Monday, May 16, 2016

A Wacky Weekend

This was a strange weekend on the mountain top. Life up here can be so bizarre. I feel like I'm in a Twilight Zone episode at times. 

I really thought it was spring when I woke up Saturday morning. 

The rain had finally brought the leaves on, and the mountains were getting that soft, sweet spring glow that I love so much. 

The clouds were heavy, sitting in the hollow, and the soft green glow was all around us. 

I caught a beautiful Ruby Throated Hummingbird coming in for a sip of sweet nectar. They have been buzzing all over the property the past two weeks, and it's so wonderful to see them return to the area. 

The critters were very, very busy this weekend - but not all of their antics made me smile. 

These 5 pots in front of the new berry bushes were planted with dwarf sunflowers that I grew from seed, nurtured for weeks indoors, hardened off outdoors....and became a tasty snack for the critters the very first day I planted them out. 

Seriously? That's not fair!


Nothing left but holes and some half chewed leaves. 

I wonder if it was a squirrel? They seem to go to any lengths to get the food they are craving. Just check out the acrobatics of this grey squirrel, captured through the dining room window. Hanging from his tiny toes to get a good munch on the suet. 

What a wackadoodle!

The feeders were busier than usual this weekend. I'm not sure if it's because of all the mating and nesting, or if the wildlife was stocking up because of the cold weather that was heading our way. 

I have at least two male & two female Red Breasted Grosbeaks visiting many times per day. I'm so happy to see them - they are just gorgeous birds! This little guy posed so nicely for a photo - do you think he knows he's handsome?

Here you can see him 'yelling' at the Red Winged Blackbird....probably for stealing the last of the suet!

The Goldfinches are back to their beautiful golden color once more. They are like sweet little spots of sunshine at the feeders.

I must have 5 different Robins' nests around the property - I can't wait to see all those cute little babies. You know what I think? I must have some really juicy worms here!

Meanwhile, Saturday evening, after a lovely day working outside, the skies got very heavy and dark with clouds. We had some cold, nasty weather  moving in. Not spring-like at all!

Sunday was nasty - cold and windy. But I couldn't let that stop me - there was work to be done outside. 

The grass needed to be mowed. The tender plants needed to be tucked away until the cold spell passes. There were errands to run, groceries to buy, and lots of household chores to do. 

It was a busy, busy day. And at the end of the evening, when I went to let the pups out, this is what I saw when I opened the kitchen door:

Whaaattttt?????????  Nooooooooo - go away!!!!! 

There had been flurries off and on all day, but I certainly didn't expect a dusting!

The mojito mint was dusted, but the chives didn't care. 

Some of the larger planters were tucked under the overhang, and covered with a flannel sheet. 

The snow really came down for a while...I was glad I had taken the time to tuck the more tender plants away, out of the weather. 

Tonight will be cold again, but after this it looks like I can start to harden off the rest of the seedlings, and get them planted out next weekend. 

Yippee! Perhaps I can finally settle into spring and enjoy it now!

Meanwhile, in other critter neighbors down the road sent a photo of their new 'pet.' 

Seriously, this big black bear is at their house so often he now makes himself right at home! Can you imagine? 

What was wacky in your world this weekend?


  1. Oh no honey...I hope you were able to save most of your plants. I be a rabbit got the others. That is why I can't plant much here right now. There's an abundance of rabbits this year. They can only be so cute , you know. Blast. It felt cold enough to snow here, thankfully it did not. today may get to 63 and that is 20 degrees warmer than Saturday. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. I haven't seen any rabbits around....lots of squirrels and chipmunks. I'm thinking it's one of them. They have been attacking my veggie garden seedlings as well!

  2. Dear Mountain Mama:
    Oh dear. That was not nice. You went to all that trouble to grow sunflowers and the naughty squirrels ate the seeds. I planted seeds here and they have done the same thing. I think they smell it through the dirt. Be careful of that bear! Something not to mess with for sure. I loved your bird photos and while I ate lunch earlier I sat and watched the hummingbirds buzz by! Have a great week. No more snow I hope!

