Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Whispers of Spring

First of all, I want to thank all my dear readers for your sweet birthday wishes - your comments made me smile and warmed my heart and soul!

I apologize for not popping around as much these past few's been incredibly busy and I promise I'll be stopping in for a visit soon. 

We had a pretty good cold spell for the past week or so but it seems to be on the way least for now. 

The pansies have been rescued from their prison in the garage and are back outside once again, making me smile. I'll keep an eye on the forecast and can always put them back in the garage if necessary. 

I'm really and truly hoping it won't be necessary. 

Meanwhile I wanted to share a few sights that made me happy around my property this weekend - enjoy!

I absolutely love the view from my house
Sedum Autumn Joy popping up
Creeping Jenny getting ready to creep
The mystery roses I tied to the new obelisks are sending out shoots
Tiger Lilies are coming up everywhere!
A pot of Creeping Jenny I dumped into a garden bed in the fall is looking rather happy
My neigh-bors coming over for carrots and a visit
Are you Sassy or are you BJ? Either way, what a cutie you are!
Pussy Willows?
I have no clue what it is! Any ideas? 
Chives in the veggie garden getting ready to enhance a weekend omelet
One of my young Lilacs in serious bud - I hope to get some flowers this spring
The Brown Headed Cowbirds have returned - yippee!
Thanks for sharing this little snippet of my life....these are a few of the things that catch my eye when I am doing my evening walkabout with my little furbabies. 

My favorite time of the day. 


  1. I"m so excited too that Spring is starting to bloom. I planted some Lilacs at our farm a year and a half ago and a friend borrowed our mower. He insisted on doing some mowing for me around the farm and mowed down all of my new Lilac bushes I could have killed him. My hubby's nephew came to stay with us and we put him to work and he mowed down all of my new Crepe Myrtles. I'm not letting anyone else mow anymore.

    1. My ex used to weed-wack every single little thing I planted - even when I marked them with bamboo stakes and fluorescent flags!!! Did you see any new growth on your lilacs after they were mowed down? I had one that came back nicely after that tragedy!! By the way, your comment made me laugh - thanks!! :)

  2. You have the kind of neighbours I like. lol It's so fun to see what's popping up, I'm sure. It's a little early for us and we are due for one more snow-storm tomorrow. You may feel sorry for me if you wish. Deb

    1. I am feeling sorry for you for sure, Deb....we still have snow in our forecasts but nothing significant at this point. I hope it stays away - I'm so over it!!

  3. Your spring is so much like ours right now...we have the same things blooming: lilacs, tiger lilies, sedum, chives. No pussy willows on our property though - I love them. You can cut some branches off and put them in a vase - so pretty for spring. Not sure what your mystery plant is. Hopefully, someone will have an answer!

    1. That little mystery plant came over in a pot from my rental's nothing I ever planted so it's a volunteer for sure. It flowered beautifully all summer last year - I must look at photos from last year's garden and see if I can figure it out!

  4. Great photos...and you already know how I feel about your neigh-bors! In love!

    1. They gobbled up a whole bag of baby carrots that day, Kim, and were looking for more!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What a sight for sore winter eyes! Yay!!

    1. I just love walking around every single afternoon when I get home from work to see what's sprouted while I was away!

  7. Your views are gorgeous. Ahhh to wake up to that sight each day. Love Sassy and BJ coming to visit you for a sweet carrot treat. Too cute. Happy Easter.

    1. Thanks, Kris - hope you are settling into your new place ok....can't wait to see photos! Happy Easter to you!

  8. Nice to see bits of spring happening at your place. What great neighbors you have and wonderful views.

    Have a lovely Easter ~ FlowerLady

    1. It feels like a slow process, Lorraine....but I guess I'm just impatient!

  9. It's so good to see things sprouting! A neighbor, 3 blocks down the road, cut down his pussy willow bush...guess he didn't want it anymore. So another gal and I were snipping branches off to dry! Now I want a pussy willow bush in my yard! Are they difficult to grow? ;)

    1. I have no idea - this one was here growing at the edge of the driveway when I bought the house! I've never had one before....perhaps you can plant a piece of the branch and see what happens?


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