Monday, August 24, 2015

Happy Monday, Y'All!!

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! The weather couldn't have been better and seeing the sun shining and blue skies with big puffy clouds on a Saturday morning is sure way to start the weekend off right!

We had a busy weekend for sure and there never seem to be enough hours in the day to get everything done. 

I've been spending part of my weekends trying to get myself settled and completely unpacked in my new home - I think I have just 2 more boxes to unpack - woo hoo!

More exciting for me is that I'm finally hanging some artwork which makes the house truly feel more like home.  I've been so hesitant to start hammering into my freshly painted walls so I've been putting it off and off and off....and I don't quite feel so bad since I just read that Jessica over at How Sweet Eats is just getting around to hanging pictures a year after moving in!  Of course, she was kind of busy writing a cookbook, on tour to promote the cookbook, and at the same time growing a tiny human.....and what a terrific job she did, he's truly a gorgeous baby, I just want to squish him! Baby Max

I spent some time tackling the weeds this weekend - seriously, how do they get so out of control? And why on earth did the previous homeowners decide to plant so many dang weeds?? heh heh heh

The garden steps look so much better now without all those ugly weeds. The flowers are pretty wild at this point in the season and like to hang right over the path but there's no way I'm cutting them back until they finish blooming. 

Check out this gorgeousness!!!!  The Casablanca Lilies have finally bloomed and they are absolutely glorious!!  The scent when you are anywhere near the garden is intoxicating. In the evenings their scent wafts right up to the sitting area on the upper deck, which is exactly what I hoped when I planted them in the spring. Stunning, giant flowers - they are the showstoppers in the garden right now without a doubt. 

Lily loving the Lilies!

Three of them were a tasty dinner for a hungry deer earlier in the season. Why can't the deer eat the weeds?

The morning glories are still going strong, and have finally flowered on the obelisks they share with the Jasmine. 

Morning Glories on Veggie Garden Fence

It makes me so happy to see these beautiful blooms first thing in the morning. It truly is the little things, you know? All these little moments of beauty add up to create the home you love. 

This weekend I also added a second feeder hanging off the deck in hopes the birds will find them before the cold months set in. No luck yet - I only have a chipmunk as a regular visitor, on the flat feeder, which was hung first. I have a third feeder pole arriving today so I'll add some suet into the mix and see if that brings any action. 

Before long hopefully my feeders will be a regular stop for our feathered friends....and fingers crossed the bear doesn't find them first! Naturally, after hanging the second one yesterday, late last night I heard all sorts of odd sounds which I convinced myself was the bear up on my deck ripping down the feeders....but they were safe and sound this morning, so I guess my "bear" was the horses next door.  

I'm still not totally used to the various noises the horses make in the wee hours but I love having them as my "neigh-bors!"

I hope your week is off to a wonderful start!

Remember to stop for a moment and find the beauty in your life. 

It's all around you. 


I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking time out of your busy day to leave a comment...I truly love reading your comments and I try to respond to each and every one of your sweet comments right here on my blog page!

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