
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Bear Butts and Bare Trees

I saw my bear the other night. More specifically, I saw his butt. His bear butt. His bare bear butt. His big bare bear butt. He was heading across the road into the apple orchard a few properties down from mine. I'm thinking from the....ahem....deposits he left in my driveway that he eats a LOT of apples. 


His butt is not the only thing that's bare around here. It poured out of the heavens all night last night along with very heavy winds - the combination took down most of the leaves that were still clinging on to the trees. 

This morning the sun was shining beautifully and it was weirdly warm. I let my fire die for the day so I can clean out the fireplace. Tonight it will be in the 30's. Very strange weather. 

I grabbed my camera to take a few photos of the bare trees around my property to share with all of you. 

I have a view of the mountains from three sides of my house now. No complaints there!

Most of the undergrowth died with the recent frosts - I can see way off into the woods now. Which is great for spotting a bear. Not that I want to spot a bear....

Remember how this tree looked just recently?  Well the leaves are just about completely gone now. And the pile of leaves that was underneath it? Also gone. I came home Monday and found my sweetie sitting in a pile of sweat and leaves. He spent his afternoon blowing them onto a tarp and dragging them into the woods. He's such a honey. I might just have to keep him!

My resident deer loves to hang out behind this shed. In the spring I think she had a fawn bedded down in there - she would let me get fairly close to her but then would hiss at me. I never had a deer hiss at me before! It was a little frightening, not gonna lie. 

There are lots of leaves left to take care of back here. When they are done coming down they will be mulched into the lawn so they can break down to feed the lawn. Eco-fertilizer. 

Any pots that had any sort of a flower still blooming are now gathered around my garden cottage. Many pots were dumped and stored inside and there was some more work done around the foundation this week, again by my sweetie (see - a keeper!) but that's a post for another day. Making progress on the fall cleanup, bit by bit!

I can see right into the horses' paddock now. I think they may have been in their little barn this morning - the paddock was a giant mud puddle after all the rains. 

The front trees are just about done also - which means a better view of the mountain but also a view of the road. And the folks driving by can see my house now, if they bother to look for it. 

The sunshine is gone now and the rain has returned with a vengeance. 

Like I said, weird weather. 

What's it like in your neck of the woods? 


  1. Ha! The former primary school teacher in me couldn't ignore the great potential for a (somewhat inappropriate) big bare bear butt story, while reading your words. How fun would that book be? ;)

    1. Ha ha ha ha that would be a great story, Kim!! Try to say it 5 times fast though!!

  2. Even with bare trees and bare bear butts, your property is absolutely gorgeous!! Hugs!!


  3. O sol é para as flores o que os sorrisos são para a humanidade.(Joseph Addison)
    Obrigada querida, pela visita carinhosa!
    Um doce abraço, Marie.

    1. Thank you, Marie, for your sweet words and your visit - it is always lovely to see where folks are landing here on my humble page from....the internet is an amazing thing, isn't it?

  4. It was cool this morning. But I wore shorts anyway. I'm usually wearing shorts while everyone else is bundled up. Still have lots of leaves on trees here that haven't even turned colors! I don't want to come face to face with a bear, so I'll let you keep him for your pet!

    1. Ha ha the bear cubs are so cute I wouldn't mind having one to play with for a while but when they grow up, look out!!

  5. Such a cute post, great pictures and writing!

  6. Oh, my! A big bear butt... Scariest Halloween story this year so far ;)

    1. Let's hope he doesn't come through my door looking for candy, Magali!

  7. It's lovely there even with the BARENESS of the trees :) We too had heavy rains and wind....while the trees are losing leaves now there is still much foliage to enjoy. It's strange as the peak has been quite late this year.

    It's pretty bad thinking about all of those leaves and what lies beneath when you have dogs...bears are worse, ugh! :)

    1. Thanks, Deb! And our peak was a bit early this year - I think those early cold days of fall triggered an early peak.
      One of my daughter's most favorite chores around the house is picking up after the dogs....this time she got to pick up after the bear also!! I almost felt bad for her... :)

  8. It's lovely there even with the BARENESS of the trees :) We too had heavy rains and wind....while the trees are losing leaves now there is still much foliage to enjoy. It's strange as the peak has been quite late this year.

    It's pretty bad thinking about all of those leaves and what lies beneath when you have dogs...bears are worse, ugh! :)

  9. Was hoping to see a bare bear butt photo. LOL

    1. I have no doubt if you keep following at some point you will!! Once they start coming around the house and find food there the house becomes part of their nightly circuit - that's what's so scary!! I've had a bear walk right up to my porch in broad daylight when I was entertaining, at my previous home....that was pretty darned frightening!

  10. I want to see a bear!! I bet it's scary though. :) Your place is so beautiful and I admire the work you are doing there.

    1. Thanks so much, Stacey! I do love my new home so much...there is a lot of work but I feel like it's totally worth it!

  11. 75F at 9:47am.....thats what you get in paradise...LOL I love reading your blog you bring "home" to me with each post.....I might miss the seasons...Thanks so much.....

    1. Awww thanks Robyn!! I think I would miss the change of seasons terribly if I lived somewhere where the weather was temperate year round...although, of course there are huge benefits there also!! Thanks for reading my little blog and for your very sweet comment! Big hug!!


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