Friday, December 2, 2016

Evenings at Our House

We all have our little routines, don't we?

Things we do pretty much every morning....and usually an entirely different routine in the evenings. 

Mornings are hectic...lots of little chores to be done before I head out to work for the day. 

Evenings are precious, meant to be savored. 

That feeling of pulling into my driveway, unlocking the kitchen door, and starting the evening routine - pure heaven. 

I'm home. 

First things first, I take care of the furbabies. They always need kisses and cuddles....and to get outside to do their business. 

Off come the boots, on go the slippers. Hang up the coat and the handbag, unpack the work tote and the lunch box. 

Then I take care of the fire in the woodstove. I use my woodstove as my primary source of heat all winter long. It saves me a ton of money in oil, but of course is another thing that needs constant tending. I open the flue, stir up the embers, toss in some kindling, and get the fire going again. 

I wander around the house, turning on all my little lights...I adore soft lighting and candles in the evenings. The only place I have a bright light on is in the kitchen while I'm I don't lose a finger!

I trim the candle wicks, light the various candles around the house. A little music on Pandora....always something soft and relaxing. 

The dishwasher needs unloading, the furbabies need a little treat. They are ridiculously spoiled, no doubt. 

If we're not going out, it's time to begin dinner. More often than not it's something that's cooked in my big red pot. I seriously LOVE that pot!

Once dinner is on, it's usually time for a cocktail or a glass of wine. I keep a lovely selection of spirits around, as I never know what I'll be in the mood for that evening. 

I relax with my cocktail in my chair next to the fire, getting up to tend to dinner from time to time. If my sweetie is over, we'll chat and watch the news together. If he's not, I'll listen to Pandora or read a book.

The pups always want to play when I'm trying to wind down after my workday....but that's to be expected as they slept all day long! They pull out all their toys....squeak, squeak, squeak!

When dinner is ready the table gets set....always with linens and candles for the evening meal. Paper napkins are fine for breakfast and lunch but evenings are for linens and candles. 

Sometimes it's just the two of us for dinner, sometimes our little family grows to 6, if the girls have their boyfriends over. Either way, it's always wonderful to gather around a home cooked meal. 

After dinner, the kitchen gets a good scrub. There's just something so satisfying about seeing a clean kitchen after the evening meal is done. Even if there are a bunch of pots and pans drying on the counter, it's still quite the sense of completion...the chores of the day coming to a close, the evening is winding down. 

I might be a little weird, don't mind me. 

Pretty much every night ends like this....the pups have gone to bed, and I'm left to tidy up all the cute little messes they have left behind. 

I wouldn't have it any other way. 


  1. I love how you hold onto your tradition of the evening meal being special and having all the little details that goes with it. Everyone should use their fine things every day, I think. I know on that ride home, you're thinking about the pups, getting your feet warm, having a nice meal and then the sense of completion before you go to bed that it will all be clean the next day. I'm the same way. Don't want to wake up to a dirty kitchen!

    1. Oh believe me, I just can't wait to open the door and step into my haven after work each day!!

  2. Your routine sounds perfect and very similar to mine. I think my favorite part of the day, is when all the birds are in the nest, the lights are low and we're all together chatting with music in the of your dinners would be nice, too! ;)

    1. Same here, it's great to know the kids are home safe and sound and everyone is under one roof!

  3. Just reading your post relaxed me. I too am a creature of habit and I know my family (including pups) appreciate it as yours must too. I especially enjoy this time of year with the added warmth of the Christmas lights when they pop on in the evening. Love your posts about simple pleasure. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Same here, Courtney - I just adore the twinkle of Christmas lights!

  4. Love the description of your evening. Makes a person feel they are right there. Love the photos. The low lighting sets such a peaceful setting. Have a Merry Christmas! Rhonda

    1. The older I get, Rhonda, the less bright lights are my friend! :)

  5. I love routine too, Debbie, and yours sounds storybook sweet. I know that it's work too, though. I'm wondering how your sweetie is recovering from his torn bicep? On the mend, I hope. Merry December!
    Rita C at Panoply

    1. My sweetie is in therapy to get his strength back - I know he feels better just being able to do something, a step in the right direction! Thanks for asking, sweet Rita!

