It's been brutally cold on the mountain top lately....yesterday I'm pretty sure my contact lenses froze to my eyeballs the second I stepped out the door.
Those of you in warmer states probably don't understand, but we do get used to the frigid winters....and we learn to embrace winter on the mountain top.
'Tis the season on the mountain top for snow....and soup. Lots and lots of steaming bowls of soup, to warm a soul from the inside out. Recently, my little mountain top market had some gorgeous leeks on sale, which I snatched up in a hurry, intent on making one of my all time favorite soups....Potato Leek.
First of all, I'd like to wish you all a happy New Year....and a happy New Decade!! There was much sadness and loss in our family this past decade, so I'm not sad to put it behind me. Wishing you all much happiness in 2020!
Now, I have something very cool to share with you all today....are you ready?