
Friday, January 20, 2017

The Most Amazing Chicken EVER!

Remember a few weeks back I told you about my new toy?
And then I reminded you about it when I gave you some great gift ideas for foodies in this post.
By the way, Valentine's Day is right around the corner....wink, wink!
Well, I am completely and totally enamored with this gadget.
That's right, this gadget. My Sous Vide.
I bought mine on Amazon last summer with a gift card and credit card points, and now that I've tried it a few times, I can't wait to experiment more and more with it!
So, this week I branched out, trying it on chicken.
My local market was out of skinless, boneless breasts, so I went with the split breasts.
I seasoned them liberally with Famous Dave's Country Roast Chicken Seasoning.
What? You haven't tried that? Oh, you must!
This stuff is awesome!! 
Anyway, I put the chicken breasts into two  large Ziploc bags with a tiny drizzle of olive oil and cooked them in the water bath at 140 degrees for about two hours or so. Maybe more.
That's the beauty of this gadget - you cannot overcook your proteins. You plop it in, and walk away. No fuss, no muss.
You can read more about the Sous Vide I have on their website, and more specific instructions on how to use it. But trust me, this thing produces restaurant quality food at home.
Not kidding, it's the bomb.
When we were ready to sit down to dinner, I got out a large skillet, drizzled it with a little oil, and got it good and hot.
I browned the skin of the chicken breasts on the skillet for just a minute, and we were done.
Absolutely amazing, incredibly delicious, moist, perfectly cooked chicken breast.
Stop drooling. The photo barely does it justice, especially after I had to resize it to fit here.
These babies were the best!!
And seriously, how much more easy peasy can it get?

I had the last of the chicken in my lunch today. My salad has baby spinach, sliced apple, sliced grapes, scallions, pumpkin seeds, crumbled bacon, and crumbled blue cheese. I drizzled a tiny bit of olive oil and some strawberry balsamic over it, and tossed it with some freshly ground pepper and salt.
Oh. my. gosh.
And you know what? That chicken's not done wowing me yet.
Because this is happening. My amazing chicken broth, which will then become a delicious pot of soup or two.
And you know how I love me some soup!! My recipe roundup from 2016 had a bunch of easy peasy soups....maybe this is the weekend you try one out for yourself!
Because....IT'S THE WEEKEND!!
Happy Dance!! :)


  1. Well that chicken does look very good. My hubby used to smoke whole chicken for us...then he just lost all interest in doing that. I kind of miss those tasty meals. LOL. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. OK, now I'm hungry! The chicken looks delicious and your salad sounds amazing. Happy weekend!

    1. They were both absolutely incredible - next experiment with the sous vide will be a big fat pork chop!

  3. Well-That is something new to me!! lol When I read the title I was sure you were going to show me a chicken that did magic tricks or something. lol xo Diana

    1. Ha ha, Diana, that would be awesome! I used to keep chickens, and one of my little bantam roosters used to chase people and grab their shoelaces, that was pretty funny!

    2. Have to say, Debbie, that two of our hens used to dance to the Righteous Brothers singing on the radio outside!

  4. Not sure what looks more appetizing...the chicken or the chicken with the salad; YUM :)

    1. They were both amazing. I love a good chicken paired with a salad with fruit and nuts and cheese - mmmmmm, getting hungry now!

  5. Looks like some tasty eating! Wish I was sitting at your table.

  6. The chicken, the salad, the soup! It does not get any better and looks soooo delicious!

    1. Thanks, Karen! I've got some chicken broth simmering in the crock pot right now and the aroma is heavenly!

  7. Looks really good. I love anything that easy. I would be using that just for myself though....hubby got a new fryer for Christmas from my son, so lot's of fried food in the house now. I'll stick to my salads and yours looks fabulous!

    1. Oh boy I'm so glad I don't have a fryer in the house, that's scary stuff right there!

  8. The chicken looks amazing and I am now convinced that I need this gadget! LOL Will definitely be checking it out!! Love and hugs!

    1. You would love it, Benita, it's so easy and truly the best kitchen gadget!!

  9. If I can find that seasoning, I'm going to try it on some chicken tonight. Sounds awesome! Oh, and I'm going to have to fix that salad too!

    1. If you can't find that seasoning my other favorite is by Mc Cormick, their Rotisserie Chicken Seasoning. I use that liberally and then add a little garlic powder as well. Yummm!

  10. It all looks so good and Im definatly going to have try that salad combination.

  11. It all looks so delicious! I wish I had your zest for cooking- or a personal chef. :o)

    1. How much does the personal chef position pay, Vickie? :)

  12. That looks amazing. I was actually drooling while reading this post. :) I hope you are keeping warm and cozy in your lovely home!

  13. This does look so very good! I have not ever tried Famous Dave's chicken seasoning either. I will look for it! Your chicken looked so yummy, and your next-day salad too. Love those kind of leftovers :)

    1. I love leftovers to pack for lunch at work - the best!! I usually cook extra just so we have leftovers!

  14. It looks delicious! I went to the store for chicken and the Famous Daves seasoning. Bummer! They were all sold out of Famous Daves. Must mean it's really good. I'll be going back to see if it's in stock yet. And that salad! You know how to make us hungry!

    1. Oh, sorry, Ann! That's too bad, but you can also try Mc Cormick's Rotisserie Chicken Seasoning - it's great also!

  15. My youngest son loves to cook and has long been wanting one of these. I am going to share this post with him. I did get him a vacuum sealer for his January birthday, so he's half way there!

    1. He sure is! I use Ziploc freezer bags, they work fine for me, but I did think about getting a vacuum sealer...the jury's still out on that one, Pattie!

  16. Wow!the foodies here are maki me crave! I want to try this, hahaha! Thanks for sharing, have a blessed February!

  17. I've got to try your Lasagna Bolognese! but yes, there's nothing better than chicken that keeps on wowing by being reinvented. Tonight we're having vegetable beef soup with leftover beer braised roast beef--excellent broth. I don't have one of your gadgets but that marinade sounds wonderful for the frozen chicken breasts I took out the freezer for tomorrow night's supper.

    I can almost smell the good scents coming from your kitchen anytime you do a food post!

    1. Wow, Dewena, that sounds amazing - I love a good roast beef!! My sweetie arrived at my house yesterday with two huge ribeye steaks he picked up when he was off the mountain - my mouth was watering immediately for them!


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