I still have big plans for my garden cottage.
It's sort of been on hold while I tackled other things, but I want to make some progress on it this season.
It's come a long, long way since I bought the house just two years ago.
Sorry for the blurry photo, this is a photo from the original listing of the house.
See that fence to the right? There were piles of trash behind that fence. It was like a mini junkyard.
They only took photos from the front, as the side had a gaping hole that was covered with a sheet of plywood.
The other side (behind the fence) and the rear didn't even have siding installed.
The roof leaked like mad, and the floor inside was completely rotten. Plus the whole thing tilted to one side.
This was after I had it leveled, the roof repaired, those french doors installed, and a new plywood floor put down.
And this is how it looks now. I took this photo this morning, as a matter of fact.
Isn't she pretty? I love my little garden cottage.
But she still needs some TLC.
For instance, my sweetie stapled chicken wire all around the base to keep the critters out.
He's one smart cookie, my sweetie.
Then he started piling up the pavers we found in a pile at the edge of the garden, trying to conceal the cinderblocks and the chicken wire.
I added planters, to dress things up a little and detract from the pavers/chicken wire situation.
It's been like this for long enough. It's time to move on to the next step.
I bought some brown vinyl lattice to put around the base, so we can get rid of the pavers. They will be reused, as a path from the veggie garden to the patio.
After the lattice is installed, I would like to create a little curved garden to the left of the ramp. I'm not sure what I'm going to use as edging, though. I'm still considering my options.
There are some terrific edging options featured in this post from Everything Backyard.
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Everything Backyard |
I think edging made of logs would suit my little country house pretty well, but I"m not sure I'm totally sold on the idea.
Another option at my house is to use rocks, like I did around the veggie garden.
See those big stones behind the Monkey? I am planning to use them either in a garden or as the edging for a garden bed. I'm still not quite certain, which is why the stones have sat at the edge of the lawn for the past year, since Sweetie dug them up out of the lawn when he was patching the grass.
That was a rough day.
The Lilac bush from my mom and dad is to the right of the red chairs. It will be flowering soon, I'm so excited!
I'm thinking it would be nice to balance the Lilac with a tall shrub on the other side, perhaps by the corner of the shed. It would be the 'feature' of the little garden I am planning, maybe with some underplantings.
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I'm thinking a Pee Gee Hydrangea might be nice, as I always wanted to add one to my landscape. They are just gorgeous in late summer!
To the left of the cedar swing is the new garden I put in last spring. I'm pretty excited to see everything fill in and bloom, although I do have to get my butt busy weeding that garden bed!
One of the Bleeding Hearts is blooming already, I just adore that plant! I planted three, but only two came back - so sad, but I'll replace the third.
I planted colorful pansies in the pots outside the garden cottage, but some critter has been busy eating all the flowers off!
Although I really want to 'dress up' the outside of my little garden cottage, it will never, ever be a true 'she shed' as it's a hard working garden shed on the inside.
Plenty of room in here for a ride on mower, don't you think? Wink, wink!
There's a potting bench on one side. It's clean right now, but won't be for long once planting season is in full swing.
I have a few wire shelving units in the garden cottage for storage. This one holds pots of all shapes and sizes.
There's something nice about seeing all the clay pots grouped together neatly in the corner.
I save a bunch of plastic pots from the garden center for giving away seedlings or plant starts to friends and family.
This deck box is not only a place to rest my battery chargers for my Worx lawn mower and other Worx tools, but I keep bags of soil and mulch in the deck box, out of the way.
There's my little Worx lawn mower. Yup, that little baby and I work very hard together.
Sweetie installed this hook system for all my tools - isn't he the best? I love seeing all my tools hanging neatly in a row, ready for another busy day in the garden.
She's a hard worker, my little garden cottage, but that doesn't mean she can't look pretty doing it!
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Ok, maybe she won't ever look as pretty as this sweet garden cottage, but a girl can dream, can't she?
A suggestion: You know what I envision on either side of your ramp to your little garden cottage? Lattice/trellis on either side with gorgeous roses or clematis crawling up them. Or whatever your favorite climbing vine is.
