Tuesday, September 20, 2016

It's Coming!

Every day brings more changes to the mountain top, now that Autumn is nearly upon us. 

The Morning Glories on the arch outside my kitchen window are drying up, ready to scatter seeds for next year's garden. 

Meanwhile, at the entrance to the veggie garden, the vines are still quite robust indeed. 

The Coneflowers are finished for the season, but the annuals around the garden are still going strong. 

The Dill in the herb boxes on the deck is done, kaput, finito. The other herbs are still hanging on and flavoring many of my meals, at least for now. 

The view from the deck is changing quickly, with color popping into the trees, more and more each day. 

The change of seasons in the Northeast is so gorgeous - I feel so very blessed to live in a climate where I have four very different seasons of beauty to enjoy. 

A scattering of leaves, for now....pretty soon it will be a carpet of vibrant color. 

Back inside the house I have started to decorate for autumn, which brings a new level of warmth and coziness to my little house. 

I can't show you much, yet, because I've been invited to take part in the Bloggers Seasonal Harvest Tour over at Cozy Little House, which is going to be taking place from October 3rd through 7th. I'm super excited - this is my very first time being included in a tour and I can't wait to share my fall home with all of you!

Meanwhile, the apple and pumpkin scented candles are scenting the air and there are warm colors both inside and out. 

And life is good. 


  1. Send fall this way! It has forgotten what time of the year it is. About 80 degrees when I get up. About 100 degrees in the afternoon. I hate the heat!

    1. I would not be comfortable with those temps at all, Brenda - yuk!

  2. I love the candles scents. Pumpkin is always a fall scent to me. I love the spicy scents best. You have sugar maples in your area. They are the best for color. Blessings , xoxo, Susie

    1. My daughters love pumpkin everything...I'm more of an apple and spice person, but it's all good!

  3. Love that last picture! Beautiful! Wow, Fall comes so early there!

    1. It sure does - we saw the first pops of color in the trees in the start of August!

  4. I bet the color change is just gorgeous on your mountain top. I look forward to seeing how you decorated for fall during the tour!

    1. It is truly gorgeous up here, Melanie, I'm so very lucky to live here!

  5. The fall colors are so beautiful on your mountaintop! I'm ready for some cooler temps, in the nigh 80's here this week. How was your soup?

    1. My soup was beyond amazing, Donna - I posted the recipe earlier this week!

  6. Your place is so beautiful any time of year! Will look forward to the tour! Nancy

    1. Thanks, Nancy - I hope you will be in your new home soon so you can do some seasonal decorating and nesting of your own!

  7. STILL in the 90s in Nashville but I am decorating for fall anyway! I can't wait to see your cozy home fall tour!

  8. I can only imagine how beautiful fall is on your lovely mountaintop. Enjoy the change of season!

  9. You live in paradise, Deb. Love how the morning glories are still beautiful as they fade.

  10. I did the fall tour last year and it forced me to step out of my comfort zone and decorate for the season more than I normally do. It was fun and I'm sure you'll have a blast.

    Today was around 80 and as you may know we are in Maine. Very unusual for this time of year.


  11. I did the fall tour last year and it forced me to step out of my comfort zone and decorate for the season more than I normally do. It was fun and I'm sure you'll have a blast.

    Today was around 80 and as you may know we are in Maine. Very unusual for this time of year.


  12. I love autumn! Looking at your last picture makes me crave a pumpkin spice latte! ;) I will be waiting for the tour.

  13. Life on your mountain top looks so nice ♥


  14. Your home is always such a cozy welcoming place, I know you will be a hit on the blog tour! Fall is definitely here, and really, I think I feel winter's breath in the air, lol! We are not even getting warm days anymore! Just highs of 50s! I love it though, and agree, the colors of this season make it absolutely incredible to see! Hugs to you today :)


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