Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Waiting Ever So Impatiently

Here we are just days away from the official start of spring and the weather has gone from spring to winter back to spring so many times I feel like a yo-yo. 

I bet that's how all the trees and animals feel also. 

I saw two Robins mating in the back yard the other evening. 

Why, yes, I did stay and watch, thank you for asking! It was fascinating, and they didn't seem one bit bothered by my presence. 

The chipmunks have returned from winter hibernation. They are a most welcome sight!

Thankfully I haven't seen sign of my bear just yet. 

Just the same, I'm not taking any chances - the bird-feeders have to go into the garage every evening now. 

Stupid bear. 

The pansies I potted up last weekend are so happy right now and it makes me just as happy to see the little pots of springtime scattered about. 

I've been watching the forecast, hoping that the cold temps that were predicted to begin Friday night would improve. 

They haven't. 

They have gotten worse. 


Friday is going to be a miserable day with rain and snow, and dropping down in the low teens. 

Saturday night is worse. Just look at that - winter is truly going out with a bang. 

Things start to improve on the following Wednesday, so my little pansies will need to go into the garage for just a few nights, it seems. 

Better safe than sorry!

I wonder about the strawberry plants? I had overwintered them in my little garden cottage - will it be safe to leave them out at this point? They are hardy little buggers for sure. 

I started giving some of the pots - including the strawberry pots - a little soil boost, using one of my all time favorite products. 

Buy it at Gardeners Supply Company
I empty out most of my pots in the fall but for the larger ones that stay out all year, or any I successfully overwinter in the shed,  this stuff is the best. 

Just a little handful worked into the top layer of soil will give your potting soil new life. It saves both your back and your wallet by not having to replace the soil each and every year in your container gardens. Win/win!

Meanwhile, I have lots to keep me busy as I get ready for the real spring to arrive. 

The seeds are arriving tomorrow and I have everything I need to get started on seed starting for this season. 

The new garden swing has arrived and is awaiting Sweetie's help to assemble. 

And I saw this wicked cute idea for plant markers on Pinterest (where else?) that I would like to tackle for the veggie garden. 

I still have a lot to do outdoors to be ready for the season but I'll get it all done as time and the weather permits. 

I do feel that this balmy (weird!) winter has given me the opportunity to be ahead of the game this year - that's a fantastic feeling, for sure!

I just hope winter doesn't settle back in for the long haul now. 

I'm over it. It's time to move on. 

You and me? We're done, winter!



  1. I want winter to finished too. I loved seeing your little pots of pansies. I like your tricycle holder. Aren't those little garden markers so cute? Ted and I see a sign some times when we are out and says manure for sale. We always laugh about that selling poo. I am hoping for everything that's started growing that the cold weather won't last long. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. Ha ha isn't it funny that we buy poo??? I buy this garden soil called "moo doo" from a local garden center and it always makes me giggle!

  2. Oh my are you in for some cold dips in temperatures. I think I would take the strawberries in just to be on the safe side so that they are not tempted to go back into hibernation. ;) I'm loving the plant marker idea. We will have lots of branches to work with once hubby starts pruning things back...I do think that may need to be on the agenda for a weekend here soon. This weekend though is dedicated to helping his parents with some projects around their home that need to be done.

    1. I think you're right, I think I will have to bring the strawberries in, also. Now I'm wondering about the chives - they survived all winter in their pots outside but now they are actively growing so maybe I need to pull them in also?

    2. Chives are pretty resilient. I grow mine in pots too and just leave them outside year round. Late frosts have not killed them yet over the years. ;)

  3. I cant wait to see the flourished garden soon. I know its going to take off soon. Im just wondering whats in the glass?

    1. Ha ha that was my evening cocktail I was enjoying while potting up the pansies! :) Vodka and flavored seltzer with a little lime juice....mmmmmmm!!

  4. I love to see your pansies scattered about. It's still too cold here but I'll soon be doing the same. We have had nothing but rain the last few days but now the snow is all but gone so I'm content with that. But, we too are in for colder weather. I've been trying to keep my feeders dry and full for the hundreds of birds here. Enjoy getting ready for spring. Looking forward to more on your potting shed. :) Deb

    1. The birds are going nuts around here, too - it's so wonderful to hear all the different bird songs!

  5. Your pansies are so pretty. It's been in the 70's in Oklahoma with hot sun. Ready for it to cool off. We have grass seed all over the farm and need more rain. Send it our way please.