  6. Sounds like us with our two pups! Evenings are special family time and you definitely have your routine down. It's nice to see the simpler things in life being made a priority ☺

  7. Your evening routine sounds wonderful to me! I love how you make dining special and enjoy it! Lovely post!

    1. I start planning the evening meal before I ever crawl out of bed in the mornings, Linda - what a foodie freak I am! :)

  8. Your home exudes joy, comfort, love and caring. Just reading your post made me feel so calm and happy.
    I love routine too!

  9. Perfect post. Completely satisfying. Future posts may tie this one but for the life of me I can't see how any can top it.

    1. You're so sweet Dewena! I never quite know what I'm going to write about when I sit down to write a's always nice when it makes my readers smile!

  10. This is a nice post, Deb. Very calming as I, too, love routine.

    1. Thanks, Deb - it's bizarre, but as much as I love my time off...when I get back to work there's something comforting about getting back into a routine!

  11. Oh Deb I want to come for dinner at your house. How cozy and yummy. This is the way to live life girl. You got this. Loved your post tonight.
    Have a super duper weekend.

    1. Kris, you are so lovely - thank you for your super kind and sweet comments!!

  12. I enjoy hearing how people live their lives. That's one of my favorite things about the blog world. You're routine seems very fitting, surrounded by all the things that bring you joy. Enjoy the comforts and coziness of the season.

    1. I love that also - it's just nice to get a little peek into what makes others happy in their home life!

  13. Your home looks so peaceful, relaxing and cozy! Loved hearing about your evening routine. That beef stew looks delicious, too.

    1. It was amazing, Melanie - I keep meaning to post the recipe but it may have gone out of my head by now - oh well, next time!

  14. Love the way you describe your evening. I can just see you, going about your little rituals, taking care of your furbabies, starting dinner and enjoying a drink while you wind down. There doesn't seem to be anything rushed or half-done as you go about your evening chores. Soft lighting would add to the peace and calm...even with the squeaky toys!

    1. There are evenings when I feel a little rushed, when I'm working on a new or more complicated recipe....but for the most part, I'm so comfortable in my kitchen, puttering around, it just makes me happy. Thanks for your sweet comment, Donna!

  15. Love the Eiffel tower picture and your little tree at the bar area. So Cozy. I love having my kitchen clean every night too. We want to be able to relax don't we? It's nice that the girls come over and bring their boyfriends too sometimes...makes it more family. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. I never know who I will find around my dinner table on any given night, Susie - but that's ok, we can always stretch the meal....or rustle up something else!

  16. I so look forward to your posts! Your joyful response to the normal day to day activities is so refreshing and inspirational. You always lift my spirits and encourage me to be grateful for what I have. I am deeply thankful for having found your blog.

    1. Janice, I am so happy you found your way to my little blog as well! It's wonderful to think that my simple life inspires people to be grateful for the quiet comforts of home! xo

  17. You and I share many of the wonderful quaint and cozy routines of loving a home. Your stew looks SO mouth watering. Blessings of the season to you!

    1. I must admit it was quite a good batch of stew - I must start writing down recipes rather than just assuming I'll remember what I threw in there when I look at the photos!

  18. Well I know where I can go get a drink ! hahaha. Everything is beautiful.

  19. Can I please come and live with you? Or, if not, perhaps a drink? :) I do love your home and your evening routine. I dislike a lot of bright lights too. I love having candles and linens always! My kids used to make a fuss when they were small but, as young adults, they love it! Thank you so much for sharing and for the relaxation.

    Have a blessed week!

    1. Of course, any time, Pat!! I hope I pass along some of my routines and traditions to my younger daughter already puts a candle on the table when she makes dinner for her sweetie, not sure if she remembers the linen napkins though! xo

  20. What a lovely way to end your day. I love the coziness of your home. It just seems so warm and inviting. You are blessed my friend. :)

    1. I truly am, Debbie - without a doubt. And I thank my lucky stars every day for my many blessings! Of course, I went through many hardships to get here....including a very painful divorce...but I'm here now and I truly cherish my peace. xo


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