    1. As if they don't get enough sunflower seeds in the feeders off the upper deck - punks!

  3. Oh no! Snow!?! We had a frost...brought in and covered many things ;-( Adorable pic of the birds fighting over food...wouldn't it be nice to understand bird talk?

    1. It sure would be, Lori! Hope your plants are ok, too....

  4. If you sprinkle some organic blood meal on your plants, no critters will come near them. You have to reapply after rain but it really really works. And its good for your plants!

    1. Diane, thanks so much for that tip - do you think it might attract other critters, though? Like the bear or coyotes or other scary things?

  5. It sounds like you have had a really crazy weekend to me! lol We had snow here, too. ugh That might have been voles that got your plants. Usually squirrels leave a mess and not just a hole where the plant was. Glad that bear is there (and not here). Hope you have a great week. xo Diana

    1. Oh wow, you, too, huh? Stinks, doesn't it? I'm over winter at this point and don't want to see any signs of it again until NOVEMBER!!

  6. OH my word, I remember living in the mountains in Oregon and we would have snow on and off right up until the middle of June. Hope you have clear warm weather soon.

  7. That bird yelling made me laugh. They are so funny. woooh the bear! beautiful but eeeesh!

  8. I can't imagine snow in mid-May. Has it ever occurred to you to move where it is warmer? I know you love your mountaintop, but you're always going to have just a few months for gardening, which you so love! The bear appears "friendly." I hope anyway.

    1. I've lived up here for so long I can't imagine living somewhere warmer! Plus, I never, ever want to move again!!

  9. You have such a diversity of birds. I'm glad for the ones I get but it sure would be fun to see all those pretty colors around my feeders. The Bear however, not so much.

    1. Ha ha, that's so right, Barbara - I hope the bear stays away from my house, too!

  10. The birds in your yard are truly outstanding and certainly much better "pets" than the bear! ; ) Ugh. Flurries still. Boo.

  11. I can't believe you got that dusting of snow! We had a frost warning the other night, but I don't think we actually got the frost. I did put all my pots of flowers in the garage and covered my rose bush, hydrangeas and clematis. That bear is cute, but I certainly wouldn't want him around my house. Hope he doesn't decide to come visit you!

    1. I don't think of bears as cute....bear cubs? Absolutely! But bears are too scary to be cute!

  12. I would live in fear of that bear 24/7 if I lived in your area. You are a brave soul.
    Please be careful! Sure hope that's the last freeze for you and all your "babies".

    1. I sure hope so also - I can't take another freeze, I'm so over it!

  13. I've heard the weather back home hasn't been great, but flurries? Geez Louise!

    Seriously though, after 110 degree temps, I swear I'm never going to complain about our weather again. And you can hold me to that.

  14. I thought about you when I heard about the snow showers up that way. Hang in there Mountain Sister, Spring is out there somewhere...
    Not sure if you have read my story about the goats and the bear... You probably should for the entertainment!

  15. If you put red pepper flakes around your plants....the squirrels and chipmunks should leave them alone! We had a family of Grosbeck's visiting last Friday...just for the day. They cleaned out our suet, and most of our black oil seed...and made a mess. But, they are beautiful! Haven't seen them since....must have just been passing through! Try the red pepper flakes...they work! ;)

  16. Digging your bird pics mama. Love that little yellow guy! That bear is so funny, straight chilling right outside their house hahahah.

    1. Good thing it was OUTSIDE the house and not inside!!

  17. Oh no, not just frost but snow in mid May? Is this usual there? And a couple of weeks from now it will seem a different world, won't it? You get great critter pics. I've never seen red grosbeaks. We used to have evening grosbeaks coming through in TN and stripping holly berries in late winter but this year robins beat them to it.

    What was wacky in my world this weekend? Definitely it was having the Goodyear blimp circling around overhead all week! We were all out on the street waving up at it, hoping to be on camera. New experience for us here in our new home in FL.

