
Thursday, February 2, 2017

A Day In The Life

I guess you may have noticed I've been sort of missing from Blogland for a bit.
I'm sorry, life's been crazy busy lately, but I've missed you all.

Most days, by the time I leave for work, I feel as if I've already run a marathon.
No doubt I do more in the two hours before work than some people do in an entire day!
First things first, I run downstairs and let the pups out. Poor little things, their little furry legs are crossed by that time, and they need my attention before anything else happens.
We run back upstairs, and I let them out the kitchen door for their 'peepitees.'
What....that's what they call them!
They usually run towards the bird feeders first, to see if they can scare a squirrel or two.

The squirrels are onto their little routine, and scoot down the stairs when they hear the kitchen door open.

Then down to the garden they go....but it's cold out there, they don't waste any time and are back scratching at the door within minutes.
Time for morning 'cookies' - they each get a glucosamine cookie for healthy joints and a multi vitamin.
They call those 'shake-a-shake-a-witamins.'
Yes, really. They do!
Now it's time to get the fire going again. There may be ashes to take out, or wood to be brought in from the garage.
Once the fire is going, the bed gets made. Do you make your bed every morning? I can't stand to look at the bed all rumpled up, it just seems the whole room is so  much cleaner when the bed is made.
We have a nice coating of snow outside, and everything is bright and cheery with the sun reflecting off the snow.
While I'm in the bedroom, I'll turn on the gas fireplace to warm up the room. It will be nice and toasty when I finally make it in for a shower.
I'll toss in a load of laundry before I head back out of the bedroom.  I love having a washer and dryer right there in my master suite, it's so convenient.
Back into the kitchen now to unload the dishwasher and put the dishes away. I turn the coffee maker on at this point, getting ready for that first cup.
Standing at the kitchen counter, I can see the birds outside on the feeder....which reminds me to put on my winter clogs and run out to dump some sunflower seeds and peanuts on the flat feeder.
The blue jays attack within seconds. I think they watch for me, they know my routine.
I check on the fire, hopefully it's taking off by now....if not I mess with it a little more, add a little more kindling or fatwood.
Back into the kitchen, time to think about what will be for dinner that evening.
It all has to be planned, you know. Something to be left out of the freezer, or something to be started in the crock pot.
The other day it was The Most Amazing Split Pea Soup Ever. Funny enough, I sometimes have to look up recipes on my blog because I don't remember how I made things. I must be getting old!
Yesterday it was a big pot of chicken broth. I don't have to look that recipe up, I make it so often it's engrained in my mind.
This morning it was straining that chicken broth, to use in tonight's dinner. I got two quart size jars plus the same again in a giant Pyrex bowl with a lid.
Just look at that gorgeous color, the key is to simmer the broth for at least 24 hours.
After the chicken broth is strained, it's time to take out the stinky garbage, where I've tossed all the scraps I strained out of the broth.

No way could I leave that in the house all day while I'm at work, ewwww!
While I'm out in the garage dumping the garbage, I hunt around in the freezer for a loaf of crusty bread to leave out for dinner.
We'll have warm crusty bread to go with the soup I'll be making with that awesome broth. I'm already drooling!
Back inside, and my old girl usually has to go out for a second time by now. She rushes back in to the house for her cookies the first time I let her out, and then drinks a ton of water. So she always has to go out again within a half hour or so. Sometimes I let her out 4 times before I even leave for work!
Meanwhile, guess where we can find the little Monkey....curled up in 'her' chair in front of the fire, in a sun puddle.
Protecting her favorite orange squeaky ball.
What a weirdo.
Maybe I'll get five minutes to sit with my coffee at this point, but then it's time to hop in the shower.
After the shower, put in the contacts, follow the skincare routine, comb the knots out of my hair....that's always fun.
Or not.
Then it's time for a morning workout,
Also not fun.
Once I'm dressed and makeup on, hair done, it's time to let the pups out one more time.
Then they go back downstairs to my daughter's room, where they will spend the day until I get home from work.
I run back upstairs, start the car with the remote start, and load up the fire for the day.
I pack my breakfast and lunch, grab my work tote, and get ready to hit the road.
Coat on, boots on, out the door.
I'm exhausted already and my work day hasn't even begun!
But the beauty of my routine is that by getting up earlier and taking care of chores for an hour or two before work I can relax and enjoy my evening when I get home.

