
Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Things That Make My Heart Sing

It's truly all about the little things, isn't it?

Often I will be in the middle of doing something and I will spot something that makes my heart sing. I'll grab the camera - it's always close by - and snap a few shots, hoping to capture that feeling in a photo, to savor on another day.

Here are a few things that are making me happy these days. They are simple, but mean so much to me.

Yup, my kitchen sink. I told you it's all about the little things! The view out the window, the colored glass bottles, my snippets of plants, my new faucet, and even my new Caldrea cleaners....they all combine to make me smile.

Have you tried Caldrea's new Tangelo scent? It's wonderful! There's just something about a great scented cleaning product that makes everyday chores seem rather pleasant and meditative.

How many women do you know that get so excited about a new drill/driver?

Well, this weird woman is pretty darned happy because my previous Black & Decker drill/driver was not functioning correctly....and it still had a month on the warranty, so Amazon took it back without question.

Now I bought the same one my sweetie has, this one by Milwaukee, which he loves. I borrowed it recently when my old drill went on strike one day, and it is just the right weight and size for my smaller hands, and has so much power.

Bring on the projects! 

The sunshine in  my dining room is one of my favorite morning sights. I must have a thousand photos of my dining room in the morning light, and it never fails to bring a smile to my day.

The light in my house in general makes me happy. This is by far the sunniest home I have ever had, and I never tire of all that sunshine streaming in.

I'm not the only pups love finding a sun puddle to nap in, and I was delighted to see that my old girl, Lily, stole the Monkey's favorite chair.

Usually it's the other way around, with the punky Monkey stealing everything from Lily.

A recent evening was warm enough to sit on my swing with a cocktail.....even if I did have to kick chunks of ice away first! What a treat that was, to feel the mountain breezes on my face and listen to the music of the wind chimes. Heaven!

The babies were pretty happy to be able to go on a good sniff-a-bout after a long, cold winter.  They were delighted to spend some time outdoors, much the same as me.

Lily was up to her old tricks, trying to catch herself a 'squirble.'

Which is fantastic, because she hurt herself a few weeks back and was barely able to walk, never mind run.

It was heaven sitting on my swing and enjoying the birds on the feeder. As much as I love watching them from inside on a cold, snowy day, to be able to hear their sweet songs and get a close up view is far better.

The view from my deck often takes my breath away. I watched a storm blowing in, that was going to return winter weather to our area. The skies were glorious, and I cherished every billowing cloud.
Looking the other direction, I'm always awed by the way the sun hits the mountain across the way in the late afternoon. The hillside glows.
Winter is not nearly done with us, it returned with a vengeance this morning, and temps will be dropping to near zero tomorrow.
But our warm spell was just long enough to melt the mountain of snow that was on my deck.
I was able to cut back the chives in my patio herb garden, and they are starting to sprout already. They won't like the crazy cold temps coming up, but winter won't last forever.
In another 10 days we change the clocks and gain an hour of daylight.
And in 19 days we celebrate the official first day of spring, although it's doubtful that there will be much greening up around here any time soon.
But it might be time to get my seed starting supplies in order. It will be so lovely to have my hands in the dirt once again!
What makes your heart sing these days?


  1. It's the little things that make me so happy too. I often wondered if there was anyone else out there who could find pleasure in a shiny clean sink, clothes folded fresh out of the dryer, crispy sheets, a warm cup of coffee on the deck or maybe curled up in a comfy chair to just sit a few minutes (or more) and contemplate the day. Home truly is where the heart is. I can tell by your post you truly love your cozy home and those darling pups! I can't wait to dig in the dirt too! Now that makes my heart sing!

    1. I love that you feel the same way, Ann! I think many of us are truly 'nesters' at heart and just love the way our homes wrap around us like a warm hug!

  2. Oh I so agree, it is all the little things that make me so happy. I love the sun too and having a house with tons of light is truly a Blessing. Enjoy.

    1. I so enjoy the sunshine in my home, as do my plants - they've never been so happy, Marty!

  3. It is the natural little things in life that we are to appreciate and you have captured that spirit here :)

    1. Thanks, Deb! I'm missing my home this weekend as I am playing nurse for my sweetie once again...but I'm finding ways to 'nest' in his home instead by cooking wonderful meals, lighting candles, tending to his needs, and keeping the home fires burning!

