Tuesday, November 29, 2016

A Woodland Forest Christmas

Boy, it was tough not to share this with you before now.....but I feel like there's some sort of law out there that says that even if circumstances and busy schedules force you to decorate for Christmas even before Thanksgiving.....heaven forbid....there's no way you can let anyone know!

Well, that's exactly what happened with us this year. 

The girls and I have a tradition that we always decorate the house the weekend after Thanksgiving. 

Just the three of us. 

No boyfriends, no sweeties, no buddies. 

Nope, not allowed. 

We play Christmas music the whole time....while my younger daughter dances around the living room like a psychopath. 

At the end of it all, when everything is all clean and sparkly and festive, we snuggle in and watch a sappy Christmas movie together. 

With a cocktail, of course. Usually eggnog....but this year since we are all watching what we eat and drink, Prosecco was the beverage of choice. 

It's just the way it is. A much loved and anticipated tradition to kick off the Christmas season. 

However, this year my older daughter's insanely busy schedule meant that we had to move things up a weekend. 

Which actually turned out ok, since we ended up getting 15 inches of snow that night - what better time to decorate for the holidays?

We kept it pretty simple this year. 

Last year was our first Christmas in the house and I think I needed to go a little overboard....which I did...and I loved how festive everything was. 

This year, I wanted to keep it a little simpler, yet festive, and I think we succeeded. 

I had a 'theme' in my mind of a woodland forest....inspired, no doubt, by what's right outside my window. I just wanted a lot of trees around, some lit and decorated, some plain. 

Every year I add to my tree collection...this year I picked up a set of two small lit trees during a sale at Hayneedle. 

There's a collection of trees on the mantle and hearth. I'd like to add some fresh greens....maybe....but I haven't bought any pine roping yet this year. 

And maybe I won't even bother...who knows. 

There's a lit tree in the corner of the dining room, on the bar. I'm not sure why I don't have a photo of it...yet. 

That's ok, you all know how obsessed I am with my dining room, so no doubt you'll see a million photos of it between now and the New Year. 

This sweet little tree was my purchase last season, and it sits on my dresser next to my cute sparkly snowman. 

The tiny tree and festive pillow are all the bedroom needed to move from fall into holiday mode. Winter wonderland indeed!

I love my master suite. If you haven't checked it out, here's a link to the post all about how my suite was created out of two boring bedrooms, into a place I just adore spending time in. 

Sorry, I got a little sidetracked there. Hehe. Oops. 

Of course, the little monkey had to get in on the action!

I think she looks great decorated for the holidays! 

Have you started your holiday decorating yet? Do you have a favorite holiday tradition?


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  1. Oh what a great tradition to do with your girls. I have a 25 year old living out on her own now. She is home all weekend after Thanksgiving. We always have put the tree and decorations on Thanksgiving night. We do very little as I usually do not have any company during the holidays. bummmer. We put up a tree while listening to Christmas music and drink hot chocolate. Nick will help with anything high. A small tree sits beside the bed in my daughters bedroom and the mantle in the den is decorated. I love Christmas time.

    1. I think that's when this tradition began, the year my older daughter went away to college, Lisa. She'd only be home for Thanksgiving weekend, and then not again until Christmas break, so we got in the habit of putting up the tree the day after Thanksgiving. It just stuck!

  2. It's beautiful and hey thats my tradition too! I do all my Christmas stuff the weekend after thanksgiving :)

    1. It's nice to have it done early so you can enjoy all the decorations that you work so hard on for a while, Ellen!

  3. Your home looks very lovely an I really like all of your trees! Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. I love that you daughters and you have your own traditions. My girls used to go home in the early evening from mommmy's house on Thanksgiving day...they would play Christmas records...yes, old LP's. That how they learned all the song of Bing Crosby. Now they play all kinds of Christmas music...but the days of just the girls is long over...they all have families now. I loved seeing how you decorated last year. So I will be looking forward to more photos of your lovely home. Blessings to you honey, and your sweet girls. xoxo, Susie

    1. The girls both have boyfriends but no ring on the finger yet....so they still belong to me, ha ha! I can still say this is girls only....at least for now!

  5. Oh it all looks wonderful. I love the grouping of trees by the fireplace, so pretty and your master bedroom is gorgeous.

    1. Thanks, Marty - thinking of you and your busy home as you pack up and get ready to move!

  6. I am loving your Christmas decor - and I agree that simpler is better! One of the delights of having daughters is that they will help you decorate. Tim has no desire to help me decorate...he and Phil didn't even like to when they were little! They'd put their ornaments on the tree and that was it. So I do all the decorating by myself, which gets a little depressing. Sometimes I wonder why I bother, but I guess it's because *I* like it. :-)

    1. I have to say the girls aren't the best either, I really have to keep them on task. Putting the ornaments on the tree is always their job, though....after I've dragged in all the boxes, put up the tree, decorated the rest of the house....it is a lot of work, but I can't imagine Christmas without it!

  7. What a fantastic tradition you have with your daughters. Everything looks beautiful and I especially love that Winter Wonderland pillow in your bedroom.

    1. I have to bet that was a PB pillow cover....no doubt, Courtney!

  8. Lovely rooms, wonderful tradition. Your precious little dog even looks like he's (she's?) enjoying the lights.

    1. Oh I don't think she was one bit happy with all the hustle and bustle of the day....nor did she care for us dressing her in lights! Oh, and there was the incident when she was dressed in the tree skirt - she didn't seem to like that too much either - ha ha!