Sure, It starts all over again when I get home, letting the pups out, making dinner,  the evening routine.
But by doing a bit before work, the evenings are much more peaceful and something to be treasured.

And I truly do treasure my evenings.

There's nothing like coming home.


  1. I love the way you hop right to it first thing in the mornings...we can make our lives more enjoyable a lot less stressful by getting into a routine. Staying on top of laundry is surely one good routine. Yes, I always make the bed. I have my morning routines even being retired. LOL. Blessings to you , xoxo, Susie

    1. I think if you didn't have morning routines, even being retired, you could easily fall into a rut of lazy days!

  2. Oh- I remember those days so well when I was working and had kids in the house--and lunches to pack and a dog to take care of--and laundry--and dinner to start---I SO remember those days. You are right-you put in a half day before your day starts. lol Hope you have a great evening! xo Diana

    1. I'm usually pretty tired before I even get to the office, Diana, that's for sure!! This morning I was scrubbing bathrooms, watering all the plants, doing laundry....whew!

  3. Our routines are so important, giving us a sense of ease and comfort in our daily lives. Your home sounds so cozy. I'll bet you hate to leave it!

    1. You are completely right about that, Daisy! I love when I have a day I don't need to leave the house!

  4. Oh I do remember those kinds of routines. So glad to just stay home now and be lazy.

    1. I doubt you're lazy.....I can just see you puttering around your builders basic, making it all Marty-magnificent!! :)

  5. I love this little peek into your life :)
    XO Ellen from Ask Away

  6. You DO get a lot done in a short amount of time! Love the Monkey in her sun puddle. I wish I could feed the birds, but with the rodent problem around here, I just don't dare.

    1. That's awful, Brenda, ick!! Can you even do a hummingbird feeder in summer?

  7. Nice to see you again.

    Your home is so lovely, and it has a lot to do with your routines running along smoothly and all of the love involved.

    Have a great upcoming weekend ~ FlowerLady

    1. I had a busy weekend, Lorraine - I did a little 'spring' cleaning....even though we're a long way from spring!!

  8. I have a very similar routine and love that I get everything done in the am so it is less stressful towards evening. Love your little monkey in her spot. Have a happy Friday and wonderful weekend. Squeeze in a nap you deserve it!!!

    1. Oh, if only I could, Kris! As it is, these darned hot flashes are keeping me up half the night....I'm pooped!

  9. I hear you Debbie! My day starts at 4:45 am and there are pups to let out and dinner to get started just like you! And yes, beds are made each and every morning. It puts me in a bad mood to see my bed or any bed in our home unmade :)

    1. Oh my gosh, Karen, your day starts way earlier than mine, you poor thing!

  10. I had seen your comment a few days ago on Brenda's blog that you were busy...otherwise, I was about to email you and ask if you were OK! I missed your posts. I understand about getting all that stuff ready before you go to work...that's how I used to be, too. I'm still super busy in the mornings...taking care of the cats (I love how us pet owners take care of the fur babies before ourselves!), making the coffee, emptying the dishwasher from the night before, throwing laundry in the washing machine, doing my yoga stretches, making my bed (yes, I do make it every day), and finally getting in the shower. I try to get all that done ASAP. At least I don't have a wood stove to tend to, right? ;-)

    1. I had a feeling some of you might be worried about me.....I'm working on a big new project at work and it's sort of kicking my butt. I continue to work even after I get home, trying to stay on top of everything. Sigh! I'm ready to retire - :) I just have to hit the lottery first!!

  11. Busy lady, I checked in the other day and saw that you hadn't posted for awhile and hoped that you were not down with the flu that's going around. Glad to see that was not the case :)

    1. The flu is going around up here also, hope I can stay away from it, Deb! Time to double up on my Vitamin C!! :)

  12. Oh my goodness, you are a busy and energetic girl! I am amazed by all you accomplish before you go to work. You deserve a break by the end of the day, no doubt! Enjoy the evening.