  4. I do love when you write about the everyday joys in your own little kingdom. It is all these small things that are gifts. Of course those mountain views aren't so small. I'm a true mountain girl at heart myself so those views look magical. That mountain air must be as good as a tonic. I just asked my husband if he'd ever used a Milwaukee drill and he said yes and agreed with you. He also swears by a DeWalt too.

    1. Oh, I do like me a good DeWalt, and also Makita! Let's hope this one is the last one I have to buy for a long time, I have other tools I'd like to invest in!

  5. Your mountain view is beautiful. Glad you guys got to get some fresh air and sunshine. It was 80 degrees here one day and 32 the next. Crazy weather.
    the drill is cool, my daughter got a small tool kit for Christmas and sneared at it. She found out later, its the best thing to have around ever! Lol

    1. Ha ha, Lisa, I remember when my daughter got her first apartment I got her a little tool kit also....yup, same thing, what a lame gift....NOT!! Her grandpa bought her a drill from Craftsman, and she's done many a project with that little drill since!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sorry for the comment delete, I meant for that comment to go to another post! Haha.

  7. You know, it truly is the little things that make us smile the most often. A home flooded with light and sunshine is always something that brings a smile to my face...sitting in a chair and feeling the warmth of the sun. Small mementos from friends sitting around the house always bring a smile! Love those views you have!! I am a mountain person and when the hubster and I retire, that is exactly where we will be found! Love and hugs!

    1. I hope you find your sunshine filled home real soon, Benita! Too bad it can't be in the mountains now instead of later!

  8. I admit I clicked on this post because I was curious. But as soon as I saw the drill, I knew we were sisters from another mother. LOL I love my hubby's Milwaukee drill too and you can often hear him holler where did I put it. I can see why all those things make you happy, I am sitting here smiling too. :-)

    1. Awww, thanks Christine....sisters from another mother, huh? Love it!!

  9. It is amazing how the simplest and littlest things just bring us to smile. You go girl with that new drill!
    Happy Friday.
    Happy Weekend.

    1. I had a project in the works when my old drill died, Kris....screws in my mouth, ready to drill the holes....and it had to get put on hold. By the time the drill arrived, the weather was too cold as it was an outdoor project. But you better believe as soon as we get that next warm spell I'll be out there again with my new toy!

  10. Is that a streak of color on Lily's side? You've got snow and I'm sitting here in shorts!

    1. Such bizarre differences in our weather, Brenda!! Yes, Lily has some light brown markings here and there...fading with age, for sure, but she's a Jack, they usually do have spots here and there. She has the same circle around her eye as Daisy (Monkey) does, just the opposite eye, and much lighter.

  11. Indeed, it is the little things that make us smile. It seems that the folks who are constantly reaching for the next big thing, expensive thing, the "latest" thing are not near as happy as the person who finds beauty in the small things. I consider the little things a "hug" from our home. Glad Lily is feeling better...your dogs are so them to pieces. Have a good weekend...cold but sunny here...come on, Spring!

    1. Very, VERY cold here, windy, and sunny - it looks amazing out the windows until you actually step outside, Donna - the wind would knock you down and take your breath away! I'm with you - bring on Spring!!

  12. I just love your gratitude posts! They give me a sweet reminder to stop and be grateful for all of my blessings! I am not the photographer you are but I pledge to try and capture these small things as they occur. Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm!

    1. Thanks, Janice! I find that when I am having a bad day, sometimes looking through the photos of the many, many things in my life that make me happy just changes that bad day into a grateful day!

  13. Your kitchen pretties. Your kitchen view. :) :) I would say "Pfft" to the dishwasher and hand wash just to spend time there. Love it.

    1. Believe me, my friend, with all the cooking I do I spend PLENTY of time at that kitchen sink and I have the dishpan hands to prove it right now!! :) Having a window over my sink was a non negotiable when buying my house!!

  14. So many lovely moments in your week! Your view is outstanding.

    1. It truly is, Kim, the photos barely do it justice. I never get tired of it, nor do I take it for granted!

  15. You are truly blessed! I also enjoy a cold winter day with clear bright sunshine streaming through the windows - so cheerful, and it always gives me a feeling that everything is right with the world. I haven't tried the new dish soap and will be on the lookout for it... thanks for the recommendation. I hope you have a awesome weekend!

    1. Thanks, Vickie, it was a wonderful....quick, busy....weekend! Winds were fierce, it was a good weekend to be indoors!

  16. I love anything citrus scented, so I'm going to be on the lookout for the tangelo soaps. To me, the most important quality in a house is lots of sunlight streaming in. It just makes for a happy space! I love the big windows looking out at your gorgeous vistas, Deb! The temp is supposed to reach 50 tomorrow after -7 this week, so I'm looking forward to sitting on our front steps and soaking up some much needed sunshine, too! Happy weekend!