    Wishing you pleasant weather ahead, you deserve it,

    1. You will have many new and wonderful experiences in Florida, Dewena, and lots of new birds and critters to enjoy!

  18. Okay, enough with the snow! This has been a crazy Spring...hopefully this will be the last of the cold weather. Your pictures are always outstanding. Squirrels used to eat some of our plants, actually mostly digging at them and generally making a mess. One year a flock of doves decimated our green bean crop. Looks like the bear is claiming his spot...oy... xoxo

    1. They dig out my plants and make a mess, also, Donna - makes me so mad!!

  19. Yes - squirrels just love sunflowers - ask me how I know! :( I hope that unseasonal snowstorm didn't do any damage to your beautiful yard. I also hope your neighbor's new pet doesn't come to visit you! Could you imagine walking out the front door to greet him/her every day? No thanks!

  20. Twilight Zone for sure! Hopefully that was the last of it for y'all.
    Watch out for the furry visitor next time you go outside :)

    1. I think I'm always on the look out for critters, large and small, around my house. Last night I came home from work to a wild turkey in my parking spot!

  21. I had to cover my flowers and tender vegetables Saturday and Sunday night, because of scattered frost.(a job I don't enjoy covering and uncovering.) Our weather is supposed to be on the cool side until next week with rain, rain and more rain. Maybe spring will eventually get here.

    1. When it finally arrives we will cherish it even more after all the frosts!!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. OH you have some lovely captures of the feathered friends... same thing here..frost one night / heavy freeze the next. What is funny is that I NEVER put stuff in the ground until the end of May BUT the last few Mays have been unusually warm so I took a chance and put tomato plants in. Two nights later I was running around covering them :) NEXT YEAR back to my senses lol

    1. I was thinking of you, Deb, because you've been warning me all along not to put anything out until the end of May - sheesh!!

  24. OH you have some lovely captures of the feathered friends... same thing here..frost one night / heavy freeze the next. What is funny is that I NEVER put stuff in the ground until the end of May BUT the last few Mays have been unusually warm so I took a chance and put tomato plants in. Two nights later I was running around covering them :) NEXT YEAR back to my senses lol

  25. Love all the birds you have. Still haven't found a place for a bird feeder but wondering about a Hummingbird feeder. How often do you have to change your water. Any other things I should know? Thanks. Nancy

    1. I change it when it is empty.....or if it has sat for a long time and no birds are at it, it may be rancid. But usually they drink it all! I have two hummingbird feeders up and they are both busy!

  26. We had a bear visit this week too, he tried to get the bird feeder, but thankfully failed.

    1. Oh, yikes, glad he didn't succeed!! It's just part of mountain life, isn't it, Carole? We take the good with the bad!

  27. I better stop complining, at least we don't have SNOW! UGH! I am so sorry those nasty squirrels got your plants:( They really are little buggers. Hope your weather gets better soon!

    1. Thanks, Pinky!! They sure are little buggers....although cute little ones!

  28. whoops, typo! I meant to say complaining:)

  29. I'm glad that you were able to get those plants covered so they did not suffer bad damage. Those birds are so pretty and I am very happy the bear did not decide to take up residence at your house. ;)

  30. I'm glad that you were able to get those plants covered so they did not suffer bad damage. Those birds are so pretty and I am very happy the bear did not decide to take up residence at your house. ;)

  31. Debbie, We had the same weather the same weekend in Michigan. I was determined it wouldn't stop my friend and I from going to a fabulous vintage flea market. It was SO cold, it stayed with me until I went to bed that evening, but it was so worth it for the goodies I found. And that bear, he looks so comfortable where he's made his We've had the same issues with rabbits and squirrels getting into our plants, too. Frustrating to say the least!

    1. Something is munching away at my mixed green seedlings in the veggie garden - every time a seedling pops up, the next day it's just GONE - so frustrating!


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