Friday, April 6, 2018

This & That...And Where The Heck Is Spring?

It's in the 20's here and snowing like mad at the moment. 

Seriously, I'm over it....where the heck is spring?

Light snow my butt. I can barely see outside my window. 

There's no end in sight, either. Every weekend I hope and pray I can get something done out in the garden, but the weather is against me. 

I know it's only April and we don't expect to be out of the frost period at this point....but it sure would be nice to be able to see the ground and be able to do a little property cleanup!!

I guess I'll be focusing on inside chores once more...which is fine, there's plenty to do, I'm just really anxious to get things cleaned up outside. There's a ton of damage from Winter Storm Riley, lots of broken branches to deal with, not to mention half my driveway is in the drainage ditch from the snowplow. And that's in addition to the bazillion other spring chores I need to do. 

Perhaps I can at least get into my garden cottage and start doing a little spring cleaning in there. It's still quite the mess from the fall garden cleanup, and every spring I must go in and get it ready for another busy gardening season. It's the perfect rainy day chore, I must say - I throw the doors open and listen to the rain while I putter around inside, tidying up garden pots and tools and sweeping out the dust and dirt of the winter. It always feels wonderful when it's done!

I'd love to get into my perennial bed as well to cut some things back, but I haven't seen my garden steps in weeks, they are still buried under at least a foot of snow or more. Sigh.

I wonder what the daffodils think that are planted along the steps? 

Meanwhile, in my dining room these sunny tulips are still shining away - it's been nearly two weeks, I can't believe they are still going strong! The hyacinth in the guest bath is on its last legs, and the daffodils in the living room gave up the fight a few days ago. That's ok, in the fall I'll plant all the bulbs in the garden, and look forward to their spring beauty for years to come. 

Just because the weather's been awful doesn't mean I haven't been busy with my early spring chores! The first round of seeds have been planted in the utility room, and have already started to sprout. 

The Leeks were first to pop, followed by the Basil and Thyme, and then the Squash. The Sunshine Winter Squash I have planted for the past few years, these seeds are on their 3rd season by now and still incredibly viable. The Acorn Squash and Butternut Squash seeds were from squash I bought at the farmers' market in the fall. When I cooked them, I washed and dried the seeds and will have seeds for ages, I got so many out of them! I wasn't sure if I did it correctly and if they would sprout but they sure did!

The seed companies would like you to believe that you need to replace your seed stash every season. Last year was the first time I set out to prove them wrong, and I was completely correct in my assumption that if the seeds are properly stored they will last for multiple years. I keep mine in the fridge downstairs, and even the thyme seeds (which are at least 5 years old now) have sprouted!

I think if you purchase from a really good seed company you are more likely to get that longevity out of them. I only buy from Johnny's Selected Seeds now, and have for the past 3 or 4 years, and I swear by them. They are nearly 100% viable which means less seed waste and I have seen that even in subsequent seasons their viability rarely diminishes. 

Back upstairs, I started a pot of what I call my 'garbage broth' - it's truly amazing to me what you can make from the scraps that would otherwise be thrown away. My friend Pattie over at Olla-Podrida Blog was the first to bring that to my attention. 

I have been making broth forever, but using Martha Stewart's method, which involves halving whole onions and garlic and throwing them in along with stalks of celery and carrots. Well, Martha has tons of money so I guess she doesn't have to be more frugal, but most of the rest of the world doesn't have that kind of money to toss around! So if there's a way to reduce grocery bills by even the smallest bit, I'm going to jump on it. 

Pattie's method involves saving your scraps that you cut off the onions, garlic, celery, and other veggies when making other meals - toss the scraps in a gallon size Ziploc bag and store them in the crisper drawer in the fridge and when the bag is full it's time to make broth. 

I also keep the carcasses from roasted chickens in the freezer, along with mushroom stems, cheese rinds, and whole peeled garlic cloves. I toss them all into the crock pot, along with bay leaves, parsley, peppercorns, and a little Vermont Country Seasoning. I put the lid on, turn it to low, and leave it for a minimum of 24 hours. 

May I just say BEST BROTH EVER!!!!  

I had never used peppers in the broth in the past until my friend Melanie over at Comfy House used peppers in her broth one day and posted the picture on her blog. I asked her if it changed the taste at all, and as it was her first time experimenting with peppers she was kind enough to follow up with me afterwards and confirm it did not! If anything it makes the flavor even richer in the broth, so I'm all over that. 

