love your home...looks so beautiful! Love and hugs!

    1. Turning on a switch sounds nice sometimes too, Benita - carrying in wood up a flight of stairs gets old by the end of the season, but it sure does save on the heating bills!

  12. Hi sweet Debbie. I see it's already way into fall there. So many leaves falling. I love that your clematis is growing so well. That is my favorite kind. It has such a heavenly fragrance. I always love to see your pretty home. It makes me smile thinking of the dogs lying by the fire. Blessings , xoxo, Susie

    1. HI Sweet Susie - so many of the trees are naked already, we are definitely past peak at this point and heading straight into winter!

  13. Looks like you're putting everything to bed, including Little Miss Molly! Your rooms are so very cozy, and they really come into their own at this time of year, which is as it should be. I love your outdoor pictures but I just want to step into the ones of your rooms and follow you around as you set the stage for a long autumn night. They really do tell a story.

    1. I'm ready to set the stage now, Dewena, wish you were here to enjoy it right along with me! I shall light the candles, put on all my little accent and twinkle lights, and start whipping up a nice pasta dinner. On the menu tonight - chicken and cheese ravioli with a simple sauce made of cherry tomatoes and garlic and a bit of butter, maybe some chicken broth. Garlic bread and a glass of wine will round out the meal...sounds perfect!

  14. We don't have much color here yet...I think the trees and leaves are confused with the on and off warm weather! I have Sweet Autumn also and it gets fuller and fuller each year. I may need to move mine soon. I would love an arch of it somewhere. I need to put all my gardens to bed (and put all my garden décor away!) so I can spend my days and nights inside where it is cozy and warm.

    1. Same here, AnnMarie - I put the garden to bed this past weekend and I'm ready to take a break for the winter! As much as I love gardening, it sure is hard work, and this summer kind of wore me out with such a busy work schedule on top of all the gardening!

  15. It seems we switched weather for a bit and it was cooler than usual earlier this month. It sure is beautiful there! Give miss Molly a kiss for me :)



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