That's funny because that's what I originally planned for that corner, Brenda! I wrote about it in a previous post. For some reason, now I'm thinking more an ornamental tree....but we'll see! Once I get the lattice on the bottom, maybe I'll have a clearer vision.
DeleteYour little shed will look so pretty when the flowers all bloom and you do the lattice around the bottom. I would love a shed of my very own. My hubby has a way of taking over. LOL Blessings, xoxo, Susie
ReplyDeleteHa ha, well, hubbies do have a habit of doing that, don't they, Susie? :)
DeleteYou are so lucky that you have this little cottage to keep all your garden stuff in! All we have is our garage...it's filled with our two cars and all our "stuff" is on the sides and a small area in the back. It's cluttered and disorganized. I'm going to show the photo of the hook system to my hubby - perhaps a project for him in our garage? I'll give him a hint, at least!
ReplyDeleteI am lucky, Melanie, for sure!! I actually have another shed on the property as well, but I don't use it as my daughter has all her stuff stored there from when she moved back home. Oh wait, I lied....my Christmas stuff is also in there! Only the stuff in plastic bins, because there was also a squirrel living in there!
DeleteThat is a lovely little shed, and you'll make it even more so with your plans. No reason you cannot have both a climbing trellis and an ornamental tree. Do you plan to leave it the same color, or paint it like your inspiration shed?
ReplyDeleteI think for now it will stay that color, Carole, since it's painted to match the house. But who knows in the future!
DeleteYou have a great start on this project!! I love the hook system for the tools--- looks great! Wow you have alot of flower pots!! Right now ours are in a chaotic heap in the backyard--- we need to fix that! Your shed is going to be adorable--- maybe a stone path,a birdbath, shepherd hooks with flowers, hanging ferns, a bright floral wreath on the front door, lights--- fairy lights maybe or hanging party lights? Theres electric out there right? I would definetly use lace curtains and i think i see some in your pictures. Those garden flags are also pretty-- do you like those?-- lots of different sizes. And WINDoW BOXES---i just think window boxes would set the whole thing off with bright summer blooms and vines trailing down.....
ReplyDeleteWow, when you dream you dream BIG and in Technicolor, don't you? I love it!! Yes, yes, and YES PLEASE!! I had electric ran to the shed when I had an electrician here doing other things. I have plans to add lights outside, not quite sure the plan yet, but most definitely. I love the idea of a birdbath, also - thanks for all the inspiration!!
DeleteThis has come a long way ! :)
ReplyDeleteI was just standing on the back porch inhaling the lilac scent..I have one planted next to the porch and it is full bloom right now :) Enjoy when yours starts !
How awesome, Deb - I can imagine how lovely it would be when you have your windows open, also, to have that lilac scent in the house!
DeleteThere is definitely room for a riding mower! Yup, gotta have a way to keep the critters from breeding under the building. You have everything organized so well. Oh yes, windows boxes would be dandy. Our shed houses several galvanized lidded cans with chicken feed and other things for the chooks. When I cleaned and organized the shed a few years ago, I took permanent markers and drew an outline and labeled the hand tools. Guess who didn't read the memo on keeping the place looking neat. Hmm, wonder who that cowboy-hatted fella is...ha!
ReplyDeleteI have to admit, mine doesn't stay this organized all the time, either, Donna! Last fall when I brought everything in from the garden, I shut the door and didn't look at it again until Spring! I took a couple of hours a few weeks back and sorted it all out again, but once we are in full gardening mode, no doubt it will be a bit of a mess again. Oh well, can't do it all, not enough hours in the day!
DeleteYour shed is a great size! You've really made it 'yours' in the past two years. It will only get better.
ReplyDeleteHappy Spring ~ FlowerLady
It will most definitely only get better, Lorraine! I look forward to the project, and I hope my sweetie will help me get the lattice cut and hung....I guess if I ask him nicely, huh? :)
DeleteIsn't it just the most fun to have a project?! This is the cutest little cottage ever, and I can imagine it finished in any number of styles. I'll be looking forward to seeing what you do with it so that I can live vicariously through you.