Anyway, the weather is looking so awful for the next few days it feels as if a big pot of soup may be in order. 

I honestly can't wait to be pulling fresh greens out of my garden for a salad, but for now this will have to do!

I leave you with a couple of cute photos of the two younger pups enjoying some afternoon play time. Little Miss Molly insists on dragging that ripped up old blue monkey around, which is a riot as it's nearly as big as her!

Monkey just usually wants someone to throw her toy so she can go chase it. If she doesn't get what she wants she will make sure you know she's not happy about it!

We love them to bits and this is our entertainment when we get home from work in the evenings. 

Best show ever, and I wouldn't trade it for the world!


  1. The blue monkey made me laugh. Hope you get some warm weather soon. Meanwhile, Its great you have started your little harvest inside.

    1. I'm hoping, Lisa!! I need to get out in the fresh air for a while, I'm craving it at this point!

  2. Molly is so adorable! My Sally looooves her toys too and takes them all out of the toy basket one by one in the morning after I've cleaned them all up.

    this snow is UNREAL!!! UN... REAL.

    1. I can't tell you how many times in a day I clean up all the toys....and then they pull them out again....rinse and repeat!! Monkey is a punk, though - she'll stand at the toy box and bark for us to come over and take out every single toy until we get to the one she has in her little crazy mind. Molly will just grab her own toy and happily go about her business, running around showing it to everybody - she's such an easy little dog, I'm so delighted she's part of our little family now!!

  3. I feel your pain here on Staten Island, where it's a little warmer, but still too cold for me. I've had it with this weather!
    Last year was our first time having a vegetable garden and i'm so excited to do it all again this year, and I just want to get outside and clean up the yard and start!
    Hopefully it'll warm up soon.

    1. Hi Lisa - I've had it, too!!!! I still have a foot of snow on my deck and on my garden steps - it's crazy! Saturday is supposed to be around 60 here and I'm off work so I will spend the whole day in the garden!! I'm so excited! I know I'll be exhausted by the end of the day, but isn't it the best to walk around after you've raked out garden beds and see everything that's starting to come up? Love it!!

  4. Praying you get warmer weather soon. We cleaned out our herb and veggie garden today. Felt good to dig in the dirt again.
    I think I spend the better half of my day picking up dog toys. LOL

    1. Good thing I have my seedlings in the utility room to keep me busy!! I'm also potting up all the geraniums I far it looks like most of them are going to come back - fingers crossed! The smell of the dirt makes me's like another form of aromatherapy for me!

  5. We're expecting snow here this weekend, too. Again. The six inches we got on Monday is still sticking around, too. I am so over it. Spring. Where are you, is right!

    1. Soon my friend....soon. Before long you'll be burying your toes in the warm sand once more, and I'll be spending time on my swing!

  6. It is snowing right now. I was also wanting to get into perennial beds a week ago to cut back a few remaining plants that I didn't tackle in the fall. Too late now. Your seedlings look great - you'll be ahead of the game when you can manage to get them in the ground. -Jenn

    1. There's a warm up happening this weekend and I can't WAIT!!!!!!! Now if I just had about 3 more of me to help out that would be awesome!

  7. I love how you busted the marketing myth of seeds needing tossed after the envelope expiration. And your garbage broth. Love it. It's very cold here today, scant snow, but still....insane.
    Enjoy your weekend, Debbie.

    1. I can't believe even you are having cold weather, Rita - I thought your garden would be in full swing by now!!

  8. Monkey is one of the cutest dogs ever. Love the terrier breed.

    1. She's a little rascal, my little Monkey, Bonnie! She and Molly couldn't be more different, that's for sure, and poor Lily just sleeps most of the day now - but I love them all equally!!

  9. You are not alone in wanting to get out in the gardens! We have spinach, radishes, turnips and lettuce up in the garden. So far the cold temps haven't hurt them. Our cilantro comes up volunteer and was in the bed the whole winter. Your dogs are adorable. The Chis don't really care for toys...but open a package and they are right there for a handout. Yes, glad you told us about keeping's all about the $$$. xoxo

    1. Wow, so much growing already for you, that's awesome!!! Our gardens are still frozen so we can't plant anything just yet....I need to get in there and clean them out and get some compost worked in. Soon!! Once I do that I can plant the garlic, onions, peas, radishes, and lettuce...I do see some garlic coming up from last year so that's exciting - I guess I missed a few!!

