Sunday, July 3, 2016


Breakfast is over, my belly is full, and the kitchen is clean once more. 

The dishwasher is humming away happily, and there's a gentle breeze making the dining room curtains dance at the windows. 

The birds are singing from the treetops, and the sun is shining. 

Fat, fluffy clouds drift by in a blue, blue sky. 

And I am completely and totally content. 

My house is quiet, it's just me and the pups today. 

Both of my daughters are away, and Sweetie is back at his house. 

And for once, I have no social or work commitments to think about. 

My day is my own....I'm free to do as I please. 

Isn't it amazing in this busy world we live in that having a day with no plans can be so exhilarating?

I like my quiet time. I need it, and I crave it. 

And I get awfully cranky when my schedule is too full. 

I have a stack of books and magazines next to my chair calling my name. 

My DVR is full of shows I've recorded but have yet to watch. 

And there are blogs out in blogland waiting to be explored. 


  1. :) You and I are on the same wavelength today. :) I just posted a very similar blog post. Enjoy your peaceful day for just you.

    1. And the very same to you, my friend and kindred spirit!!

  2. A day of bliss, doing just what you want. Heaven!

  3. Enjoy this rare and beautiful day!

  4. We're a lot alike, as you already know. And the mountains are right outside your window, you lucky girl. I had to take all my house plants outside due to gnats. How on earth do you keep them out of your plant soil? Happens to me every year when I buy plants.

    1. I don't usually have a problem with gnats in my houseplants....but you could get insecticidal soap and spray the heck out of them before you bring them back in. That should take care of the problem!

  5. So glad you have some quiet time for yourself. I love when my house is clean and my laundry is caught up. Blessings for a great day and celebration tomorrow. xoxo, Susie

    1. Thanks so much Susie! Believe me, there's lots I could have done today, I just chose not to! I really needed to relax today, the past two weeks have been insane and very stressful. Enjoy your holiday tomorrow!

  6. I love my 'me' time too, Deb. And there's that pretty kitchen window again. :)

    1. I took advantage of every second of 'me' time yesterday, Deb!

  7. Days like this are so rare! I'll whisper and say that when my family is all gone for a day I'm thrilled! Of course it's wonderful when they come back but just to have the place to myself for awhile feels pretty good. :)

    Hope you are having a fabulous weekend!

    1. That's exactly how I feel, Stacey - it's great to have some quiet time to relax and refresh....makes you appreciate your loved ones even more when you see them again!

  8. I know exactly how you feel, Debbie. Enjoy your day!

    1. I enjoyed it more than I can even tell you, Rita! I think my body and soul needed a day just like that!

  9. Your pictures EXUDE peace and contentment. Sounds like you had a perfect day!

    1. Perfect, indeed! It's truly the little things, isn't it?

  10. I have that Tasha Tudor Garden book and some of her others! Enjoy!! Nancy

    1. That's my first one....I didn't delve into it just yet, but it's taunting me right next to my chair!

  11. I couldn't agree more - my schedule fills up so fast, and when I find myself with a day with no plans, I do my happy dance! Thanks for sharing at Best Of The Weekend!

    1. Isn't it just the best, Amy? A day of our own, to do as we please....ahhhhhh!


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