    1. How nice - you are making such progress!! Can't wait to see it all!

  6. The sun is shining so brightly here at 6 p.m. and it makes me so anxious for Spring (thank goodness for daylights saving time!). But we too are going to get cold weather Friday and this weekend...maybe a little snow. How nice for you to have pretty potted pansies! Say that three times!

  7. We learned VERY early on not to even try to feed the birds. We might as well put out a sign that says 'bear food. Come and get it''

    I'll try and send some warm weather your way :).


    1. Please do, Doreen! Fill up BAM with some sunshine and warm breezes and head my way!! xoxo

  8. I know how you feel. Saturday it will probably freeze. How can you tell they're mating? I'm uninformed...

    1. What will happen to your clematis? And your morning glory seedlings? Oh no!!

  9. I had to go back and read about that bear...yikes! We are having cold weather again here, I'm wondering about the trees that budding. It's very early for that...we've had big snowstorms in April many times...

    1. We have had snow into it's not shocking that it's getting cold again. But this has been such a mild winter I guess I just hoped spring was REALLY coming early!

  10. I'm ready for spring time too! I saw my first chippy last week and was so excited! They are just the cutest little things. It warms up here, today got up to 63 and then in a couple of days from now it's supposed to be in the teens! :) One day spring will be here. Thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

    1. It seems to be the same over much of the country - just weird, this weather!

  11. I can't wait until I have pots of pansies on my porch! Unfortunately, our weather is still cold here, too. It's only been in the 40's with lots of rain. Chipmunks are out here, too - and they're digging tunnels in my yard! I'm not sure what to do about that. Will have to do some research.

    1. They do that in my yard, also, so if you find a solution let me know!

  12. Oh my gosh that is cold!! I do so hope warm weather heads back your way soon...i know youve been longing for it! Its very warm here and i am enjoying it so much. I am sending waRm spring breezes your way!!

  13. Oh that crazy affair between winter and spring, seems it lasts forever, lol! I enjoyed your post and seeing your beautiful pansies planted, and I definitely would put my strawberries in too, just to be safe. Glad that you are seeing robins - none here, yet. As for the bear food... goodness, they can be a real problem. We didn't have a problem here last year, although we did see one a few times. I think our dogs keep them away :) I am enjoying all your anticipation for spring, I am with ya on it! :)

    1. Forever is right!! And I don't think a bear is going to be scared of my little dogs....although my little monkey thinks she's the size of a bear!!

  14. Thank you for the tip about the compost. Your yard is going to be stunning! You should share this wonderful post at Thoughts of Home on Thursday. Have a very Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  15. Same here...the temps are going to drop to hard freeze temps. That's not good for my lilac bush coming into bud a full 1 1/2 months early. I picked daffodils yesterday ( way early ) for my DIL and am getting whatever is open today or tomorrow picked before the freeze. I had to mow the grass in the backyard ...two days ago with all of our rain it turned emerald green and grew about six inches taller ....crazy!! :)
    Yes save your happy pansies :)

  16. Same here...the temps are going to drop to hard freeze temps. That's not good for my lilac bush coming into bud a full 1 1/2 months early. I picked daffodils yesterday ( way early ) for my DIL and am getting whatever is open today or tomorrow picked before the freeze. I had to mow the grass in the backyard ...two days ago with all of our rain it turned emerald green and grew about six inches taller ....crazy!! :)
    Yes save your happy pansies :)

    1. My lilacs are in full bud now, also - but the daffodils are not near blooming yet. I can't believe you had to mow the grass already - holy smokes!

  17. I am ready, but the weather is not. Snow and rain on Sunday. Love that idea of the sticks you found on pinterest.

    1. Aren't they the cutest? They will suit my little crooked country garden for sure!

  18. I saw that snow too...I am not pleased! I was enjoying the 60's and hoping that it was here for good!!

  19. We have been so blessed with warm weather, but I see that Saturday and Sunday here are going to be in the forties with a nighttime freeze. Not looking forward to that, but it will hopefully be short lived. xo Laura

    1. Let's hope and pray and keep all our fingers and toes crossed, Laura!

  20. I love the markers...Pinterest has so many awesome ideas!!

    1. I know - it's easy to spend far too much time nosing about on there!


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