    1. We had -20 with the wind chills this weekend so today feels absolutely balmy in the low 40's! I think I'm ready for spring, bring it on!

  17. Hello Mountain Mamma,

    We recently had a few warm days also. The warmth was gloriously welcomed after more than 2 months of record setting below zero highs. Our temps are now back to normal and we still have while before spring arrives on the Montana prairie. But that break in cold temps. was a celebrated dose of good medicine for the winter weary in our area. Like you say, it's the little things that bring the most joy to one's heart.


    1. I could say I'm a bit winter weary at this point, the winds this weekend would knock you off your feet and I felt so awful for all the poor birds that came back early!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Your home is so very wonderful! Your kitchen, the dining room, the views......
    Same here.....the sunbeams, firelight, quiet early mornings, the views.... visiting from

    1. Thank you, Carol! I'm so looking forward to a quiet evening at home tonight, I think Mondays are the toughest, going back to work and leaving my sweet cozy home!

  20. A love of power tools! Yet another thing we have in common! ;) I begged my hubby for my own reciprocating saw and he surprised me with it one Christmas. I cried huge happy tears and hugged that thing. :) I'm so glad you were able to sit outside and enjoy the sights and sounds. I have found myself sitting out on our back screened in porch sipping on coffee in the mornings when it is not bitterly cold. I just need that dose of "happiness" to start my day after being cooped up inside. Be blessed my friend!

    1. Ha ha, that's so funny, I bought myself a saw this past fall as I don't always want to ask my sweetie to cut things when I'm working on a project! I've never had one, have always been a little afraid of them....but I really want to be able to do more on my own!

  21. Your views are magnificent and the way the sun pours into your home makes every room so welcoming! It's about the same things that make my heart sing in my Cottage.

    1. There's nothing like having your own sweet, cozy space to call home at the end of a long day!

  22. What pure delight your post was! I am so glad dear sweet Lily is on the mend.

    1. You and me both, she truly had me worried for a bit there!

  23. Walking in the door after a long day and being greeted by my darling hubby, 2 happy pups and the sweet smell of home. There is so much to be thankful for. I think your new faucet really ties in well with your sink and colored glass :)

    1. Thanks, Karen! My two little babies were so glad to see me today as I had been gone for a couple of days, my little Monkey gets so excited she can't help dribbling sometimes, and goes crazy licking every bit of exposed skin - it's the best welcome home, for sure!!

  24. So's the little things! You have captured so many of them here! (My little dog is lying in a pool of sunlight across the room from me right now!) Your sunny home looks such a cheerful place to live.
    Helen xox

    1. It truly is, Helen, I adore my sweet cozy home and miss it terribly when I'm away!

  25. It's the simple things that can make me smile too. Yes, the smell of a certain soap or the way the sun hits things in the house makes me smile. Life is made up of those little things and we have to appreciate them. :)

    1. You are so right, Stacey! Last night I spent the evening puttering around my little house, doing laundry, taking care of a few projects....and there was nowhere in the world I would have rather been!

  26. I love how you truly love your home and that it and all in it is what makes your heart sing. I feel the same about mine and it is my favorite place to be, with my kitties and immediate family.

    1. I say goodbye to my little house every morning when I'm locking up and heading out to work.....and I feel so blessed every day when I pull into my garage and I'm finally home again. It's the best feeling, AnnMarie, isn't it? Simply coming home.

    2. I enjoyed reading your post. Lots of little things capture our attention through out our daily lives - just birds chirping captures my attention!

      Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

    3. Thank you, Andrew! I also love the birdsong outside my home, and love being able to sleep with the windows open in the warmer months to hear the noises of the night as well.

  27. Simple things that make our hearts sing are really the best! I love the joy you have and find in your home! We are ready for spring here too, but it is coming rather slowly here yet... snow and more snow! Looks like you are set for spring projects with that nice drill! My son gave us one for the house, and it comes in so handy for all kinds of things. Always a joy to visit you :)

    1. Our spring like weather is short lived and comes in tiny spurts - winter returns with a vengeance beginning tonight, and we have more snow on the way as well!


I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking time out of your busy day to leave a comment...I truly love reading your comments and I try to respond to each and every one of your sweet comments right here on my blog page!