  9. Looks wonderful. I really like to enjoy Thanksgiving and fall decorations then begin Christmas! Love the tradition with you and your daughters. Pupster is adorable. Rhonda

  10. Your woodland tree looks beautiful, Deborah. I love Christmas trees, too, and have quite a collection which I will display this week. Keeping traditions in families is so important even if the timing changes once in awhile. Enjoy your tree.

    1. Thanks, Deb! I turn on my tree first thing in the morning, to enjoy with my coffee - I turn it off when I go to work, and then back on as soon as I walk in the door! Love it!!

  11. Your tradition with your girls sounds fabulous...before or after Thanksgiving! :)

    1. It's so much fun, Kim - I hope you have an equally awesome tradition in your sweet family!

  12. Fun tradition, Debbie! Your home is so pretty dressed up for the holidays! I have been decorating slowly, but it's getting there!

    1. I definitely didn't do as much this year....and that's ok!

  13. I love your Christmas tradition with your girls. How very special and I hope it continues for years to come for you all. :) Your home looks lovely Deborah and what a perfect weekend to decorate. I am jealous of all your snow. :)

    1. All that snow is now gone, Debbie - but we got a little last night, and it's forecasted for all week, an inch here...two inches there!

  14. WEll it all looks so cozy and inviting! Love lots of trees as well. I wish I knew how to keep things simple. I just always feel that I need to use all of my treasures. lol! Love your little tree in the bedroom! I did my basement the weekend before Thanksgiving. I'm much slower than I use to be and it was nice to have that behind me.

    1. I think if I used all my treasures my home would look like the clearance aisle at the five and dime, Jann - :)

  15. it looks beautiful! Love the new little tree on the dresser, it looks perfect there and the pillow on the bed..so pretty! Y'all did a great job and your big tree is very festive and happy!

    1. Thanks so much!! I love the soft glow of that tiny tree in the bedroom - it makes me so happy when I settle into bed with my book!

  16. I love how you've carved out some girl time and kept it sacred. Your house looks so warm and inviting. Enjoy your winter wonderland, even inside!

    1. We had another amazing girls' day yesterday, with a Christmas show at a local playhouse followed by the MOST scrumptious dinner! It was heavenly!

  17. I love your woodland theme! I am going in that direction this year too, but my home is in town so there is nothing woodland outside my window. So nice you were able to have that special decorating time with your girls...everything looks great!

    1. Can't wait to see what you do with your holiday décor, Karen!

  18. A woodland forest...perfect! It's all so cozy looking, and I love your tradition.

  19. So pretty. Everything is cozy and pretty. Love your little monkey too. Just want to kiss on him. He is super sweet.

    1. She's a little cheeky bold brat, that Monkey, but I love her to bits!

  20. Your little monkey is just way too adorable! Love him :)

  21. Love what you've done with your holiday decorations! That's a very special memory with your girls. Fifteen inches of snow is a bunch...we're still in the 50's here. That little monkey is too cute...does he like to cuddle?

    1. She loves to cuddle!! She jumps from lap to lap....leaving hair behind on everyone's clothes, oh well!

  22. Oh, that little Monkey! Like my Abi. Always up to something. Your home is so pretty. It must have been magical with all that snow falling while you three decorated away.

    1. It really was, Brenda...I wish I could bottle those memories!

  23. Debbie, your home is absolutely inviting and cozy. No wonder little monkey didn't mind being all wrapped in lights - it just ratcheted up the cozy factor! I just finished my decorating on this rainy Wednesday, and hope to clean up and get some photos in the next couple of days, as I'll be participating in an open house next week. Come by and visit during the holidays!
    Rita C at Panoply

    1. For sure, Rita!! For some reason I often have trouble leaving comments on your blog, I'm not sure why....I think it depends on which computer I'm accessing it from. Weird!

  24. I love the woodland theme.my theme is more playful this year. XO Laura

  25. Love that tradition you have with your daughters! Everything looks so beautiful! Sooooo jealous of your snow!! Love and hugs!!

    1. You wouldn't be jealous of the shoveling, Benita - ha ha!!

  26. How fun. I was enchanted. I always decorate on Thanksgiving weekend too.
    This year we started the week before. I'm still adding finishing touches!
    I loved your post! I'd love for you to come over and link this and all your Christmas posts at The Count Down To Christmas party!
    Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks for your visit - what fun, a countdown to Christmas!

  27. I love your all white living room with your beautiful stone fireplace. It looks so comfy and cozy all decorated for the season! I've usually got our house all decorated by the end of Thanksgiving weekend, but I've hardly started. I better get a move on! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Sometimes life gets in the way of the best laid plans, Vickie! It was nice to have it done early, although it felt weird being done before Thanksgiving!

  28. Everything looks beautiful! When my kids were still at home we decorated Thanksgiving weekend. I haven't done one thing this year. I love having a small tree in my bedroom ~ so cozy at night with the tiny lights on. Enjoy your lovely decor!


    1. When my kids were small we used to wait until the first weekend in December....but honestly, the amount of work that goes into decorating deserves to be enjoyed for as long as possible!


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