  10. It was in the twenties here last night and snowed. I brought Jade the tree in before dark. Love your babies!

    1. Good thing you did, Brenda!! I finally bought some violas and I can't wait to pot them up this weekend!

  11. Yeah. Spring. We had ours in January and February. Then in March and now April we are having winter. My poor fruit trees started blooming in late February (about a month early), then we had several epic snowstorms and freezes. It wiped out most of our almond crop and a lot of our apricot blossoms froze also. Luckily, the apple and cherry trees hadn't bloomed yet. The peaches had just started to bloom when it was snowing, and I haven't been able to assess the damage to them yet. Needless to say, my vegetable garden is pretty empty except for the last of the broccoli and celery. I am just itching to get some dirt under my fingernails! Your pups are so cute and I am sure they are very snuggly...please give them a snuggle for me!

    1. Awww that's too bad, Vickie - what a shame to lose a whole crop like that when you've worked so hard for it! Hope your house is coming along nicely, can't wait to see more!

  12. Sorry to read that you are having more snowy weather. Hope sunshine comes your way soon.

    We need rain down here in s.e.FL. Things that don't get hand watered or where I put the sprinkler have turned to straw and leaves are falling from trees and shrubs. I can use sprinklers 3 days a week, twice a day. Hand watering can be done any day. I have to pay for water, so watering grass is not an option for me.

    It is sunshiny, partly cloudy and windy here today. Rain is predicted for tomorrow.

    Have a nice weekend with your pups ~ FlowerLady

    1. Wow, Lorraine, I really hope you get some steady rain soon!! I don't pay for water since I have a well but I have to be very cautious with my usage so I don't run out of water. Gardener problems!!

  13. The only good that is coming out of this never-ending cold weather is that I am cleaning out cupboards and closets that are long overdue! Looking ahead to a city garage sale in June (warm weather) to sell it all! Your plants will be all ready for the ground by the time it defrosts.....

    1. That's a good plan, AnnMarie! Yes, I'm getting some inside work done also but I'm still itching to get out and play in the dirt!!

  14. Awww Molly and Monkey look so happy with the chewy toys. I am so over this winter too. We are about 30 degrees below normal here in Illinois. I am not sure how made Mother Nature angry but they better apologize!!! We need to see green and new life. It is not snowing here but lots of rain and cold temps. Sometimes I wonder if we will just go from winter to summer and see no Spring. Gosh I hope not. That soup broth looks so rich and good. Have a good weekend.

    1. Molly and Monkey are so playful, it's adorable to watch them! Sometimes they play with each other (tug of war, we call it 'tugzies') and sometimes one of them runs away with a toy and the other will take's so cute to watch! Monkey can't catch Molly, she's too quick!!

  15. Goodness, winter has been putting up a good fight everywhere! Luckily here our snow has mostly melted, but we have had really cold weather and now lots of rain. I had planned to work in the garden this weekend, that is until I saw the forecast... rain! So, now I am being very productive, and getting caught up on my much overdue blog reading and posting! I've started my seeds as well, and this year I ordered from Gurney's, but I might consider trying Johnny's next year at your recommendation. I will see how things go this year with my seeds. I have been crazy busy with my chickens, as I now have 42 chicks, and I have to check on them quite often. They are so entertaining though, I don't mind. Always enjoy seeing pictures of your sweet dogs! That Molly, she is the cutest little thing, I just adore her! Enjoy your weekend, hopefully your snow melts soon!!!!!

    1. I'm praying most of the snow will be gone by the weekend, Marilyn - I should be able to spend some time in the garden on Saturday so that will be just wonderful! Johnny's are amazing seeds, I don't order from anyone else now! Almost 100% germination rate - no waste!

  16. I know! This weather is crazy! Even here in NC it’s near freezing at night, and today was too cold to go bike riding, so we bundled up and took a walk. I can certainly imagine how frustrating it must be, especially for an intrepid gardener like yourself.

    I hear you about the veggies. I usually put them in the freezer though. I’m afraid if I didn’t they would go bad before I had a chance to use them up. That pot looks amazing Deb!


    1. In the summer I may freeze the veggies, Doreen, but in the cold months I make so much soup that I'm making broth regularly. Hope your house build is coming along well, can't wait to see it all done and decorated!!

  17. Hang in there...SPRING HAS TO COME EVENTUALLY! I can't wait to see your garden this year!

    1. Same here, Ellen!! I love watching to see what you're doing with your house every year!!


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