ReplyDeleteI seem to always have at least one project in the works, Pattie! I need a clone in order to get it all done and also work full time! Oh well, I do it in bits and pieces, and eventually it gets done!
DeleteWhat a great shed, Debbie, and you've already implemented some great changes. That would be a fun project to look forward to, even if it's just your place to get down & dirty with routine gardening. I love all the organization!
ReplyDeleteI originally thought I would try and make it really 'cute' on the inside, Rita, but it turns out I really do get down & dirty with all my gardening, so it needs to be far more functional than cute! However, who knows in the future what improvements I might make to the inside as well!
DeleteThat is a wonderful shed, Debbie, and the outside is darling. And, like our outside building, the inside is hardworking and smells of oil...lol Glad you have a spot like this to work and at least you have a cute corner there! xo Diana
ReplyDeleteHa ha, Diana, the inside of mine smells like manure and compost...oh, and these little pine sachets I toss around as rodent repellent!! It's a nice place to putter in on a rainy spring day, with all the doors thrown open!
DeleteIt looks great, Debbie. You have done a lot of work. I am so impressed with the size. I didn't expect it to be so large inside. Lucky gal!
ReplyDeleteMy daughter threatened to move in there and make it her tiny house when she first saw it, Kim!!
DeleteI've always wanted a Peegee Hydrangea. They're so pretty and I think it'll look lovely :)
ReplyDeleteI have a huge shed out back and a potting shed I haven't done a thing with. I really need to get to it this year. Hopefully I will :)
Aren't we so lucky to have all that storage space, Rue?
DeleteWell yes, she sure is a cute little thing. I want one. One day...some day.
ReplyDeleteYou have the spot all prepared for it, Laurie, so it's just a matter of time....and I can only imagine how cute it will be in that garden of yours!
DeleteDarling Cottage Garden shed and so functional also! Nancy
ReplyDeleteVery functional, Nancy! The potting bench got used this weekend, as did a number of the tools!
DeleteI love your garden shed and she sure had come a long way since you first moved into your home!
ReplyDeleteWithout a doubt, Debbie - she was a hot mess when I bought the house!
DeleteI can't stop laughing. Your 'shed' is about the size of my whole house. Still, I don't have to worry about bears in my garden. I do enjoy your blog. Blessings and Peace.
ReplyDeleteI'm curious about the square footage of your house, Lesley? I actually love tiny houses, probably because I grew up in a small apartment in NYC. I actually did not want a big house when I was house hunting....nor did I want granite counters or stainless appliances, go figure!!
DeleteSpring looks lovely there, Debbie...I love your garden she'd! Our lilacs are just about to burst into bloom, too!
ReplyDeleteThey were so close yesterday, Linda, but I'm sure today's snow squalls and cold temps won't help!
DeleteSo cute! I wouldn't trade it for anything. You've done a wonderful job on it.
ReplyDeleteI grew up where lots of lilacs bloomed, but none here. We have crepe myrtles instead, (but I still like lilacs better :)
I tried to grow a crepe myrtle once, Leigh, in my house down in the valley, and although it survived, it never bloomed. Sad!
DeleteI love your garden shed and it must be so nice to have somewhere to put garden stuff and close the door! I just know you will make it look all pretty and cozy, like your home, in no time.
ReplyDeleteIt's one of those projects I really want to take on, but other more pressing projects take up my free time, AnnMarie. At least I have the lattice in my garage now, so it's just a matter of time before I get started! I had it delivered with all the wood to repair the veggie garden, which worked out well because it would never, ever fit in my Subaru! :)
DeleteI'm so impressed with how organized the inside of your garden cottage is, Debbie. Mine desperately needs work, but it's been so cold and rainy here I haven't felt like tackling it. You've done a great job of fixing it up, and it looks super cute.
ReplyDeleteIt won't stay that organized all the time, in the height of the season when I'm exhausted after a day in the garden I sometimes get lazy! Maybe I'll make that a goal this year, to put my tools back every day. Ha, we'll see!
DeleteWhat a sweet little cottage... and so useful too. :)
ReplyDeleteIt's a bit of a mess right now as planting season is in full swing! Oh well, it's a working cottage, no doubt!