Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Mid November On The Mountain Top

It rained cats and dogs yesterday.
All. Day. Long.
By the time I was heading home from work, the rain was turning to ice pellets, hitting my windshield. I was chilled to the bone, and couldn't wait to mix a cocktail and sit by the fire.  

This morning, the earth was washed clean and fresh, and the sky was incredible.
Of course, I had to run back in for the camera!
It's still chilly, but the sun is shining today, and the mountains are glorious.
One of the benefits of the trees losing their leaves is that we can see the mountains all around us again!
Each direction you turn, you see the land rising all around. I love that! I never had a house with such a lovely view's such a treat!
Amazingly, after two snowfalls and multiple hard frosts, the herb garden on the deck is still producing! I love being able to walk right out my kitchen door and snip fresh herbs to use in my recipes. I wonder how long I'll be able to do that? I guess the first really heavy snowfall will take care of sad.
The only flowers still blooming are the three pots of Stock at the top of the deck stairs. Likewise, they will probably keep going until the snows kill them. Until then, I enjoy seeing a bit of color in the grey landscape.
Looking out the kitchen window, the birds have been going nuts on the suet feeder....and they love the hanging metal birdbath on the arch. Even when it freezes solid, I try to add a little warm water on top so the critters have a place to drink.
And when I tried to capture the beautiful morning light in the dining room this morning I had a little furry photo bomber in the corner!
That's ok, she's smiling.
And so am I.

Life is good.


  1. Abi always seems to manage to get in my photos. Charlie is a shy one. I love your views, from every direction. The air conditioner is running as I type, so I don't think we're anywhere near a frost.

    1. Isn't it amazing that you are still in shorts and the a/c is running....I couldn't even type yesterday I had such a chill!!

  2. Please be careful when driving in that icy stuff. I love your views. I have been thinking back to spring when you were planting all kinds of goodies at your house. You worked hard this year. I hope your winter will be comfortable . Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. I did work hard this year, Susie, you are so right! And it's not over yet - I still have many garden chores to do to truly put the garden to bed....but I suspect the snow may beat me to it.

  3. We have been having an unusually warm November thus was 60 today and 65 tomorrow. It is amazing to walk around in a tshirt outside in November! However, this is it. High in the 30's this weekend and then high in the 40's in the extended forecast with even a possible frozen mix. Waah! You are so lucky to have such beautiful views.

    1. It's relatively warm here today also, Melanie - winter weather is due to return on Saturday.....just in time for the final farmers' holiday market!

  4. Your view is just gorgeous! That is really pretty country there...kind of reminds me of the mountains where I grew up. We have had a really warm stretch but it is coming to an end this weekend....darn it. Can't believe your herb garden is still alive. xo Diana

    1. I think I better harvest some of those herbs and preserve them soon - there's no way they can keep going much longer, Diana!

  5. What a lovely is so lovely there! We haven't had our first freeze yet...a record here...but snow is predicted this weekend!

    1. Wow, Linda - no first frost yet - and it's nearly Thanksgiving!!

  6. We haven't had a snow yet here, a few flurries this morning that didn't stick at all. Tomorrow we are expecting snow, but then Friday, rain, so won't last, lol! There are beautiful blessings to every season, and in November, being able to see the mountains again, that is a treat to look forward to. Love your photo bomber, such a sweet face :)

    1. It seems the snow is moving across the country right now - we will get a bit over the weekend, no doubt, when the winter winds return to the mountain top.

  7. Your views are stunning no matter the time of year! We've got our first big snowstorm on it's way tomorrow and I've still got roses blooming in our yard. Strange weather indeed!

    Have a good weekend!

  8. Nice that you got some rain, it really does make everything feel fresh and new! Hopefully the southeast will get some of that soon. They are parched down there.

    1. We truly need the rain and snow this year - there have been all sorts of water warnings and restrictions this fall in the region after the dry year we've had!

  9. I miss my little furry photo bombers! My fish just doesn't seem to be interested in having his picture taken. ;)

    1. I bet your fish doesn't wake you up early in the morning, crying outside your bedroom door....that's a blessing!! :)

  10. It's 80 degrees today in Louisville, Kentucky. Enough already! I am so tired of hot weather. I envy your view and your weather!!! Have you ever made suet from scratch for the birds? I do occasionally and their reaction to it is hilarious. They can't get enough! The fight and squeal at each other to get to the cake until its all gone. Which happens pretty quickly!

    1. I have made suet for the birds, Diane! I used to save bacon grease and use that as the base...I guess I just got lazy!

  11. Your views are so pretty and I love how the birds just know where they can get a good meal.

    1. I had 6 blue jays on the flat feeder at the same time the other morning, Laurie - I just couldn't get a photo of it through the windows that need a good cleaning at the moment!!

  12. LOL love your little photo bomber! Your views of the mountains are stunning. Our weather here today in Illinois is 70 which is way above normal for us. The reality of the midwest weather is going to set in this week end. They said dropping to the 30's and 40's. Loving this mild season while we can.
    Have a great rest of the week and weekend.

    1. Winter weather is surely moving in across much of the country, it seems, Kris! Be safe and warm!!

  13. I love the mountains and always have. My goal is to live in the Smoky Mountains or Blue Ridge Mountains one day and have beautiful views in every direction. I love the views you gorgeous! Love your little photo bomber also! Love and hugs!

    1. I truly hope some day you accomplish that goal, Benita!!

  14. The view from your home is magnificent! I would imagine that it feels like you are safely tucked in while the mountains stand as sentries protecting you from the outside world.

    Be blessed my friend!

    1. It's wonderful to be in my cozy warm home looking out at all the beauty around me! On my way into the driveway yesterday I stopped to watch a young buck in the woods - glorious!

  15. Something to enjoy in every season at your house! Darling little photo bomber! Nancy

  16. Very pretty Fall scenes and love that blue jay!

  17. I think the photo bomber steals the show sometimes :) Well in my book that little cutie does :)

  18. I love that photobomber because I am a dog lover :)

    I like the view of the mountainside and you are lucky to live near the seems a very solemn and and perfect place to contemplate. I just like being near with nature. There is something special about living there than in city life for me.

    Happy weekend!

    1. Same for me, Piccolina - I can't stand the hustle and the bustle of the city for very long any more!

  19. You have gorgeous views to would be wonderful to come home from a stressful day and just look around. Your four legged photo bomber is adorable...

    1. I never forget for a moment how blessed I am to have made a life in such a gorgeous area, Donna - it was a risky move to change my whole life and move up here but I have never regretted it!

  20. Your views are so pretty. We have been working hard clearing land and brush so we can see.

    1. I'm sure you are so excited to have all the hard work behind you, Valerie!


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