    1. I certainly do try to enjoy my evenings, Kim - best part of the day is when I can leave my office and head home to my cozy house!

  13. You probably do more in two hours before work than I do in two days! Nancy

    1. Ha ha, well lucky you to have the luxury of taking it a bit easier at this point in your life, Nancy!

  14. I am worn out after reading this post about all you do before you go to work! Phew! My schedule was different when the girls were at home but I'm not sure I got that much accomplished before we all headed to school. Yup, gotta let the fur babies out to do their bid-ness. The bed must be made...just makes the room look 1000% better...I hate getting into an unmade bed at night. xoxo

    1. I couldn't stand not making my bed, I don't know how my girls did not inherit that trait from me! And yes, the furbabies and their bid-ness come first, without a doubt!

  15. I am with you! I do my best work and get the most done early in the morning. Then after that great feeling of accomplishment, the rest of the day is a bonus to do what you want! I am exhausted and on the couch for the night by 6 p.m. though :-) I do love routine.

    1. I'm usually relaxing by 6 pm also, AnnMarie - I'll come home, take care of the pups, tend to dinner, unpack my lunch tote, and settle in while dinner cooks....just in time for my little monkey to grab a toy and demand play time!

  16. I'm glad to see you posting again my friend. I have been worried about you. I do understand about being busy and about our furbabies crossing their little legs. ;) My huge Caesar dog puts his head on the side of my bed with his nose right near my face and whines until I let him out. ;)

    1. I don't have that problem since the babies sleep down in my daughter's room. When she's home they wake her before 7 AM to go out....when she's gone they sleep in until about 8:30 or so. Poor little things, wouldn't it be nice to have a doggy door and a fenced yard so they could go in and out as they please?

  17. You have a very long list of morning routines! You are right to feel exhausted before the day even gets started! The start of my day is always with "needs" as well... doggies out, kitties out, then fed, then bundled up to go out and feed and water my chickens, lol. Your chicken broth looks amazing, I love making tasty chicken broth too, so good to eat on these chilly days. We are getting a lot of snow here, winter is hanging around, and I do love the snow. Always enjoy my peek into your cozy world :)

    1. We're due for another storm tomorrow, snow, sleet, ice....yuk. I don't mind the snow but hate when we get ice storms, too scary driving and even walking in them. That broth will make a big pot of soup tonight.....maybe a nice potato soup, maybe chicken noodle....I'm still figuring that part out!

  18. Your house is so warm and cozy and reflects so much love!

  19. Love your energy! But I do understand the worn out feeling of it all. It's a big blessed beautiful life that you live!
    Your home is perfectly cozy and inviting!

    1. You are so right, my friend, a big blessed beautiful life it is!! One that wears me out at times but I am so grateful for it at the same time!!

  20. So that's how you do it all! I'm breathless just reading this but also inspired because it's too easy when I don't work away from home to fritter away important minutes in the morning. My favorite posts to read are just about a blogger's daily life but you sure make yours a page turner!

    1. And oh yes, peepitees! Has to be done first thing and sometimes it's a toss up as to who needs to go worse, them or me.

  21. You're not getting old, you're getting older...huge difference! Our morning routines are similar except I head for the living room office. The light streaming into your home is beautiful...a blessing and gift.
    God bless you, yours and the work of your hands and heart.

    1. Thanks, Sandra, for that reminder - you're right, I'm getting older, but not old yet! However, tell that to these darned hot flashes, ha ha!!

  22. I'm exhausted just reading about what you do before you go to work! When I worked, it was all that I could do to get myself ready and out the door! The reward of having your evenings be that much more relaxing is worth it, I'd say!

    1. You bet, Amy! I cherish my evenings, I just love coming home and puttering around my kitchen, whipping up a nice meal with a glass of wine or a cocktail. It's the little things, you know?


I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking time out of your busy day to leave a comment...I truly love reading your comments and I try to respond to each and every one of your sweet comments right here on my blog page!